STOP Fighting Your Mind and Do This Instead | Michael A.Singer

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The human mind is a complex and powerful tool, capable of generating thoughts, emotions, and perceptions that shape our reality. However, managing one's mind can be a daunting task, as it constantly produces an endless stream of thoughts and distractions that can be difficult to control.

In this video, Michael A.Singer highlights the importance of developing a different approach to managing the mind, one that focuses on the Journey...

MICHAEL A. SINGER is the author of #1 New York Times bestseller The Untethered Soul and New York Times bestseller The Surrender Experiment, which have been published worldwide. He had a deep inner awakening in 1971 while working on his doctorate in economics and went into seclusion to focus on yoga and meditation. In 1975, he founded Temple of the Universe, a now long-established yoga and meditation center where people of any religion or set of beliefs can come together to experience inner peace. He is also the creator of a leading-edge software package that transformed the medical practice management industry, and founding CEO of a billion dollar public company whose achievements are archived in the Smithsonian Institution. Along with his nearly five decades of spiritual teaching, Michael has made major contributions in the areas of business, education, healthcare, and environmental protection.

#michaelasinger #spirituality #innergrowth #2023 #blackscreen


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This moved me profoundly. I have been a worrier all of my life. At 66, it is time to quit caring about all the outcomes and live each moment!


“ I’m going to do the best I can at everything and I don’t care what happens” that shit HIT me


I once went on a series of interviews for an incredible job that I thought I would never get, because I didn't think I would get it, I didn't care how I came across in the interviews, so I was completely relaxed, at ease and stress free, my relaxed demeanor impressed them so much I was hired even though I didn't meet all the qualifications and training they were looking for. I excelled at that job and when I gave my notice 2 years later the VP of my department broke down tears and begged me not to leave


This is the highest level of emotional security. The etymology of secure literally means to not care. Blew my mind when I saw that.


I read his book, “The Untherthered Soul” which was incredible. This message right here was exactly what I needed to hear. I’m always worrying, always stressed about the most insignificant things; about everything. I never just enjoy life, or try my best and let everything else be. After this video, I’m going to try my very best to implement his teachings. I will listen to this everyday. Love and light to everyone! 🙏🏾✨


In my yoga course we were taught that anytime you get too excited or too disappointed you’re attached.
Attachment causes suffering.
Ultimately attachment is living in the imagination of the mind and then wanting things to happen that way.
That’s fine if you’re prepared to life life on a rollercoaster.
Up to you.
If you’d rather feel calm and peaceful nearly all the time (at least in the background) then better to stop loving from imagination and just make a decision to be with each moment fully and embrace how it flowers.
When ever you’re lost, turn off all devices and connect to yourself with no excess noise.
Even this video.
Tune into your own wisdom.
With enough inner intention to change, you’ll get there.
With enough inner intention to live at peace, you’ll get there. But by bit xxx


"If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do no harm." Proverb
We all must get out of our own way, only then can you compete with your own greatness. Thank you for this message. Peace and purity in life until we're all united again.


I have another instead of expending your precious energy trying to make sense of the whys and wherefores of mind, focus instead on raising your awareness to above mind. You are not your mind, you are much greater and yes you do have power over the mind, but why waste precious energy trying to understand it? We are so programmed to figure out stuff, to question and analyse etc., just allow thoughts to flow through you, learn to consciously rise above thought and focus instead on being present. 99.9% of what your mind is going on about is not yours anyway, it's coming from the ethers of the collective mind. Until you're spiritually strong and in complete coherence with your spiritual heart center, stay out of your mind. Focus on staying in the moment. The Ascended Masters advise to pivot negative thoughts into positive ones, this you can do once you become spiritually strong enough to know the difference. The mind does have its purpose though. It provides a playing field from which you can play the game of life in the realm of opposites. You graduate when you can work with the mind and not become its subject, but rather its observer. Lots of love 💜


I am less than one week of hearing this material, and already, I am reaping the rewards of putting this to action. I feel lighter. I also have stopped to ignore thoughts and situations that I feel u comfortable with. I experience the experience, and then I let go of it. This is amazing!


I feel that he is saying something so improtant and so beautiful yet he is missing something so interegal and I beleive could be causing damage actually to many people instead of helping. This part of the mind that "is not ok" and just sitting with it, not alwasy the best advice. For many people this part of the mind that is "not ok" is the inner child. The only reason any mind is not ok is because it was not given the proper love, secutifty and support it needed. There are people with deep trauma, very sensitive people like me and it is an over simplification to say oh just sit with it all, the world owes me nothing. For people with deep pain, this part of the mind does need talking to, because it's the inner child that needs love and support and chances are if you didn't get the love and support you needed you are not going to know how to give it to yourself with ease. So you do need to go out in the world and ask for help, and say "hey I'm not doing ok and I don't have the tools or the skills to help myself" and there is no shame in that. I don't know if thsi man addreeses people with trauma but I felt it is important to note here if they are people who watch this and feel there is something missing, like I do


I was so tortured by my thoughts and what I perceived as a problem. It's been going for some time, and because I was so tired to go in a loop for so long, I sat and tried to observe what was going on. I realized that it has been a life long repeating pattern, and I cried because I felt so helpless. I just didn't know what to do. I said a little prayer for help without thinking that it would be answered.

I took my phone thinking that I would just continue the loop again, but somehow the algorithm offered this.

Whoah... This is exactly what I need! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


This man was the teacher that brought me the closest to the peace, love and understanding at our core. I’m only able to glimpse it most days but those brief encounters with truth are so powerful.
I came upon him at the lowest point in my life (sudden and traumatic death of my fiancé) when I was debating best ways to make my own death look like an accident… these past 10 months have been brutal but they’ve also been beautiful thanks to Singer.


In my experience when you dont care what people think of you and you simply enjoy life there are two reactions from others some find you magnetic and others think you are weird and need fixing. If I am peaceful or ecstatic with 'living" I really dont care what others think of me. That is their problem. Much love to you Michael Singer. Thanks for your wisdom.


Being present for your life. That’s what it’s all about. Thank you!


Love this! Lucky is the child who grows up with a father talking to them in this way ❤


This is it people! I don't think there's any point in ever watching another video on spirituality, Michael has said in 20 minutes everything there is to say on how to live one's life with equanimity and joy! What a blessed man!


lost my wife of 13 yrs to cancer on 8 1 23 3 mths n shes gone, I have to be, ''being ok not being ok'' in so many others saying the same, ... this really helps n brings comfort, with the lords message also, give all your burdens to the lord, do your best and let god handle the rest...


When the student is ready to learn the teacher appears. I’m so grateful for this video and i promise to myself to never forget this message.


I suffered from stress and anxiety and i listened to this video two weeks ago and made the effort to listen it every day. Now i have started to interiorise the ideas and i am feeling waay better and taking life on a much more positive attitude. Thank you for the video!


What a cool perspective. For many years I’ve known that my mind is not who I am. I’ve tried so many different ways of trying to control it and shape it, only for it to push back and even make things worse. Mentally telling yourself that you just need to do the best you can and don’t get caught up in the outside results, is very freeing to the mind. It almost feels like the mind wants to be relieved of its responsibility, and it wants to know that you’ve got this. It doesn’t want to worry, it doesn’t want to suffer, it just wants to know everything is OK. And when it knows it’s OK, that’s when the fun begins.
