Who is the Angel of the LORD? The Biblical Truth!

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This video is a discussion of the nature of the angel of the LORD.
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They took him to their heart!! Praise God Praise our Holy God!!


Please please please please please please please please pray THAT MY nerves are completely healed IMMEDIATELY AND automatically and permanently.. THANK you all for all your loving prayers. PLEASE spread the word.


5 For example, to which one of the angels did he ever say: “You are my son; I, today, I have become your father”? And again: “I myself shall become his father, and he himself will become my son”? 6 But when he again brings his Firstborn into the inhabited earth, he says: “And let all God’s angels do obeisance to him.”
7 Also, with reference to the angels he says: “And he makes his angels spirits, and his public servants a flame of fire.” 8 But with reference to the Son: “God is your throne forever and ever, and [the] scepter of your kingdom is the scepter of uprightness. 9 You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God, anointed you with [the] oil of exultation more than your partners.”
Heb.1. ----Pay attention


makes me tear up n all i can say is i love the lord with all my heart and will be as he wants me to be as iam and will be as he wills amen


I started to read the Bible this year and yes I do come to this confusing terms used in first few chapters in OT because I just notice that they are two way of angel being called. Angels, and angel of the LORD. I haven't finished reading the Bible but I already have a very2 strong feeling that this angel of the LORD is God.


Gabriel is “An” Angel of the Lord “jesus” is “THE” ANGEL OF THE LORD Just like he came down to Be the Son of Men and he was really the Son of God and angels Are called Sons of God people Jesus was God the father word meaning he use the word at times to be a messenger. Just remember Jacob and the Angel of the Lord wrestling and The Angel of the lord said I will bless you cause you have wrestled with God and prevailed meaning the angel that was wrestling with Jacob was God himself Jesus Christ the WORD


Sunnybobo, i' m from Indonesia, your comment seems to be in line with mine, assuredly that sometimes it took me no short time when it comes to think, who is the REAL TRUTH OF " ANGEL OF THE LORD"?_ But after I do some think of meditating by reading repetitively n ask for help the holy spirit to understand it, then i felt that The real truth Angel of the Lord, that must be Jesus Christ. Sorry my English not good.


Only God can forgive sins. The scriptures you quoted dont say only God can forgive sins, they say that God has given authority to THE SON OF MAN to forgive sins. So God can give authority to an angel to forgive sins if he wills. How do we know this because in Isaiah 6:6-7 a seraphim forgives the sins of Isaiah.

Isaiah 6:6-7
 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal in his hand, which he had taken from the altar with tongs. 7 Hetouched my mouth with it and said, “Behold, this has touched your lips; andyour iniquity is taken away and your sin is forgiven.”


ye shall live..but take heed.i am the light..JESUS Christ


You know who I think the angel of the lord is? The angel of the lord. God simply gave authority to lots of his angels to speak for him. Simple as that. Plus, the angel of the lord visits Joseph, Jesus dad, while Mary is pregnant with Jesus.


This is very good for me to have a better understanding of the Angel of the lord. In the New Testament
He is called the Angel of Light.
And Lucifer serves a great purpose. The Apostle Paul said that God has said that if a man or woman is in error in their ways.
And will not repent of their wrong's.
We are to render that person over to satan for the destruction of their flesh, for in so doing the man or woman could be saved from an even worse fate.

This is why it is important to be honest with all people's and it's satan's job to give mankind a buffeting. And to sift us like wheat.
We say why is God so hard on us?
Well for one reason, is because He's God and who are we to question His authority? Do we know what is better for our lives than God does? Who do we think that we are to take up a challange with the master mind of the UNIVERSE!
So our sins are our own fault and He said that we would pay and the penalty is death! So we cry to God and feel like God's not fair.
WRONG! GOD IS HOLY AND GOD IS LOVE AND MERCY. But God is a God of His word! If He didn't mean it He never would have said it! We have to realize that God stays the same from the beginning of time until the end of time. He doesn't move like a mobil home.
Nor will His Love for us change!
We can trust Him because He's solid love and He keeps His word to us. So the life that we live here on earth is now boot camp for a greater life in Heaven. And we will understand the whys! We will only win when we learn compleat surrender to His will. And He will show us our lives and He will say see My child you started to fall but you found out how to love just like Me. And that means to love your enemies and do them good! And obey God and His Holy Spirit will get you through to the right side.


The most high said don't worship angels but when Christ came in human form the angel of the lord disappeared


Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua is called :" The Angel of the Lord' MANY times in the bible.

The original scriptures say:" The SON of Yahweh."

