What if the Jedi Order OVERTHREW the Republic

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What if Jedi Overthrew the Republic? Let's explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

It is the dead of night on Coruscant as the Jedi Council gathers for an important, but highly secretive meeting, one that could alter the fate of the galaxy. For several weeks they have been seeing troubling signs that the Sith has infiltrated the very heart of the Republic.

The first was when ARC Trooper Fives revealed inhibitor chips planted in all clones. Then Obi-Wan and Anakin learned that the clones were commissioned by Darth Tyrannus, an alias for Count Dooku.

For Dooku to have accomplished this, he must have had someone high up in government helping him. Even the count had admitted as such when he told Obi-Wan about Darth Sidious on Geonosis.

The council spends hours debating the identity of this mole, with accusations being leveled against Sate Pestage, Mas Amedda, and even Palpatine himself.

The meeting continues well into the night. Mace looks around at the rest of the Jedi Council and understands their worry. Their sworn duty was to stop the Sith, but a dark lord stands right under their noses and they can't even figure out where. Even his frustration begins to grow.

Mace: What if, we were to deal with all of them?

The council all turn to him in shock.

Yoda: Careful, Master Windu, dangerous waters you are approaching.

Mace: I'm not suggesting a coup or anything, but we are trying to figure this out as politicians when we should be thinking as Jedi. We can force the truth out.

Ki-Adi-Mundi: You want to use mind tricks to try and force a confession? That is…problematic. Not only because a Sith Lord may resist such abilities.

Mace: No, I am not suggesting mind tricks. We do have other assets.
Palpatine: So, will you arrest me now, Master Windu?

Mace: Not quite. You're going to confess all your crimes.

He reaches into his tunic and pulls out a spare brain worm. Palpatine can only watch in horror as the worm begins to slither around his face and works its way into his mouth.

A day later, the Jedi Council listens to Palpatine as he reveals everything. Although his mind is too powerful to be probed by the Jedi, the worm is more malleable and can handle most of the work for them, reaching into his memories.

Through it, they learn everything that Palpatine has been planning. His true identity as Sideous, turning Dooku to the dark side, and his dealings with the CIS and the Republic leadership. In truth, it's all just the tip of the iceberg as his confession reveals the true extent of corruption in the Republic.

Mace pulls out a much older report written by Bariss Offee during the Second Battle of Geonosis. In it is the document she describes her experiences after she was infected by a parasitic species of brain worms native to the planet.

Mace: These worms can control a being's body and mind. Padawan Barriss mentions how the worm harnessed her memories to their advantage. If we can study them, maybe we can figure out who this Darth Sidious is.

Yoda: You would suggest forcibly taking control of someone's body? Go against our code this does.

Mace: And what does our code matter if we allow a Sith lord to take control of our Republic? They will plunge us into chaos and destroy everything we've sought to protect. My fellow council members, the time has come to choose whether we follow our principles or allow all we have fought for to turn to dust around us.

A vote is cast to decide the matter, and with a slim majority, most of the council agrees to go through with the plan. A task force is sent to Geonosis to gather samples of these brain worms for study. Like other living things, they can use the Force to control them. The Jedi begin studying and learning to alter the worm's behavior. Instead of making the host obey the will of the Geonosian queen, it will now make them obey the Jedi.

Once they figure this out, the Jedi begin planting the worm in the homes of Palaptine's inner circle and allow them to take control

The only one who manages to avoid this is Palpatine who senses the worm's presence and awakens just as the worm plans to enter his mouth. He reaches for his lightsaber and slices it apart. But at that moment, another figure emerges from the darkness, igniting a purple lightsaber.

Mace: I suspected you were the mole, chancellor. Now you will tell me everything.

Palpatine: Not a chance, Master Jedi.

He flings his sheets at Mace who effortlessly slices it apart, but it does buy time for Palpatine to lunge after him. The two cross blades and Mace begins to unleash his attack.

Now awake, Palpatine tries to block those attacks he struggles to face Mace. He can only defend and dodge as Mace presses forward. While backing away, he hurls his furniture at Mace who shatters everything in his path.

The last thing Palpatine hurls is a sofa which is too large for Mace to cut, forcing him to dodge around it
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100 likes on this comment and we'll make a part 2 👀

Don't forget to drop me your "what if" ideas and like your favorites ⬇


Yoda: *Waves hand* "A part 2 you will make!!!"


Mace's greatest weakness, like Anakin is that he thinks too highly of himself. Like the biggest reason he hates Anakin is before he joined the order Mace believed he was the Chosen One. Also that might have been the reason he told Anakin to stay behind at the temple, Arrogantly trying to prove he's the Chosen one, not Anakin.


Star Wars: Revenge of The Mace

I definitely want a part 2 for this, maybe part 3 if we can keep the story going


Interesting seeing mace unintentionally becoming a sith in a way.


This was great. I’d love to see a part 2 showing a war in which Jedi vs Windu’s dark allies fighting on Tython or Ach-To leading to the total devastation of the planet. Resulting in Mace fleeing to Ziost and discovering an ancient sith army he can then use to return to the fight, with a final battle on the frostbit planet. Purging the dark side from it with a Jedi victory, or a darkness rules ending.


This was an insane theory video, and I'm here for it! This is why Yoda told that man Mace to be weary of using extremes, because it leads to the dark side of the Force, but nah, Mace wasn't hearing it, and he became the very thing he swore to destroy, a Sith lord.

I gotta see a part 2 to this, this was a great theory!


This has to be one of the most intriguing what-ifs I've seen on any channel! I really hope you decide to continue it at some point!


This really needs a part 2. Damn. Mace has become an evil mindcontrol villian.


Yoda's failures are complete no way freeing Palpatine is a good idea he should have went with anakin to kill the Sith then the could've beat traitor Windu


Palpatine: “The Jedi are taking over!”

The Jedi: “ight bet”


Okay, this was phenomenal!!! And the best part is, if part 2 goes right, Anakin can still bring balance by striking down Mace who has clearly become a Sith. He let his anger and hatred cloud him and now he’s gone down the dark path.


I never thought in million years I would see a what if like this before and I love it❤


Man I want a part 2 to this story so bad. This is a bloody good what if. And it's worth finishing it. In fact I'm giving it a like.


“What makes us so different?”

“The rank of Master.”


Dude im telling you your "what ifs" are top teir! Keep them coming man!


This is amazing, Mr. Darth Theorist! Mace Windu is the one who pulls the string and uses worms to mind control Palpatine. Now that I called it twisted karma, but damn, even Palpatine doesn't it ( but he deserve it since he is straight-up evil), and I love how you made Yoda, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan against the idea of taking over the galactic republic because it is not their job to intervene with politics or replace someone they don't like.

It is the people's job to elect the person to be the new Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. But Windu is right about one thing: the Senate is corrupt and needs change not through force but through meaningful elections and protests that have actions to them, not through violence and anarchy.

Windu forging an alliance with Dooku is interesting for Mace to see Dooku's point of view. The coalition would most likely be between Mace and Dooku, replacing the Galactic Republic and forming some version of the Galactic Empire. That is my theory, but this is a great video, my friend. Keep up the terrific job, and no matter what happens or what anybody says, you always make up the best stories. You only need to believe in yourself, be confident in your abilities as a storyteller, and never be afraid to be creative but let flow and be passive about it. May the Force Be With You!


When part two comes, I think it would be intriguing to actually have him come back to the light in the end.


Oh this is good, I've never thought of using these worms in this way. You have great taste!


I've heard some good ones. This is up there with some of the better. I would like a second part 😁
