5 Intermediate Motorcycle Riding Tips

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Very funny, no seriously. What should I get? A TURBO BUSA.

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Just a point on your bonus tip of putting the bike into neutral at a red light, it's extremely important to watch your mirrors at a light at ALL TIMES, or at least until you're sure the guy approaching from behind isn't going to slam you into the back seat of the guy in front of you. If you leave your bike in first gear at a light you may get cramps in your hand, but it allows you to immediately get out of the way of a distracted driver if needed. I've seen this in practice and it's an extremely important thing to keep in mind.

Otherwise great videos, keep it up!


I personally tap my brakes like a spasm every time I am coming into a red light and there is someone behind me in hopes of making sure they notice I am there and slowing down.


Maintaining constant front brake pressure while rev matching is the challenging part


Your tip about neutral at a light is helpful for comfort however it screws you if someone comes in hot behind you... I stay in first until someone is stopped completely behind me then shift to neutral and if no one stops behind I stay in first ready to go. That’s why they make adjustable levers! Great video though! I love watching all of your content!


You don't need to ride fast and aggressive to have fun.Just be in the moment enjoy the ride. be calm, be consistent and you'll be fast enough


0:35 "Win these motorcycles for free" - "Every dollar you spend gets you an entry to win". Hmmmm


Excellent info. I use it all, but it took years to get bits and pieces through those years. I’m old, there was no Yam or YouTube. So spot on. I watch your content every chance I get. Wish I could have dialed this up in the 60s! Keep up the great work. One of your best ever.


Knew you were gonna catch flak on the neutral at red lights comment lol. Real world vs best practice, I get it .... I do too. Anyway, great video and many of your pointers are things I had to learn on my own. New riders that have access to quality, informative content will be that much better and safer riders that much sooner. Keep it up!


MSF instructor here. You should not put your bike in neutral when at a light. if you need to get out of the way of a car not stopping in time you do not have a way to move. keep in gear at a light please.


I generally keep my index and middle finger firm against my front brake while holding the throttle with the rest of my hand, that way I have very fast brake reflexes, and I find it keeps the throttle in a very precise location


I am definitely an “intermediate rider”. I really appreciate a video that’s not just geared towards beginners. Definitely still like that content though because there’s always new things to learn


Good tips to be thinking about moving forward, as i just got my first bike this week. thanks Yammie


Just got my first bike an 82 yamaha virago 750 tonight, tomorrow after work it'll be registered and inspected and all the brand new riding gear is coming in on monday!


Thank you for all the videos. Picking up my first bike in 2 weeks. Hopefully all the months spent researching, pays off. Thanks again for helping build the confidence. Happy riding


I've always felt more comfortable by doing 2 finger clutch (index + middle) and 1 finger brake (index). I can easily activate the ABS with 1 finger only in my MT-09. My index finger is always resting on the brake lever unless I'm doing highway with no traffic.
Nice tips for beginner/intermediate riders. Throttle control is definitely one of the most important things to work on right from the beginning, until it becomes muscle memory.
Cheers all the way from Portugal


Always watch and like your vids, so no hate from me 😁

But 4:15 you talk about sitting at lights in neutral. I would like to disagree.

As a guy that has been rammed from behind at lights, i found they teach in high tears of riding (UK)

To always keep in gear, have an 'escape' and always be checking your mirrors at:
Any give way

Thanks mate, hope this tip saves someone ✌️


It's one of my issues! I lean on the front bars way too much like its a bicycle i need to shift my weight to the seat and relax...love your videos they have helped me so much!! Thank you!


Yup I remember I remember not knowing about the two finger braking, got on my bike for the first time ever(first time on any bike) all geared up (atgat) and nervous and sweating my balls off but ready to take on the world and go around the block a few times at a possible 25mph max lol...sat down on it for a few minutes(more like 20) getting comfortable feeling the levers and all and then the moment of truth....
Kicked it in first gear and it turned off obviously cuz I still had the kick stand down haha
So I put it in neutral, turned it on, put the kick stand up, pulled the clutched in, put it in first gear(I remember saying all those steps aloud as I did them 😅) I was now finally ready to get going so I slowly started releasing the clutch and it moved a little and I was like wow... then it was time to give it gas. Of course i gave it a little too much and it jerked so I panicked and grabbed a nice fist full of front brake with all my strength (good thing I was only going like 3 miles per hour (maybe 2 mph), front wheel turned right away and it super slow mo I started tilting down to the right with enough time to say no, no, no, no and dropped it 😣😣😣... scratched the mirror a bit and that was it but it did hurt my ego quite a bit lol... turned it off, stood it back up, parked it, and went home to search the deepest depths of YouTube on how to brake...spent the next week just researching and sitting on the bike (ignition off) just practicing the motion of how to apply steady pressure to both brakes ...gotta say it did help out a lot
What a long story, congrats 👍 if you read this far maybe give it a like so papa yam can see it 😊😊😎

Ps. Did I mention it was a turbo busa 😬
Pps. Jk it was a 250cc Korean bike 😋


great tips man, you are right, it's better practice and focus on one skill at the time to try to be a better driver


Supreme content my dude, been watching your stuff for years now - always consistent
