I'm Having Open Heart Surgery

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yo ho yo ho it's open heart surgery for me

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Sending you good energy! You’ve got this! ✊


For those wondering, and worrying, while this by no means a benign surgery, it does have a very high success rate. That being 94% - 96% with a very scary, but mercifully low 2% mortality rate. Sending prayers and love Austin.


For some reason, it never occurred to me that heart surgery requires literally splitting open the ribcage, wild stuff. Best of luck, man.


Heart surgery post op nurse here. Take it easy after surgery, listen to your nurses, make sure to take care of your sternum. That means no arms up or behind your head until that sucker is healed shut, no lifting stuff over 5kg, no sleeping on your side. Unless you wanna get back into the hospital with an instable sternum. Also, take care of your hygiene!!! Make sure the wounds are clean and dry, for the love of God, not touch or rub them, wear clean clothes, wash your hands, eat well to promote healing, and listen to your body, if shit feels off tell your docs!

Dunno how Americans do it but in my clinic in Germany we keep the mechanical valve patients in hospital till their blood levels are appropriate to let them home with oral blood thinners and that can take a *while* especially with the younger fitter folks whose blood thickening factors refuse to stay down. Be prepared for disappointments, you won't be able to jump outta bed immediately so don't try it, there will be loads of tubes sticking out of you the first few days, do not touch them or we will be forced to tie you down to make sure you survive them.

Good luck!


Never commented but I've been watching you for about 6 years now, your videos are incredible and represent a lot of what I love about youtube. Wishing you an incredibely smooth recovery and sending you lots of love man


I have had three heart surgeries, I was born with a birth defect. I will say that modern heart surgeons are incredible. Real life super heroes. The technology has really improved since the 80's when I had mine done. I was sort of an experiment at that time. They are so routine. I was out and at home after less than five days. It's incredible. I did get the pig valves though. So might have some more surgeries left in me, although they did mention replacements can be done intravenously now which seems like science fiction. Anyways Austin, from one filmmaker with a replaced bad heart, spiritually and physically, I am praying for you and I will continue to keep you (and your wife) in my prayers.


Stopped everything to be here. We love you, Austin, and are rooting for you.


FYI: He posted that his surgery went well. He had a small stroke the morning after which will put him out of action for a while but still has some ready videos in the pipeline.


I'm a CVICU nurse, and you did an absolutely fantastic job describing the surgery you're going to undergo. I mean really, I've never heard a layperson describe it so exactly perfectly! You're young and I think you'll do very well. I've taken care of MANY patients who have gotten the exact same procedure you're getting. Best of luck.


It's strange to watch this knowing what is going to happen to him in the future. Watching his most recent video, then this back to back, it's like an different person.


Fellow bicuspid aortic valve haver here, have a speedy and smooth recovery man thoughts are with you


That heartfelt “I hope I’m still around to make more videos for you guys.” speech, immediately followed by a SquareSpace ad read was *Chefs kiss*

Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery. ❤


My Uncle went through a similar open heart surgery two weeks ago.

I have been watching your content for a long time. You are an awesome man, and you documenting such a serious procedure will help many people in the future who would have to go through open heart surgeries. Your standing there bravely and talking about this is highly useful because just convincing someone this is their only option and it has to be done is a difficult thing to do. My uncle didn't want to do it till the last moment when he became bed ridden for example.

And If I have to face this, I too would be scared. You are really brave.

Good luck, hope to see you back healthy again soon!


I had open heart surgery on August 29, 2022 at the age of 31 to replace my bicuspid aortic valve. I chose to have the Ross Procedure, in which my own pulmonary valve was used to replace my defective aortic valve. A donor pulmonary valve was then put in place of my own. I chose this complex route to avoid the lifelong blood thinners. I spent 5 days in the hospital before I was released. The first month of recovery was difficult, but I noticed rapid improvements starting in my second month after surgery. I was able to return to my physically demanding job 10 weeks after surgery. It’s a difficult thing sitting around waiting KNOWING this is coming, but I felt grateful that I was able to mentally and emotionally prepare myself beforehand. I’m sure your surgery will be successful without any issues, and I hope you are able to document and share as much as possible. There isn’t a lot of information for people in our age group regarding what to expect with open heart, and your videos will become a critical tool for others who face the same procedure as us. Best wishes, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions for someone who knows EXACTY what you’re going through.


It's very brave of you to post this. I hope everything goes well for you and hope for a quick and speedy recovery.


that’s terrifying. best of luck with the recovery.

really puts things into perspective for those of us that take our health for granted.


Hey Austin - I was one of the people involved in the Harry Potter Cursed Child redux play you made a video about ages ago. I've been keeping up with your content regularly ever since and I've always admired not only just how much time and effort you put into your projects but also how often you go out of your way to shine the spotlight on others and helping other people make their dreams happen. It's so refreshing to see someone put so much of themselves into their projects and their audience where the goal is clearly just creativity first. A running theme I often see in your videos is "What do you have? Great, now how do you make something with it?" I find that really inspiring, and I'm sure you've been the catalyst in countless people's lives for nurturing a healthier relationship with their passion and creativity.

I wish you all the best with your surgery, we'll all see you on the other side. Can't wait for Atlas!!


Good luck man, we’re rooting for you.


We'll pray for your full recovery


This is terrifying.

I’m honestly considering going to my GP, because the exact symptoms you describe often affect me.

Hopefully it’s nothing, and I’m so sorry you’ve gotta go through this!

On the upside, the more people who have to have treatments for various illnesses, the more likely it is that said treatment will improve. You having this treatment will potentially save someone’s life down the road!

Good luck.