EVERY reference to " THE Angel of the Lord" in the old covenant scriptures is ALWAY describing Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua.

Yahweh put His SON Yahshua in this earth with His incorruptible flesh and blood body on day one of creation and Yahshua walked this earth from day one of creation to Malachi preaching the gospel of the coming Kingdom of Yahweh to ALL nations except Israel.. Gen. 1: 3.

Yahshua walked with and spoke to Noah. Gen. 6: 3. Yahshua told Noah the YEAR of the second coming.

Yahshua walked with and spoke to Abraham. Gen. 18: 25.

Yahshua walked and spoke to Jacob. Gen. 32: 28.

Yahshua walked with and spoke to Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and ALL the prophets up to Malachi.

After Malachi Yahshua was taken back to the 3RD heaven and waited until the time written in the scripture when He would come to this earth according to Moses law.

Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua was born on the 14TH day of Tishri at 3PM in the YEAR 4, 000. According to Moses law and the prophets.

Yahshua left his incorruptible flesh and blood body in heaven and came to this corruptible earth in His corruptible flesh and blood body and walked with men for 33 and a half years and received the wages of sin.

The wages of sin is the second death. Rev. 20: 14- 15. The second death is SOUL out of existence. Eze. 18: 4 and 20.

According to Moses law Yahweh's literal genetic SON Yahshua was SOUL DEAD for 39 hours exactly. To say otherwise is to be " Antichrist." 1 John 4: 2- 3.

According to Moses Law and the scriptures Yahweh RAISED His literal genetic SON Yahshua from the second death and gave Him back His incorruptible flesh and blood body and Yahshua was taken back to the 3RD heaven to literally sit beside His FATHER.

Rom. 10: 9. Acts 1: 22. Yahshua MUST remain in the 3RD heaven until according to the scriptures it is time for Yahweh to RESTORE all things for His thousand year reign on the earth made NEW as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Acts 3: 21. Rev. 20: 4 and 6.

2 Peter 3: 10- 13. Verse 10. The second coming. Verses 11 and 12. Yahweh burns the UNIVERSE out of existence. Verse 13 Yahweh creates the NEW heavenS and the NEW earth for His literal genetic Son Yahshua to sit on David's throne in the NEW Jerusalem as rule the earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords for THE thousand years.

Perfect scripture.

So says Yahweh. It is a FEARFUL thing to say:" So says Yahweh."

May Yahweh give you all the understanding He knows you need to stand before His literal genetic SON Yahshua in all HOLINESS on that great day of Yahweh Almighty GLORIFIED for all the world to see.

Heb. 12: 14.

Bless you


make sense
Archangel Michael = Who Is Like God
Archangel Raphael = God Heals
Archangel Gabriel = God is my Strength
Archangel Uriel = Fire of God
Archangel Phanuel = Face of God


Good teaching but you need to explain how Jesus being pre existing was not included in your old testament presentation. What form did The son appear? I am doing a teaching on this but look into it.


It says that God put his name in the angel right. So good created a special super angel with his name on it for special task.


exudo 3:1-6 the angel of the lord says I AM THE LORD THY GOD to moses...


I agree with Magnum Amaechi. God makes it clear that Jesus was not an angel because God asked, " to which angel did I say ' sit at my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool' ? " So Jesus is the son of man sitting at the right hand of the father.
God the father and the Holy Spirit are said to be one and the same. " God is spirit" and " the spirit knows the deep thoughts of God". But the is a clear distinction between the father ( sitting on the throne in heaven) and the Holy Spirit ( the world is filled with his glory).
Plus the angel of the Lord is seen in many forms. He is seen as a fire, Angel, man, storm, and warrior or Captain of the army. He changes forms, yet Angels are what they are. Their appearance doesn't change. They can been seen as looking like man, but being Angels. Or they can be fire or water, but that's their form. The angel of the lord changes from one element to another.


first photos are worth a thousand words...at 5:36 min so forth is what my battles are about


The word angel throws many into great confusion, the correct rendering for this word must come from its original roots and that is Hebrew! It is Yeshuah (Jesus) who rides at the head of the armies of Elohim as the Commander and Chief and He is the Messenger of Elohim YHVH ( Tetragrammaton ( hidden Name of El (GOD) YHVH)/ *LORD (*pagan), it is the Name YAH in His Name that sets this Messenger above the others who only have the "el" in their names. Understanding where the Aleph/Tav is very strategically situated in The Sacred Scriptures proves to me without any doubt that He who stated to Saint John at Patmos that He is "The Aleph/Tav" is the malach (Angel) of ELOHIM.
