Life After Open Heart Surgery

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Almost two months removed from open heart surgery, I'm working hard to get back on track. Thanks so much for your patience.

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First this guy survives a bear attack, then jumping out of a plane without a parachute, and now a stroke. Nothing will take Austin out


Its so good to hear your voice back at full strength.


Your heart turning into a metaphorical ticking clock has to be the most morbidly motivating thing I've ever heard.

Godspeed Austin. I've loved your content for years. Always rooting for you.


Seeing those negative comments made me sick. I can't imagine insulting someone at their weakest moment. Keep going strong Austin ❤


Bro, you looked Death in the face... And Death blinked first! It's great to see you looking and sounding so much better. God bless.


I’m scheduled to have valve repair in a few weeks.
Honestly, your first video out of hospital was heartbreaking, but seeing how much better you feel it gives me hope and confidence that I might get back to running and biking someday.
Wish you a speedy recovery!


As someone who had open heart surgery a few years ago I chose to avoid the mechanical valve due to the ticking scaring the hell out of me. My heart feels like it’s starting to go bad again with my current valve replacement. I’ve been really scared of the second surgery and facing this constant remind of my mortality. But now, I feel ok with going in. Your perspective is something that I want to have when I get my new valve. I think it’s time to finally go back to the hospital and get that check up I’ve been avoiding. Thank you Austin.


Hey, fellow artificial aortic valve haver here. I had mine put in via open heart surgery 5 years ago to replace one which had been eaten away by bacterial. The weird ticking sound had a similar effect on me. Before I was always completing tasks to achieve a distant goal, and never really enjoying the path or living in the moment. Now I realise my time is limited I try to cherish every moment. If I'm watching a YouTube video or listening to a podcast or reading a book it's because I want to enjoy it, rather than it simply being a way to pass time or a task needing to be checked off to reach an end goal. 5 years on and I've completed a PhD, started an academic career and am finally enjoying life rather than simply existing. I hope you're recovery continues to go well and look forward to see how you're going in 5 years time.
P.S. The weird ticking will fade into the background within a few months. I become conscious of it only when it's really quiet and I'm incredibly stressed!


Damn. Just to hear you speaking like this again is fantastic. This is the update I’ve been waiting for man. Congratulations!


Speedy recovery! Don't underestimate the risk of relatively inconsequential internal injury when on blood thinners, like me. I hit my head on a metal beam. Minor external bleeding. Headaches began weeks later. After many inconclusive tests, turns out I had a subdural brain hemorrhage. Same risk taking a bad tumble on a mountain bike or motorcycle with abdominal uncontrolled internal bleeding. Play safe!


hey, I don't usually comment at all on youtube but I just wanted to say, your passed videos are super inspiring. Seeing you clearly strained while talking to the camera in your first update was heart wrenching and I'm honestly in awe of how much better you look now. Love your videos, and I applaud you in making this deeply personal journey public. Takes a lot of courage. And I sincerely hope nothing but good health for you in the future. And please, please keep making videos about random topics.


As someone who has also had open heart surgery, for a leaky blood valve too, I really hope you can recover soon! Wishing the best for you Austin!


It's so good to see that Austin made so much progress. He's basically almost back to his old self. I initially thought it would take a really long time


Glad to hear you speaking more eloquently after the stroke 🥰


Being on warfarin sucks, many condolences to you. I'm glad that the operation was mostly successful. Keep on doing what you're doing. I'm glad you're doing a lot better than you were a few months ago!


Austin, your videos encompass a truly special corner of YouTube for me. There's nothing quite like them, and ever since I first discovered you (as I recall it was from your printer ink video) all those years ago, I have been enthralled by almost every release you make. I have core memories associated with your videos, such as listening to the voicemails video on a walk on the way home from work one day, taking a moment to stop and admire the view of where I was walking while I listened to these people put their souls out over the phone.

I'm truly grateful for that ticking sound. And I hope it'll tick for many years to come.


I'm happy to hear you speaking in normal speed after that first video right after the surgery and the stroke, and happy to see your recovery going well.
And I'm also thrilled to hear your new outlook on life, which I consider a very healthy way to live. Life is to be lived, and one must get to the end without regrets.
I know you said you will no longer let others dictate your life, so I'll just finish with this: if its any consolation, I really enjoy what you do, all your videos, and I fully supported your last Public Domain Heroes projects on Kickstarter (and buying the book on Amazon) because I loved your passion for creativity and trying new things.
Keep being you Austin, you are amazing and an inspiration.


Just from your voice, you sound like you have made such a great improvement since shortly after your surgery. Take it easy, many thoughts and prayers are still for your recovery.


Most of us still don’t realize we too have a ticking clock within us. We simply don’t hear, or heed, it as much as you now do. Please take care Austin, with your “new lease on life”❣️


Austin, your content has been one of my favorites on YouTube. Weather you were ranting about printer ink, unloading a barrage of facts, or giving us a walkthrough of the intricacies of making a movie as a young filmmaker or a book as a young author (or a comic universe as a young Kevin Feige).

While I appreciate the perspective that your new ticker (intended) affords you and the motivation that brings, past Austin has always come across to me as a force for good and positivity. Even when ranting about printer ink. Im excited to see what you do next and I'm proud of you. Thanks.
