You Have Time...

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Meanwhile I'm sitting here in my 30s


I'm 36, got out the Marines Corps at 32. I'm 6 months in as a Jr developer. It's never too late. Keep pushing!


I'm 55 and started writing my own method of stegaography 11 months ago using unicode. Man, what a level of satisfaction this has brought to me. It's crazy, considering I drive trucks as my day job. So yeah... age is not an issue.


I'm 44, newbie-ish solo game developer, still learning new skills and knowledge but the rate of advancement is crazy.

If you're truly focused and put in effort to understand and get a working grip on new tools and concepts, you will learn easily, even at my age.

Protip: Cut out all distractions, and always read the manual/documentation.


just turned 27, i don't know why but this video is pulling something from me that didn't exist before. it reminds me that I'm not that young anymore and question myself what I have done all this time in my life and that time will go on no matter what


Starting my PhD in a few months, this was great to hear!


This made me realize that I have issues with pacing.

I know that I have tons of time left and I'm probably moving at a faster pace than some of my peers, but I also want to be better at all times which means I want to push really hard.

But I know that I need to touch grass and slow down sometimes too which is conflicting because I still want to grow in that period

This all just leads to a mess of time management and pacing issues idk "how fast" to go. I've gotten better at it through watching you though so thank you prime


I started in networking at 27, i'm 28 now and I've learn so much. Extrapolating that out says that im gonna be a hell of an engineer some day. I needed this.


I‘m 25 and you have inspired me to go to college next year and get a degree in CS I want to dive deep and dedicate the next years to become a good student. Thank you for showing me a perspective I never had!


Man if I could only tell young people, so long as you're healthy and stay healthy enough, you have so much time, don't rush! It's so strange to me to see a rushed healthy 25 year old 'Ive gotta do everything and asap', just get some roommates, work McDonalds on weekends and spend your weekdays learning what you need, you're young and healthy! Also don't prioritize getting a mate unless you got your home and career in place first.


Jokes aside, this is great advice. The I’m currently 21 and I struggle every day thinking I don’t know enough.
After seeing this short I just thought about what i’ve learned the past year since I started studying for real, and man, it is indeed a lot for just a year. Thanks man, I will keep pushing.


I think I really needed this.. Thanks so much


Man I'm almost 22 now, have fallen off a lot in my coding skills because of my incompetence in dealing with personal issues. This really gave me some hope. Thank you.


Thanks for the message man, really appreciate it


I've always been around overachievers. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm one of them. I see them reaching really great heights and when I compared myself to them, I'd always feel inferior. However, only a small percentage of people can be overachievers, that's kinda the definition of the term.

Being around them helps me learn faster and pushes me harder to become a great engineer. And these overachievers all seem to want me close, and introduce me to similar people. I guess I have qualities that I myself don't quite understand, but they are noticed by the overachievers around me.


I'm 42... Time goes by quicker than you think


Im 16, and I really needed to hear this.


you have time but also time goes by fast so you really have less time than you think


His quote on older folks seeing "wild things" made me think of the blade runner tears in rain monologue: "I have seen things you people wouldn't believe..." Which is very true, getting advice from those more experienced is a wonderful privilege.


The biggest take from this is “listen to those older than you”. They are generally wiser, especially in valuable positions where you may eventually want to be. I’ve worked with a CTO who has had a LOT of experience and has guided me in many ways to better myself and be a better leader for my team.
