Begging After Breakup Or Putting An Ex On A Pedestal Hurts You In More Ways Than You realize

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Begging After Breakup Or Putting An Ex On A Pedestal Hurts You In More Ways Than You realize

Going through a separation is tremendously difficult and it cause a lot of begging after breakup which in turn results in putting an ex on a pedestal.

I wanted to do a video on this issue in order to shed light on the damage that can be caused when you lose control of your emotions right after a breakup or separation.

As I often say, most mistakes are made during or right after a breakup and you want to make sure that you have an understanding of what is truly happening to you and how to deal with the emotional distress accordingly.

I love what I do because I get to help people who feel defeated and don’t know where to turn to truly be able to inspire the person they love most.

If you find yourself in this position please, don’t hesitate to please reach out to me:

I would love to help you maximize your chances of success and to help you be with the person you love most.

Keep fighting the good fight and all the best!

Coach Adrian

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Our Mission is to help people find happiness in love, and to provide individuals and couples with the communication tools and relevant techniques to be together in healthy sustainable relationships.

Over the years we have helped people in all types of breakups successfully get back together, and I highly encourage you to look into out how we’ve been so successful…

Our experts have also created a results focused 10 step plan to get back with your significant other quickly if you were together for a long time (Or If you were married or engaged):

We also offer one on one Private Coaching Sessions for individuals who are interested in speeding up the process of breakup recovery and get back together with the person they love quickly by letting our experts do the work:

It would truly be our pleasure to help you be and with the one you love, as always keep fighting the good fight and I wish you all the very best.


Coach Adrian & Coach Natalie

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Relevant for: begging after breakup ; begging after being dumped ; begging and pleading after breakup ; never beg after being dumped ; breakup mistakes to avoid ; mistakes to avoid after break up ; mistakes to avoid after a breakup ; what not to do after a break up ; what not to do right after a break up ; what not to after a bad breakup ; get ex back ; ex ; getting back together ; I miss my ex ; get him back ; get her back ; getting back together after a breakup ; get my ex to forgive me ; does he love me
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My ex and I officially broke up May 18th and earlier that week I did beg and plead, but the day we officially did --- I didn't and I implemented the no contact rule... His stubborn self contacted me this Monday! He texted me and I didn't text back for 20 mins, just as I was about to text back, he's calls me! I kept it positive, short & sweet. I ended the call. Then a few more days of no contact, he texts me again (yesterday)! He asked my opinion on some new food item he tried out (he's on vacation). I didn't text back till 3 hours later cuz my phone didn't have service where I was at! lol but when I did text back, I kept it positive, short and sweet. The convo went on for a couple of mins, I ended it. These videos are really helping me out. I got out of "damage control mode" within 2 weeks of the breakup. Those 2 weeks I was MISERABLE. Then one day, I just snapped out of it, it was STRANGE. I still don't know how that happened. I have self love again, self confidence, an improved mindset, I see what I did wrong and I've created solutions for them. I just got a job, I'm working on my business, I'm trying new things out like horse back riding! I got a personal workout trainer who I see 2x a week! I'm using the law of attraction in many ways in my life right now and I'm also working towards getting my first car! Life is good! I love my ex so, so much and I truly believe reconciliation is possible for us in the near future! 🙂🙂🙂🙌🏼 Great video, Coach!!!


Yup I’ve begged I’ve pleaded I’ve even sent his grandmother edible arrangements yesterday today I realized that a man that loves and loved me will never make me beg for him so as of now I have established the no contact route and I am going to get myself back beg myself to be with me.


coach Adrian, I want to thank you very much for the great words of wisdom. I am on day 23 of no contact with my wife. She moved out three weeks ago and it has been the hardest thing I have ever experienced in my life. We have been together 12 years and married for five. I was blindsided and feel very stupid. After what I have learned from you and other life coaches already I should have seen this coming. I am an experienced man in my 50s having served my country and my community in law-enforcement for many many years. This one caught me by surprise. The last thing I will say is that your videos and coach Natalie's have been a great source of comfort to me. I know that I am on the right track and if there is any possibility of reconciliation it will be because I follow your advice. I'm sharing this so that others know that what you are saying is the absolute truth.


we all have to trust
God's timing !! 🌋


I’ve begged and pleaded numerous times, 4 times to be exact, and I still do it indirectly or in ways that make it obvious I want things back. I don’t like it bc it’s soo not me, but I’ve let my emotions carry me away. But now I’m done with that because he’s told me over and over that it’s really over (We’ve had an off-and-on relationship) and I should start accepting that now. Sure it pains me, but it’s been 5 months since we broke up and I’m losing track of time, I’m not living in the here and now, I’m living in the past still, regretting and blaming and everything. What motivates me more is I’m a senior in high school, I don’t have a lot of time left in school, so I’m trying to enjoy myself as much as possible. Even if it does mean letting him go, as much as I don’t want to, as much as I want us to work things out again and start over. I should start accepting what happened and move on. We’re still great friends but I am not ready to fully be friends yet. I don’t know if I should let him know that bc I don’t want to lose or push him farther away than before, but I know I have to do it. I need to. I need to heal. I just need to stop blaming myself and hold myself back. So as much as this video is very helpful, I don’t plan on getting back with him if he doesn’t want to. I do want to learn to let go and you saying that it’s not hopeless helps, because all I’ve been thinking is “this is hopeless, I can’t do it on my own.” I hope this video applies to that, but I’m sure there’s another video on it lol


