Mike Mew needs your help!

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Link to functional patterns:

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Professionals (of any medical/health discipline);

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Currently the full proceeds of the patreon is directed to the video team, who donate the rest of their time for free. Please help in spreading this message.

best wishes,
Orthotropics Video Team.

This channel is part of the International Association of Facial Growth Guidance. A nonprofit organisation which aims to raise awareness of alternative orthodontic methods and ideas, which too few people are informed of.

The main aim of the platform is to precipitate debate on why teeth are crooked. Most people are not aware that (in most cases) the dental profession has little or no idea why the teeth are crooked, or for that matter why children need major surgery. Clearly there are genetic issues, however the science is clear, the weight of quality research papers, in respected peer reviewed journals, show that our modern lifestyle is a more important factor and most importantly we can do something about this.

This is especially important as sleep apnoea, TMD, forward head posture and a most otolaryngology problems are implicated as other symptoms of the same underlying problem.

Disclaimer; We regularly post discussions and debates from guests and colleges. The IAFGG is not responsible for all the opinions, statements or content of the material posted, especially that from guess lecturers.

The secretary can be contacted at:

Orthodontic Health Limited
Tel. No: 00442086603695
Address: 16A Pampisford Road
Greater London
United Kingdom

This channel also acts as a forum to make openly, speculative suggestions, to find common ground with other professionals (in both related and seemingly unrelated fields), educated lay people and members of the public at large, to either support or detract on the information provided, but either way engage in the scientific process. In the pursuit of the truth it is normal in science to make speculative comments which may not have full scientific support, and we welcome feedback and discussion.

In general, the videos posted on this web site are not advertisements, and will clearly be labelled as such if necessary. Apart from educational books, the association does not sell anything or encourage anyone to have any form of treatment. It does aim to make people think, consider all options, ask questions and become fully informed.

The underlying pathology of malocclusion and the related symptoms is referred to as Craniofacial Dystrophy;

The association feels that it should be possible to prevent or at least minimise the level of craniofacial dystrophy through simple public health measures.
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Video is titled "Mike Mew needs your help" and even in this video he helped us and taught us something new... Hats off to you Sir!


There are no words to describe the gratitude I owe to this revolutionary man and all the benefits that mewing has brought into my life. I’ll always be thankful dr. Mike, because you literally changed my life for the better. 🙏🙏🙏❤️


You need to make short to the point videos WHEN REQUESTING ACTION! Your ask must be direct, quick and easy to understand and follow up with! Perhaps get Public Relations/Communications advice! Build your videos to be easy to share as well! Have active social media where the same videos/perhaps with some modifications, should be uploaded to different channels. Good luck Doc!


I’ve been meeting for about 5 months now and I’ve notice considerable change in my facial structure and function. I have always breathed through my mouth so starting was a bit of a challenge. My jaw has widened, giving me a more attractive, square, looking face. My airway has cleared, allowing me to easily and more comfortably breathe through my nose. Finally mid face has subtly shifted forward and my eyes look less tired all the time. All in all I can’t express enough how much I appreciate John and Mike Mew’s work as it will change my life forever.


started mewing yesterday. My teeth on the side are hurting a little bit, because either my tongue is too wide or my upper jaw too narrow. Its just hurting a little bit, so no big problem here. Is that normal, or should i stop?


I think if u put spanish subtitles in your videos, maybe that would help to reach more people around the world, just for the most important videos anyway, or just more english subtitles, thanks for the job you are doing doc


i have braces which expanded my palate which made mewing easier. But you know what helps you most in ur looks? your head/body thats like 70% of mewing actually, the rest is the tongue thing. Just dont get extractions :)
jfl @ you mentioning incels i love you i really do xD
much love <3


Dr. Mike, Derek from More Plate More Dates has a video on the health benefit he got.


I am afraid I have a conflict of interest with responding here, because I believe in what they do as I experienced the opposite process... from having a good teeth to have my face muscles modified due to a process of teeth grinding by a supposed expert.

When I found the information about orthotropics, I called 2 or 3 times to the clinic asking for an appointment and sent an email explaining my situation and again requesting an assessment, and called again to check if they had received it. They had, and I was told, that was months ago, I was going to be contacted. It never happened.

In my opinion being professional is not just to have the knowledge and the experience, especially in health, it is also to be open to listen when someone is trying to look for possible solutions and guidance.

I suppose that next time I go to my country I will have to look for someone there.

Really disappointing!!


r/mewing has a bunch of amazing result stories


I wanna ask you Dr.Mew what you think about calisthenics type of workouts ? Do you think it could be beneficial like functional patterns for dental health ?


Have you tried Wim Hof breathing for that chromes og yours?


I have a crooked jaw aswell as some toothgaps between my teeth, what should do? Should i see a dentist and get braces? Because i feel like mewing cant really do anything against my toothgaps... btw. im currently 16 years old...


I'm subscribed to this channel, but I never see the videos


I mog your head and neck posture tho Dr Mike hehe


I have been mewing for two years (started when I was 30) and I can notice subtle yet significant change in my facial structure. I have higher cheekbones now! :) There is not enough words to describe my gratefulness to dr. John and Mike Mew!!!


ive been mewing last two yeas with major major breaks for example 6 months off then ill do it for few weeks, and even with inconsistency i have progressed, it is that good. push tongue to upper palate guys


Dr Mike I told u last time as well I need your help. My girlfriend is constantly getting her hands cut after touching my sharp ass jawline please help 🔥


My orthodontist sacrificed my jaw position for 'straight teeth' my bite was crooked and very non symmetrical, I developed tmj, had to give up passions in sports, can't sleep etc. Now I'm with someone who's working to expand the maxilla and much more, rather than someone who just pushes the teeth out at the cost of everything else.


You can notice that "SOUND OF SEPARATION OF TONGUE FROM PALATE" each time Mike starts speaking after closing his mouth, that is the goal we all want to master.
