Big bolus chewing! Auto Myofunctional therapy

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I made this video some time ago.

Building up muscle tone is an essential part of changing the balance within the muscular and postural systems. Please balance the efforts to build up;

a) your muscle effect and
b), your tongue effect,

The differences are explained in more detail here;

And understand the inner U and the outer U.

Most people with malocclusion have a subacute jaw joint problem, so it is best to avoid a gargantuan chewing marathon only, and consider

1) tongue chewing;
2) big bolus chewing (this video) and
3) tongue exercises as well.

Work hard but keep in balance, best wishes MM

NB; this is not an advert for anything, it is an informational video. In no way do I encourage anyone to consider treatment with me. Do not expect me to "treat" anyone, all I will ever do is help you to help yourself.
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You don't want this guy to bite you.


I'm 35 years old, starting the chewing gum therapy at 34 and I can swear it works. At 16 I had crooked teeth, my canines were on top of all the other teeth, so I was taken to an orthondontist who extracted a perfectly good tooth to get his job done. I was left with a v shaped palate, an ugly narrow smile and puffy cheeks. My chin was retracted, developed a hook nose. So I stocked up on gum and one year later my face looks completely different: my palate is wider and my teeth look more straight, my lips accomodate my smile nicely without dark gaps at the corners. I started getting hollow cheeks, and the biggest bonus my side view. More prominent and horizontal mandibular bone, less double chin, and less childish. I know my bones didn't change at this age, but the teeth moved to a better position. Thank you Dr Mew!!!


Legends say he’s still chewing that gum till this day...


I chew gums 6 pairs of them a day for 30 minutes. Been doing it for 7 months. Alongside with mewing. Yes. This stuff works!


I prefer calling it big CHUNGUS chewing.


Mew: I have 14 sticks of chewing gum in my mouth


I'm 17 and I've been following your videos about a year now. Yesterday, December 6th, my mother realized that my cheeks have gone away and realized my face was so skinny now compared to before.

I even realized it. My cheekbones are much bigger and jawline more visible. My chin is still pretty far back tho.

But she blamed my facial appearance on getting a lack of sleep and not eating enough... haha! SHe will never know that Orthotropics did this to my face.


0:34 never seen someone lose control counting with their fingers before lmfao


I feel like this is a diary of a mad scientist lol


Dr. Mike Mew being yet again the best friend of the chewing gum industry.


I've been doing Buteyko breathing for 15 years. Now I have added your myofunctional mouth exercises. things are getting even better.thanks so much for your channel.


Anyone else hear the little ‘pop’ noise his lips made at 1:08


Fascinating. I’m 39 and I’ve always had a very small mouth and a weak chin. It has gotten much worse with age, and especially during Covid, when I stayed at home with my kids, sitting in a terrible position all day. Because of this I developed bad posture and a forward head position.

It was recommended that I begin injections to my lower face to correct this cosmetically but I would rather fix the problem as much as possible at the root before I go that route.

I know I can’t do a ton at this age, bone-wise, but I have downloaded the app and began Mewing, along with the daily exercises.

One thing I noticed is that my tongue was completely lying on the bottom of my mouth which I’m working to correct. I’ve also realized, by watching this video, that my tongue almost doesn’t move at all when I’m eating. Crazy. No wonder why I have developed these issues 😢


Chewing large pieces of meat would probably serve all the same functions, and would not spike blood sugar and insulin levels...


This is how ASMR is suppose to be. Its subtle, not something u overwhelmingly intentionally do.


Interesting. But does our stomachs enjoy this foreplay without climax?


You are a blessing. I wish I had found this channel years ago


Hyena: I have the largest biting force among mammals
Mike Mew: Hold my big bolus


I am so happy I was able to come across your videos!


I never fully committed to mewing but having my tongue on the roof of my mouth did help a little over the past two years with the strength of my face because it was hanging down all the time subconsciously . It’s still a weak jawline but I’m going to fully commit now
