What Causes Insulin Resistance: Unpacking the Effects of Excess Fat | Mastering Diabetes

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For people with diabetes, insulin resistance is a key factor in the development and progression of the disease. In type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the condition, the body's cells become resistant to insulin's effects, and the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance. This results in high blood sugar levels, which, over time, can lead to a range of complications, including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, nerve damage, and blindness.

However, insulin resistance is not limited to individuals with diabetes. It is also increasingly recognized as a risk factor for a range of other health conditions, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and (as just mentioned) heart disease.

And if you've been in this community for some time now, you'd remember experts from the scientific community discussing insulin resistance may even contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease and even aging.

Of course, everyone wants to live a healthy and fulfilling life. And some education can go a long way. So for that, Mastering Diabetes got you covered.

Here's Cyrus to unpack more about the intricate mechanism of insulin resistance caused by excess fat and the life-saving benefits of low fat, whole food, plant-based diet.

Watch and Enjoy!
Cyrus & Robby

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I struggled with my blood sugar and weight for years. Immediately, upon adopting the Mastering Diabetes method, both dropped like they never had before! Love, love, love I can eat fruit again! 🎉


I'm a raw vegan and do not have diabetes but I enjoy this man's videos



I am diabetic type 2 and eat a complete diet full 🌝 f protein and healthy fats. ... Even some saturated

I have lost 160lb doing so. Have lowered my A1C to 5.1. And all of my lipids are within their optimum ranges.


What I have also done is avoided processed food. And large amounts of carbohydrates and sugar.
For me sugar and carbs are the culprit. Not fat.


This is the science behind what Dr. McDougal has been saying for decades based on his personal experience treating patients.


You might have a pHd but you have a fundamental misunderstanding about what causes fat to behave in the way you described.

Eating fat does not cause diabetes. You may be correct in the technical details but you mentioned "added" fat. This means invariably that adding fat to an already carb rich meal will negatively affect you glucose, as it appears in the chart. However, what if you cut the carbs completely?

I think you need to check with the most recent research. No one will heal their diabetes or pre-diabeties with this advice.


What is fiber's affect on fat/protein absorption?


So it's the introduction of carbohydrates that interferes with the mechanism. If there are no carbohydrates present then the fats and proteins move in and out of the cell without any problem as they are supposed to do.


Chronic caloric surplus (overeating) is, to my knowledge, the main cause of insulin resistance; dietary fats are probably the macronutrient that more easily can create this surplus.


Are there any t shirts that say mastering diabetes on them? I would love to buy them. I want everyone to know I’m mastering diabetes, and have it as a conversation starter to help people think about diabetes and be exposed to this powerful health-transformative info. If they don’t want to talk about it they can just see it and wonder what it’s about and maybe search it online for themselves sometime. thx for another great video and all you do :) ❤ 🌟🎉 y’all are the


How come Americans always say the word 'protein' when they refer to meat? The rest of the world doesn't use the word protein to define meat.


Do all fatty acids do this? Or just the "bad fats"?


Do you differentiate between Whole Foods plants And Seed oils?


Has this dysfunction been observed with all types of fat? i.e. saturated, mono-saturated, unsaturated.


So fat and protein causes your insulin resistance and blood sugar to go up. Why does my blood sugar remain around $100 or under even after I eat. Because I avoid starchy vegetables fruit sugar.... Avoid processed foods.
I do not mix I do not mix carbs and proteins

Carbs and fats

My A1C is in perfect range in my lipid panels are exactly where they need to be.

Please explain


The optimal diet provides your body with everything it needs to continue to sustain itself. AKA nutrition. As long as that criteria is met, you will be healthy. The body’s structure is made of and rebuilt with fats and proteins. It takes many processes and proper nutrition to accomplish this. For everyone to keep acting like the only health issue is so called insulin resistance is crazy. With this mindset all cells do is process fat and glucose for energy. So, can someone explain how cells are made? How they are replicated? Why do we need proper nutrition if that’s all cells do? Do our cells live forever? We all know the answer, the body is in a constant state of breaking down and rebuilding. We do not die with the same body we are born with. There is constant turnover of our body tissue throughout life. As far as I am aware our arteries are body tissue as well and need proper nutrition to be remade and repaired as necessary throughout our lives. None of us will live forever on this earth, so to continue to perpetuate someone will die faster because of a blood marker like LDL or triglycerides is shortsighted at best. Not obtaining proper nutrition is the driving factor of how long we can remain healthy and give ourselves the best odds for longer and more productive years on earth.


If I’m getting headaches after fruit right away is it bc I have some fat in my system? I think I’ve been stressed and low hormones and restricting foods for a long time and told its insulin resistence —I’m thin at 5’2 and 101 lbs


How do you prevent a type-1 diabetic from inducing hyperinsulinemia and type-2 diabetes with exogenous insulin on a high-carb diet?


Why there is so much of confusion and contradiction between you and jason fung, ben bikman .either you are wrong they are right or they are right you are wrong. To who should we believe im totally in confused state.


Help me understand something: is it the fat that you eat daily which blocks insulin absorption or is it the actual fat cells? Will this diet lower my blood sugar (a1c) even before I lose some body fat?


Is that all protein? Or just animal protein?
