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#Dermatillomania #CompulsiveSkinPicking #StopSkinPicking

Hey! In this video, I discuss why abruptly stopping your skin picking does NOT work.
Let's be honest, a lot of us have done this. I used to find myself constantly back at square one thinking, WHY CAN'T I STOP?? But truthfully, it wasn't realistic to think dermatillomania works that way. Later on in the video I discuss how I manage it, instead.

Thanks for watching! :)
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The thing that helps me the most is meditating, and being present, aware. When I look in the mirror and I learned to be present and in the moment, I'm more able to catch myself trying to pick and stop in time. Also, looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself that your skin is not supposed to be perfect and really observing it from a detached point of view. I tell myself that when I look at others I don't study all their blemishes, so why do I do it to myself? No one scrutinizes me like I do and so no one pays attention to my imperfections. I should see myself how others see me.


You really hit the nail right on the head in this video. I realized after years of trying to control my skin picking that trying to motivate myself through the improved appearance of my skin was fueling the very belief that causes me to pick: the appearance of my skin = how I feel about myself. The more I move away from caring about the appearance of skin, good or bad, the less skin picking has control over my life.


I‘ve been struggling with this illness for eight years now. Every time I pick I tell myself I won’t do it again. I want to thank you for your work because your videos have really helped me see that I’m not alone and you helped me cope with all of this. One day, I hope we will all be able to make it.


So TRUE! I'm ALWAYS setting myself up for challenges with my picking, with my eating, with my weed smoking, exercise, cleaning.
At 47, I'm so tired of listening to that stupid voice in my head that has been collecting silly thoughts since birth.


How the F does this even start? A decade ago, I was walking my neighbours dog everyday and I started sweating more and got a few bumps on my back shoulder and I started picking at them. That's how I remember it starting. I was going through a stressful time (divorce, starting a business) and it was calming me as I picked those bumps. Now I pick from the top of my head to my knees. Of course I had no idea it would EVER get this out of control.
I'm so F'N sorry to EVERYBODY dealing with this. It feels TERRIBLE when I know that I am doing this to my own body and that I'm the only one who can stop it. EVERYDAY I say it will be the last day. I'm going to stop saying that because it hurts to let myself down on the daily.


Tbh sometimes I still tell myself that I’m gonna have a picking-free week. But after a few hours I’m already like: who am I kidding? 😂 I can’t even do a picking-free day and I know it won’t work anyway either. But I think there’s just always a little bit of hope that it will be different this time, even though I know that’s kind of stupid🙈


I went pick free for about 2 weeks, then got stressed and picked my scalp raw.


I struggled with OCD since I remember existing. When I was little was the stem/repetitive movement related. At a young age it became about eating disorder just to be replaced by skin picking. I have been doing this for at least 15 years now. I've been to the dermatologist last week for a different reason and she spotted right away how much I have been picking my skin. The sad thing is that I know if I overcome this I'll replace it with something else 😢


You’ve relaxed me and calmed my stress. Thank you so much. I wish you happiness ❤


Mine comes from stress. Growing up I was in very abusive household and i all ways ran to that. A year ago my skin was getting better drastically for months and for the first time I thought it was over. Then my first mid life crisis happened I mean the lowest you can think and I couldn’t control it. My skin has never looked worse. But i I truly want to build a new habit to replace it and work hard to get rid of the stress in my life whatever I have to do.


So good to hear from you! And really pleased to know you're okay. When you went suddenly AWOL I was a bit worried and wanted to message you, but also didn't want to bug you if you were trying to have a social media break 😉


I saw soooo many videos and none of them was as helpful as yours. This is the first time when I feel truly understood. Finally it is not about skin care or "great tips" but it fucuses on the root of the problem. Thank you 🙏


Lovely explanation! We should see our picking (or whatever else we're doing) as a signal/cue that maybe we need to do some self care. When I become aware of it, I can check my list of various self care activities (such as journaling, meditating, etc) and choose something that will nourish and nurture myself in that moment, rather than shaming myself or trying to directly "control" it. It is like an addiction and should be treated as such. I'm in 12 step programs and it wasn't until I watched this video that I realized I can use the tools of the program to help me with this. Thank you, Kim!


Wow i've literally been scratching at that one spot of my cheek for a week and while watching this video was the only time i was able to stop. I literally do it for hours on end, i can go months without doing it but lately i started again and i know all the arguments to stop, i don't want a scar and i can't film YouTube videos because i don't use make-up and i have this red spot there, it feels "so stupid" but it's not, but understanding the nechanisms might actually work. The only way i know to not do it is occupying my hands


I am very grateful to you for raising this topic and sharing really useful information and your experience


please start daily scalp, neck, face Massage. replace unwanted behaviour with healthy and healing practice. Early signs of immune system fatigue includes picking, anxiety, skin ailments, insomnia, etc.all signs of stress to the immune system.. We do not absorb all vitamins efficiently. Stress induced ailments and problems signals the immune system is challenged. Pemphigus Foliaceous is common, misunderstood, and not serious unless the immune system health is not improved and maintained. Please, take care of your overall well-being and the problem will be solved for good. Peace!


I began this during my marriage breakdown as a dissociative thing. I took antibiotics, got out of the situation and took up crocheting that used my hands. I also covered all my mirrors. It cleared up eventually once I was in a better place emotionally hit has just started again because my mum is dying of cancer. I need to stop now because my fave is such a mess!!’


Hey I just found this video of yours and wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Having only ever had people stare and ask "what the hell happened to your legs?!" and worrying only about the beauty aspect of my skin picking, I just never thought about the importance of what you said. I think this is going to be really really helpful for me. So yeah, thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful day, because you surely made mine🥰


Wow, this is the most helpful video I have ever watched for skin picking:) thank you so much, I have been able to set realistic goals and meditation is a safe place for me now! I never thought I would have the confidence to post a comment on a video on YouTube with the worry of being judged but I just wanted to say thank you and that this has literally changed my life! I'm taking things one step at a time:) thanks for the advice.


I am embarrassed by my arms. Actually started on my thighs. So many scars. I wear long sleeves now.
