What If The Jedi PREPARED For Order 66

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Pilot: It will be done my lord
Copilot: Plo Koon left


What if all CIS droids became self concious and joined the republic


“Five of them being masters, and the other being the chosen one.”
The chosen one who is very angry.


I have an idea:
What if Palpatine wasn't a force user, but still had the same ambitions? (Maybe he would work together with Plagueis, or he could focus on "controlling" the Jedi via politics? Maybe try to put them in a position where they HAVE to help him, no matter what.)


The Jedi Order being smart? What sorcery is this? LOL


What if after the council took the sith seriously? After learning of the siths return in the phantom menace, they began to train to old republic standards. The jedi entered the war a decade later with vastly superior lightsaber skills and maybe more powers.


Its honestly mind blowing how the Jedi had as many hints as they did eluding to the plot of the sith to destroy them as they did and yet they were still unable to uncover palpatine’s plans until it was too late… really speaks volumes about their stupidity.


I really don't think Palpatine would've won the initial duel. If he revealed his manipulation of Anakin's dreams, i don't think it would've unbalanced Anakin, but merely taken away his only reason to hold back. he would be completely giving up his one piece of leverage with Anakin for zero benefit. And if we're to believe George Lucas when he said that Mace beat Sidious fair and square, Mace + Anakin would've been way too much for Palps to handle, he would've died before Order 66 could even happen.

In addition, i don't think Kit Fisto leaving before the fight would've made Mace take Anakin instead, but if it did, i think that during the LAAT ride, Mace would've sensed the unease within Anakin, asked him about it, and Anakin, knowing who they were about to kill, would've shared his dreams much sooner, in the calmer environment of an LAAT over coruscant and with 3 jedi masters present who were all not as blinded by the dark side as Anakin, i think together they would've figured out that Palpatine caused the dreams before even arriving. Of course Palpatine would've sensed this shift in the force and probably activated Order 66 before the Jedi arrived, and considering the Jedi were in a clone-piloted LAAT, they probably wouldn't have arrived.

But really, i think the fight would've gone almost identically to how it did in the movie, Anakin arriving late and disarming Windu. only without Fisto there at the start for Sidious to mow down like grass. Then Anakin, Now Vader, knowing about Ahch-To would've made the Jedi significantly less safe.


watched the prequels again recently and realized that the Jedi would most certainly catch on to this, and act properly. Great work


8:24 did anyone else hear the old roblox "oof" sound there? I did


Love this story: as the Jedi not doing anything after discovering Tyranus and the Clone Army really made me want to stop watching the show. So them doing something here really made me happy.
Day 41 of my list. What if; Anakin never gave into his feelings for Padme, Aayla Secura was the chosen one and became Darth Talon, Shme Skywalker was adopted by the Tusken Raiders, Boba Fett saved his Tusken family, Count Dooku was a regular count for the CIS, Jabba the Hutt supported the Jedi at the Start of the Clone Wars, and finally, what if Sabine and Ezra fell in love?


I always thought it was baffling that the Jedi council did absolutely nothing when faced with the revelation that Dooku made the clone army for them. Like they got lazy and were content to lounge on their cushions.


I wonder how likely it is that the jedi would abandon their posts so quickly, even if they knew the severity of the alert.

Honestly I think a lot more jedi could survive if they were simply aware of the possibility of order 66 and keep a few skilled jedi at the temple in case of an assault.


8:23 Bro put the ROBLOX death sound 🤣🤣🤣


I have a couple of ideas…

What if Obi-Wan decided to sacrifice himself during his fight with Anakin to ensure he dies?

Or maybe just what if Anakin didn’t survived?

What if Yoda told Anakin about Qui-Gon’s force ghost before he felled to the dark side?

What if Qui-Gon revealed himself to Anakin?


The Jedi weren’t very smart for continuing to work with the clones.


They really grabbed some homies for a round two


It’s nice to see the Jedi finally wise up and get out of their own way and this way they saved everyone and themselves


One thing that people forget is Anakin was made a member of Palpatine staff and had the security clearance to be able to talk to the clones if Palpatine was killed. Would this being said Anakin could have ordered the Clones to stand down saying that Palpatine was killed and the Clones would have had to have listened to Anakin's orders.


Wouldn't the future grand inquisitor tell Palpatine where the Jedi went?
