Dr. Benjamin Bikman - 'How insulin resistance interacts with metabolic health'

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Dr. Benjamin Bikman earned his Ph.D. in Bioenergetics and was a postdoctoral fellow with the Duke-National University of Singapore in metabolic disorders. He is currently a professor of pathophysiology and a biomedical scientist at Brigham Young University in Utah.

Dr. Bikman's professional focus as a scientist and professor is to better understand chronic modern-day diseases, with a special emphasis on the origins and consequences of obesity and diabetes, with an increasing scrutiny of the pathogenicity of insulin and insulin resistance. He frequently publishes his research in peer-reviewed journals and presents at international science meetings.

Dr. Bikman has long been an advocate of a ketogenic diet in light of the considerable evidence supporting its use as a therapy for reversing insulin resistance. His website InsulinIQ.com promotes dietary clarity, healing, and freedom through evidence-based science about insulin resistance. Employing cell-autonomous to whole-body systems, Dr. Bikman's recent efforts have focused on exploring the intimate associations between the metabolic and immune systems.

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As a GP practicing in Australia, i have shifted my attention from glucose-centric to insulin-centric model and i can attest to better health (even Diabetes Remission) amongst my patients. De-prescribing medications is now my favourite clinical goal. Thank you to Dr Bikman, Low Carb Down Under & Dr Brukner’s Defeat Diabetes Research 💫 Understanding metabolic health has made me become a better doctor. Let’s all continue the ripple effect, spread it around, one individual at a time 🌍


My father was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with his first heart attack. Over ten years he went from pills to insulin injections and died of his second heart attack. I now realize that doctors contributed to his early death, but that was 50 years ago. They didn't know better, doctors nowadays should. Thank you for spreading the knowledge.


My first indication of a problem was when I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure with no explanation other than “you are getting older”. It took a few more years but I eventually presented with elevated blood sugar and A1C approaching pre-diabetic levels. At this point I realized I had to do something or like so many others I would be put on drugs to regulate blood sugar and insulin which I decided I would never do. That is when I “discovered “ the low carb and keto diet community and realized reversing this progression is actually possible. Still dealing with metabolic syndrome but making progress.


Check out the new American Diabetes Society. Dr. Ben Bikman sits on the board.


Am a bit late in viewing this, but wanted to say a word about Canagliflozin, a SGLT2 inhibitor. I was diagnosed with T2D about 3 months ago. Along with prescribing Metformin, which reduced my appetite to 0, the doctor added Canagliflozin to help further decrease my BS levels. After reading the myriad possible side effects and other information in the pamphlet that came with this medication, it clearly states that there is a risk factor for developing DKA if you are : on a very low carbohydrate diet, have been fasting, are eating less of if there is a change in your diet. I fit all 3 criteria and no longer feel safe taking this medication. The Dr doesn't want to hear about how totally changing my way of eating is helping to reverse my T2D, even though I have lost 20 lbs so far. As a former nurse, I know I'm not supposed to stop taking medication without first consulting with a GP, but I no longer feel safe taking this SGLT2 inhibitor.


Thank you. I listen to lots of videos like this and even though I hear some of the information multiple times, I am continually adding to my understanding by hearing things again.


I'm surprised the auditorium is not packed. Maybe many watching online rather than in person.


Dr Ben speaks with great clarity, I’ve learned so much from him, thanks for uploading!


Professor Bikman has that certain tone that only comes from a person who is convinced that she/he is speaking the truth. Truth that comes from personal investigation that spans years and comes from daily study. Among the respected influencers in this space, Bikman completes the circle of truth. May you all live long and healthy and happy!


Please read the book written by Ben Bikman "Why we get sick "🙌
And give this book to your GP!


I've always loved you slides doc. Can't get it wrong with those.
Thanks for all your efforts.


I asked my doctor to stop metformin. I take the max dose. My worst problem is that I have terrible, low energy. I didn’t know until recently that metformin is contributing to this. Infuriating that my doctor does not want me to stop. Why does he not know this? I now am Ketovore so my glucose is on its way to normal.


Have you noticed how over the last few years the people that adopt a close to carnivore or carnivore diet have steadily become healthier looking, younger looking, more fit just by eating the diet our ancestors evolved to? I really hope to get there with my health.


I agree about the pill cabinet. I knew someone who had high blood pressure. He started on 2 pills. Over the next ten years he was up to 16 tablets per day. Tablets for heart disease then cancer then erectile dysfunction. Oh he went on to have chronic kidney disease and dreadful skin tags etc.


can't get enough of Dr. Ben Bikman, I am doing so much better since I first got T2 Diabetes, found Ketogenics, and then found out about Insulin resistance when Ben's name, and videos were shared with me. The rest is a history of my recovery into a much healthier body after going on 4 years, and I am almost 72 year old female ;)


In UK, struggling to get C-Peptide testing or more info.
What equipment is needed to test myself?


If this information was required for doctors and nurses the cost of medical insurance and treatment wound be greatly reduced


The Food Companies told us that we have to eat 3 times a day which is a great big Lie! Our Ancestors only ate ONCE every 2-3 days and that's if they were lucky. No surprise we are sick as fat dogs eating all day long!


I love your work Dr. Bikman and have been following you for awhile now. Recently I have heard numerous people saying that insulin resistance comes from excess dietary fat consumption and not from carbohydrates. Can you shut that idea down?


I have hypertension, but none of the other markets of metabolic syndrome. I was on med for hypothyroidism for 17 years, currently weaning off under the care of an endocrinologist who is the first doc I found who believed me that I may be on an overdose or should not be on it at all, and that it may be causing the high BP. Getting the full thyroid panel done in a month, not just the TSH the primary care doc orders. If all is well, no more Levothyroxine, then to see if the BP resolves itself in coming months.
I have a low carb lifestyle, with high total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, low triglycerides, low insulin.
