What If The Jedi Council PREPARED For Order 66?

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What If The Jedi Council PREPARED For Order 66?


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What if Count Dooku never joined the Sith but still left the Jedi Order with Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Sifo-Dyas, Plo-Koon, Anakin, & Ahsoka, & still made the CIS?


Basically, what would have happened had the Council actually *done* something when Mace Windu flat-out told them: "I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi. The Dark Side of the Force surrounds the Chancellor." You know, simple stuff like maybe extracting the younglings and padawans from Coruscant and sending them someplace obscure? Maybe establish a plan to regroup in the event that the Temple were to fall?

What's amazing is that they were at *WAR, * Coruscant had already been attacked, and so you would expect the Jedi to have contingency plans for a scenario where the Republic was no longer their protection.


Probably the best "What if Order 66 video" I've seen on Youtube. I like that this video didn't overly focus on Anakin, and actually made the Jedi look competent.

Anakin's decision ultimately didn't matter in the long run since the Jedi were already prepared.


What if Anakin learned how the Sith could forge and implant visions, and how to fight back against them?




What if Dooku was born in the old republic and had mentors such as Treya And Revan as well as his own philosophies guiding him?


Nicely written story and great touch with the voices.


What if Darth Maul betrayed and killed Darth Sidious?
What if Obi-Wan turned to the dark side after Satine's death?
What if Palpatine never became Chancellor?


I'd argue the ignorance of Bail Organa. He had repeatedly shown himself as a competent and thorough politician and individual throughout the Clone Wars. This is showcased in several episodes of the show where Senator Organa displays his political acumen while actively fighting against military spending bills and through his cleverness during relief efforts such as in working around King Katunko's court on Toydaria to provide relief for Ryloth. I don't believe that he wouldn't have just never bothered to read into the Order codes if he had access to them.

Rather, I would say that it's more likely Chancellor Palpatine would have sealed access to the order codes using the authority of his office. We've seen the Chancellorship seal files before, using the example of Chancellor Vallorum sealing the files on Master Syfo Dyas. (Though I wonder if Palpatine would have influenced Vallorum to seal the files while the former was still Senator of Naboo) Palpatine further could have, upon reveal that he had sealed these Order codes, used a vague excuse of safeguarding such vital military information from "Separatist Spies." Through which another method to procure the information would be needed.

It is nice to hear a fic where the Jedi pull out Ok after the Clone Wars for a change. Keep up the great work!


You forgot the part where they all go out for ice cream afterwards. And everyone gets a puppy.


This was amazing. I’ve been a fan of your videos for a while and it’s always fun to see your interesting SW what if’s. It was also fun to see the Jedi Order being prepared for Order 66 getting shown some love. This is definitely an interesting scenario and it should definitely get shown some more love. Also this is one of the scenarios where I think if they got the info from Fives and took it more seriously, they could’ve survived the Jedi purge. Great job as always and I can’t wait to see what you do next.

I do have a few ideas for some possible what if’s:

1) What if Rey was a Mandalorian…essentially what if Din Djarin found Rey and took her in as a Foundling.

2) What if Ezra was a Mandalorian…something like how both his parents were Mandalorians who left Mandalore and went to start their own lives (you could still keep most of Ezra’s backstory) and potentially make Ezra and Sabine a couple (since Disney won’t, we have too…#ezrabine4ever.

3) What if Jango Fett and/or Boba Fett Joined the Republic…I think something interesting could happen with this.

4) What if Rey, Finn and Poe went back in time to the Clone Wars…this would make the World Between Worlds even more of an important focal point and I could also see them get along well with Anakin, Ashoka, Rex and the rest of the 501st (it would be fun to see Rey, Finn and Poe join the 501st)

I hope these are some amazing ideas for some potential What if’s


I really like this story. I am glad that you were able to redeem 5’s death AND brought back Ahsoka. Though I am disappointed you didn’t mention the Bad Batch.
Day 73 of my list. What if; Anakin never gave into his feelings for Padme (Pentre Patrol did his version), Aayla Secura was the chosen one and became Darth Talon, Shme Skywalker was adopted by the Tusken Raiders, Boba Fett saved his Tusken family, Count Dooku was a regular count for the CIS, Jabba the Hutt supported the Jedi at the Start of the Clone Wars, and finally, what if Sabine and Ezra fell in love?


"they get the blueprint schematics for the clones", the problem is the kaminoans were under orders to hide the existence of the chips, and any blueprints they gave to the jedi would obviously have them excluded...


What if Palpatine told the senate he was Sidious when he was elected (not illegal by the time of the prequels)?

What if Padme didn’t trade Anakin for grievous when they were both captured on naboo

What if Anakin used force lightning in various moments throughout the clone wars?

What if Palpatine sensed vadar’s betrayal in return of the Jedi?

What if Gungi stayed with the bad batch?

What if Caleb joined the bad batch when his master died?

What if Caleb survived the fire on Lothal?

What if Ahsoka got to coruscant with maul before Mace windu left for the chancellors office?

What if Ezra found luke instead of obi wan on Tatooine?

What if Illum gave Anakin a red kyber crystal?


What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


I think Dooku would be likely to enter negotiations after the proof of Sidious being a Sith and so corrupt, it would bolster his arguments.


What if Yoda was a hot dog and knew he was about to be covered in chipotle sauce from Subway?


new theory: Fives lived and went on to create this channel and this video.


What if Palpatine WAS NOT a Sith Lord (a regular non-Force user) What if a Sith WAS manipulating him via BLACKMAIL (in the OT Palpatine kills his family via The Force but in this Alternate timeline he kills them via conventional means. He manages to cover it up BUT a Sith has discovered it and is using it to Blackmail Palpatine)


The clones getting a happy ending is always great.
