What If Anakin Skywalker Became Weapons Master of the Jedi Order

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Weapons Masters were known to be some of the greatest combatants of the Jedi Order. What If Anakin Skywalker Became a Weapons Master? Aside from being so young, what would encourage his rise to this position? Would the young Jedi thrive in such a role or would he be overwhelmed? How would the Jedi Test him for such a position?

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Palpy: OK, Dooku, remember to go easy on Skywalker-
Anakin: (kills Dooku) huh, that was easy…
Palpy: surprised Pikachu face


What if Admiral Yularen, as head of the ISB, assassinated Palpatine as part of an ISB coup d'etat?


heh, i liked how the council grew a brain and specifically, repeatedly, shot down the idea of Obi wan faking his death and not telling Anakin-


At 11 min in I love how you used his competitive nature to show how anakin grows. Makes him more relatable to us. Also is it just me or when there’s an anakin and younglings moment, does anyone else say “this is where the fun begins”


Liked Anakin as the Weapons Master it is very fitting


"What if the Jedi decided to covertly take over the Republic due to believing Dooku's words about the hidden Sith Lord and the fact that the Republic had become corrupt?"

"What if Galen Marek was trained as Jedi (under Rahm Kota) alongside Anakin Skywalker (under Obi-Wan) and Maris Brood (under Shaak Ti)?"

"What if Anakin had an affair with Tiplee during the Clone Wars?"

"What if Obi-Wan was caught up in a love triangle between Siri Tachi and Satine Kryze during the Clone Wars?"

"What if Anakin was trained by Master Fay?"

"What if the Father survived the events of Mortis and became Anakin's teacher after leaving Mortis?"

"What if Shaak Ti managed to redeem Starkiller (Galen Marek) and turned him to the Light Side?"

"What if Darth Vader and Starkiller managed to kill and overthrow Darth Sidious?"

"What if Jedi Anakin befriended Kazdan Paratus, who taught him how to create and control droids with the Force, which he started to use in battle?"

"What if Ky Narec didn't die and Ventress remained as a Jedi?"

"What if Luminara Unduli discovered her fallen Padawan Bariss' plot to bomb the Jedi Temple?"

"What if Pong Krell was able to escape Umbara and join Count Dooku?"


He doesn't become angry or frustrated. He just gets better. I love it!


With this story I can see and old Anakin on his death bed turn to the council, which should have a lot of new members, but since aliens can have different life expectancies so some members might be old members, but there all around him and then he just whispers to them about having a family with a cheeky smirk that he managed to be a great Jedi while having a secret family proving there views on attachment wrong while also, in a way, gloating about the fact he kept that life long secret with out the council ever knowing. Anakin would die chuckling I imagine lol


Is a weapons master something like an engineer of the lightsaber? If yes, i can see Anakin's engineering mind having the time of his life.

A what if proposal i have. What if Luke found professor huyang?


Yoda is Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Mace Windu is Master of the Order, Cin Drallig is Battlemaster of the Order and now Anakin is Weaponsmaster of the Order.


What if instead of a Zillo Beast, the Republic instead found a Xenomorph Queen? #81


Need to start making some of these what if's that use Legends cannon instead of Disney cannon


weapons master? thats a new one. i imagine it would be somewhat similar to what if anakin became the battlemaster, or even just a temple guard.


what if the force granted Anakin a vision where he is given a code he is willing to follow. One where he can be himself, have attachments, and emotions. The code I have in mind comes from the movie Dragonheart.
It goes:Inside the table's circle,
Under the sacred sword.
A knight must vow to follow
The code that is unending,
Unending as the table—
A ring by honor bound.

A knight is sworn to valor,
His heart knows only virtue,
His blade defends the helpless,
His might upholds the weak,
His word speaks only truth,
His wrath undoes the wicked.

The right can never die,
If one man still recalls.
The words are not forgot,
If one voice speaks them clear.
The code forever shines,
If one heart holds it bright.


What if vader didn't betray starkiller


Truth be told, I love being a weapons master in the kotor series. In saber games, I always master my blade. It’s so addicting that I tend to out duel my brothers. It’s so fun to find ways to get better at the sword.


Ah the classic guardian / weapons master combo. That was one of my first run-throughs in KOTOR 2


What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


I Wouldn't mind seeing more legends stuff like lumiya, Darth Krayt, darth Talon, Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, Revan, Darth Traya, the vong, Tenebrae aka Vitiate, the star forge, the sun crusher, Scepter of Ragnos, Ragnos, Allya's Exile light Saber crystals, Allya's Redemption light Saber crystals, Corran Horn and his lightsaber, Lumiya's lightsaber whip, etc. Also, I know I'm repeating myself, but what if Naare turns Rowan. Having the kid that can sense the kyber saber and use the light Saber styles of multiple Jedi including but not limited to anakin Skywalker and mace windu would make for one useful Darksider Plus, Naare seems to actually care about rowan and has some sort of attachment (she definitely doesn't care about his siblings, though). Plus, with the kyber saber, she could destroy the emperor like she wanted. Plus, the kyber saber and its creator, Baird Kantoo, are neat. The freemakers season 1 was fun, pretty good, and ripe for what if potential. Also, what if Darth Traya returned Dearing the Clone Wars, considering her viewpoint on the force being different from everyone else at that time.


Honestly, seems like our boy got the best job of the Jedi for him (aside from being a mechanic).
