The Story of Jibreel Part 1 - The Angel Gabriel - Omar Suleiman

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Please make duah for my father.
Omar Suleiman shares the beautiful story of the Angel Jibreel (The Angel Gabriel), his history and his friendship with the Final Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).
Omar Suleiman talks through the first revelations that came to the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) through Jibreel (The Angel Gabriel) all the way to the completion of the Quran and the close bond they shared.
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Omar Suleiman shares the beautiful story of the Angel Jibreel (The Angel Gabriel), his history and his friendship with the Final Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).
Omar Suleiman talks through the first revelations that came to the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) through Jibreel (The Angel Gabriel) all the way to the completion of the Quran and the close bond they shared.
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The Story of Jibreel Part 1 - The Angel Gabriel - Omar Suleiman
The Story of Jibreel Part 2 - The Angel Gabriel - Omar Suleiman
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