Thank you for this video .I'm so much fulfilled ..I'm a Ghanaian.. My boyfriend broke up with me exactly a week ago...we have both hurt ourselves but he thinks mine out weighs his....I have made my mum and aunty talked to him but he says he's gonna think about it...I have also pleaded with him but still saying he's gonna think about it....But after watching this video, I'm going to develop the "no contact rule" for a while and see what happens...I have cried for days and I think I deserve to be happy...thank you for this video ...


I love the music at the beginning, who is playing ?  And also coach Adrian you are the best.I love your voice . It makes me calm .


Coach Adrian and Coach N, congratulations for this amazing channel...
I had my situation in a bad position, i was in a relationship for 2 YEARS!!! I made the the mistakes for begged and pleed a lot (almost 2 months), in this process she cried for me and said that we could try again and than for days later (4 days later) she changed her mind and said awful things like she no longer wants to give me another chance and that she's happy right now that she's single, but in the middle of this she also told me that in the future we can still friends, but for her it's done, she will never want anything more than a friendship :/...
I started the radio silence to recovery myself, and i know that i put myself in a bad position, but i really wish that i still have a chance, because i know i can change :/... And what mades me sad is that i think we are done for good....
Thank you


You are awesome!!!Timeless advice and I will overcome this situation 🙏🏽


So here is the big question... can no contact really work after trying to pursue your ex for 3 months. I went totally against my will to chase a man. However, he is special to me and I never had a connection like I had with him.


I was in a long distance relationship with a girl for more than 4months. I'm not sure why we broke up.. But, the last thing I told her is that I needed 'time and space' from the relationship as she was suffocating me and I wanted to have time to think about all the things that happened, and recover emotionally before moving forward, so the relationship didn't burn out. I also told her that I love her, and I do want to be with her. But, I also need time for myself to focus on my goals and ambitions as we're both independent people.

However, because of the distance and the mistakes we both made in the relationship, it meant I had to fly to Belgium from New Zealand to fix things because she was shutting me out emotionally and I had to do a lot of the effort to keep things going as I was her support network. However, after 3 months of this I just wanted some time for myself.

I sent her this really long message explaining why and also telling her it's not all her fault, that I do also still want to be with her as well, but I desperately need some time to recover from everything, because it was a lot for me to deal with.

The next day she sends me a message, asking me what time I was available to call her. She was really serious.. When I asked her why, she wouldn't respond until I gave her a time. > Because I knew by the vibe she was giving by not trying to reassure me, she was planning to end it.
I didn't want to hear her out, and told her that she should write it down to me in short so I got the message. She said that she: "didn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore, keep this on going, and that I don't have to talk to her anymore".

Then she blocked me on all forms of social media, what's app, and she also changed her name on Facebook too, so I wouldn't find her.

I did give her the option of leaving the relationship so she could have time for herself as well, but I also didn't expect her to block me like this as she was overly attached to me, and said she loved the fact we'd always get back together as we had some previous issues, but I always let her work things out with me. This time I didn't.

I really didn't want her to end things. I just wanted space. This has been more than a week now, and the relationship ended on reasonably amicable terms. But I also feel she over -reacted. Probably being hurt, as she's really sensitive and equally a reserved person.

Will she come around? Or did I push her too far?


After a 8 years together I’m broken-hearted. He is in a new relationship...


great video, good stuff ! 💎
thank you very much ! 👏


how to create a re-attraction or ignite the feelings after break up? please make a video on this tip


How will this work if my ex’s family hates me and brainwashes him into telling all these bad things of me I love him and want him to come back


she broke up with me twice, and i begged and plead twice, last time she told me, when you feel better may be we'll see each other ... its long distance relationship. she lost trust in me ... changed her number before the break up ... im losing my mind ..


Haa, had an ex couple of years ago. Moved on, was happy, almost quite happy. Then reached out to them again. And again they made me feel the same way and all the hapiness i had built myself to that day, was gone again. If it did not work out at first time... Why would it at the second?

And yes, of course that recontact was very happy on both sides.


Oh and before that. We met every year. Once a year. Didnt matter if both of us or one of us was in a relationship.


Why the fuck would you want someone back when they've hurt you by dumping you if you've done nothing wrong?!


Coach I'm working very hard on self growth and have come A LONG WAY since this breakup. What should my next steps be to start re attracting her? All I have for communication at this time is email with her which is also very limited


Is it possible to save a relationship of 10 years after multiple breakups throughout those years ?
