Why Does Insulin Resistance Matter? with Dr. Ben Bikman

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The focus of Dr. Bikman’s Metabolic Classroom today is to help us all better understand, “Why does insulin resistance matter?”

This week's Metabolic Classroom with Dr. Bikman delves into insulin resistance and its impact on health. Insulin resistance, involving impaired insulin function and elevated blood insulin levels, is explored as a key factor in chronic diseases. Dr. Bikman focuses on its crucial role in connecting obesity and type two diabetes, examining its effects on muscle tissue, the liver, and pancreatic alpha cells.

The delayed diagnosis of type two diabetes, due to a focus on glucose levels, is highlighted, with Dr. Bikman discussing the ongoing debate about which tissues become insulin resistant first. The complexities of insulin resistance in fat cells, muscles, the liver, and alpha cells of the pancreas are underscored.

Insulin resistance's effects on glucose clearance in muscle tissue and disruptions in the liver's glycogen storage and glucose regulation are explained. The discussion expands to its impact on pancreatic alpha cells, contributing to elevated blood glucose levels. Dr. Bikman explores the connection between insulin resistance and various health issues, including type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, Alzheimer's, hypertension, and infertility.

In examining these health conditions, Dr. Bikman challenges conventional views and emphasizes the role of insulin resistance. For instance, Alzheimer's is linked to metabolic factors, while hypertension is connected to insulin-driven mechanisms. The discussion also covers the influence of insulin resistance on infertility, affecting both erectile dysfunction and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Dr. Bikman concludes by summarizing how insulin resistance influences these health conditions and highlights lifestyle modifications as a positive intervention. The upcoming discussion on clinically measuring insulin resistance and actionable steps is teased, urging viewers to share this knowledge for broader awareness.

#insulinresistance #metabolicsyndrome #metabolichealth #type2diabetes #type1diabetes #weightloss #intermittentfasting #intermittantfasting #fasting
Рекомендации по теме

As a doctor, my entire life it always bothered me with common medical jargons like 'Idiopathic' or like 'Primary' hypertension. It always felt like a piece of the puzzle was missing.. now it all makes perfect sense. There are so many things need to be changed in the medical curriculum. Medicine needs a major paradigm shift from focusing on trying to treat everything with a pill. And we need to empower our patients with right knowledge to take control of their health.


Last year my doctor refused to order a fasting insulin for me due to having good glucose level as well as a good A1c. At the time I didn’t have a good enough understanding of insulin resistance to engage my doctor to explain why it was important to know the insulin level. After all, she’s the “doctor”. So I went on my own and got the test. Thanks Mr. Bikman. Now I have the understanding.


I am 82 and have diabeties I have stopped taking glipizide as it was upsetting my brain. Trying to eat better.


I binge watched several of these classroom sessions yesterday so I am not sure which one mentioned migraines, but I made some notes and tried a suggestion you made about low BG in the brain (low energy) being causal. So I wanted to share my results this morning. Recently I have taken to eating a snack in the evening with Lily's Dark Chocolate chips combined with ~pecans, thinking that the Erythitol would not affect my BG, but in the morning my BG would be above 100 and my ketones around .4. So yesterday I decided to skip the Lily's and in the morning my BG was 88 (which used to be normal for me) - but my ketones were still .4; and about an hour after waking I started to get a migraine which would normally last 20-30 mins. So I added some MCT, butter and sea salt to my coffee and took some BH Kentones and 10 mins later the migraine was gone before it fully developed. When I tested my BG & KT again about 30 mins later BG was 84 and KT were .7. I was fasted 14 hrs.

I have heard that sugar alcohols may affect some of us with IR similar to how alcohol can (was that you?). I thought my IR was resolved because my labs had been really good - until recently when my fasted insulin went from 3 to 11! Now I know why - I have learned my lesson about those cheat treats...thank you for educating us ❤

EDIT: It will be interesting to see if my weight loss stall improves with this change.


Q. In the absence of blood glucose, as in a low/no-carb diet, what prevents the Alpha cells from stimulating glucogenolysis?
Q. Do other cells experience hypertrophy due to IR?
I am going through your lessons on insulin resistance…in my mid 60’s, so it’s been a few years since physiology!
Thank you for putting this information out


Bravo! Ben, I could sit in your class every day. Thank you for all you do, brother!


good to see you ben! appreciate you so much ❤


Looking forward to your next book! I just got a CGM and learning a lot about my reaction to certain foods.


Thank you, Dr Bikman!! Super interesting lecture! 🤠👍🏼


These lessons are wonderfully explained. My knowledge level is on the rise. Thank you.


Thank you, Professor, this has value beyond words! I am in your classroom every day now trying to catch up, and I am absolutely using this information to teach others. Yes, I had to get out pencil and paper and I'm taking notes. Your confidence in your factual explanations gives me greater confidence as I repeat them. I will use everything you say! I'm so glad this is your aim.


Isn’t the best thing to do is just stop eating carbohydrates altogether? It just seems like there is an endless stream of problems with too much glucose. Just stop it completely and let the weight and the problems all go away.


The explanation for erectile dysfunction and PCOS is insightful. Thanks for sharing


I recommend that you use a white board diagramming the many branches your information expands. Helping the listeners with diagrams and writing down many of your acronyms will help viewers learn more. Or you can come up with your own techniques.


Dr. Bikman, you are a very talented teacher. I appreciate your willingness to not only be a very thorough scientist, but also to share with us what you know in a very understandable way. Ive learned so much from you, and feel very empowered to improve my health. Thank you!


Listened to the audio book…. Bought the book. Ben makes complete sense to me. Thank you!


Super informative! Thank you, Dr! Looking forward to the new book 😊


Could explain why IR causes skin tags?


Another eloquent and lucid presentation. Thank you.


I don’t understand the term or concept of ‘insulin resistance’. It makes no sense to me. We have become accustomed to a lifestyle of continuous glucose intake with very little physical activity. Not only do we consume high carbs at nearly every meal but in between meals, all day long, there is a constant intake of sugar through drinks, snacks, etc. It is obvious we are taking in more sugar than our body is burning for fuel. The glucose molecules circulate in our blood stream and are taken into cells that have room to absorb it. Once all of the cells are saturated with glucose, the remaining glucose keeps circulating in the blood stream. Because of the high level of remaining glucose, the pancreas keeps producing and releasing insulin. So you have a condition of high blood levels of insulin with a high serum glucose level. You have tons of circulating insulin but the cells are already saturated so there is no where for the insulin to deposit the glucose. The glucose keeps circulating until cells have utilized their glucose stores and are able to absorb more out of the blood but before this high level of circulating glucose is pulled out of the bloodstream, we keep adding to it all day long. This is not a condition of ‘insulin resistance’ it is s condition of cell saturation. That’s why, when a diabetic exercises, their blood sugar readings will lower. Exercise burns off the sugar in the muscles cells thereby making room to absorb sugar out of the circulating blood. Sedentary lifestyles that burn low amounts of sugar combined with a high sugar diet is going to result in too much continuous circulating sugar aka diabetes. The solution: vastly decrease sugar and increase activity. It’s that simple. The concept of insulin resistance is a deception. It makes you believe that you have an irreversible condition that can only be ‘managed’ with pharmaceuticals. The nutritional advise is criminal as most ‘diabetic diets’ have a high carb component. The medical and pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want to give you simple understanding of how to reverse this condition because the money lies in convincing the you that it can only be managed. With their help of course. This is not medical advise, it’s common sense.
