DUNE Part 3: What's Next & Book Changes - Dune: MESSIAH Explained!

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#Dune #Messiah #Part3
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The framing and cinematography was top notch on this film! Most outstanding for me were for me the simple and so powerful sound effects. It's amazing to see how quiet the movie is, and still brings so much emotions.


I always liked the last line of the first book when Jessica tells Chani that history will call them wives. It was clear that Paul was setting up Irulan and using her to gain power.


Paul said to his mother that chani will come to understand ive seen it. So im sure she will eventually come back.


I really like the idea that he genuinely was in love with chani and fully intended to push the fremen to free themselves, but was pushed into this path to try to take the pass of lesser evil.


Paul does not fear the "Golden Path" due to the billions of deaths, as they will already happen with the Jihad that he started to solidify his position as new Emperor. Infact, Paul didn't start the "Golden Path" at all. The "Golden Path" is a vision of the future with the intention to save humanity as a whole and it would take millennia to accomplish and it would require from Paul to give up his humanity completely to make it happen. This is what he couldn't bring himself to do he was not ready to become a god like immortal entity so that he could actually create this path for humanity. So in the end it was his son Leto II. who actually did it by becoming the God Emperor.


Alia talking smack to the Reverend Mother in Dune 1984. Love that!


I think what Villeneuve is doing is brilliant. He is staying true to the source material, while also giving us book readers a twist that makes sense. He is showing us things that the book merely glanced over; and, if people really want to know more, all they have to do is read the books. These movies are expanding on the books. If the first 15-20 minutes of Part 3 is a Holy War in space and on different planets spanning 10 years-15 years, the movies can stay in line with the books timeline. An opening montage would totally work. It can also show Chani coming back to Paul, and the Bene Gesserit influencing Irulan to sabotage Paul and Chani relationship.

When Messiah is released and successful, I wouldn't mind Villeneuve stepping down as director; but, staying on as producer, and hand picking the next Director. Maybe Jonathan Nolan? He did a killer job with Westworld Season One. An unknown Director, that Villeneuve trusts, could also be an awesome fit.

I also want to See Jason Mamoa again as Duncan Idaho.


Im so excited to see the next part. Im already hooked in some Dune lore videos on YouTube. A couple years ago watching Dune 1 was quite problematic because I was struggling with following the plot because of the freaking names. This time I was prepared and understood the entire story immediately


As long as the writing and the quality of the cinematography stays up, keep'em coming. Take my money, please!


If a third movie is made, I REALLY hope we get to see a guild navigator.


I would like to see the Dune prequel trilogy that outlines the human-machine war, The Butlerian Jihad, The Machine Crusade, and the Battle of Corrin. I listened to those audiobooks when I was commuting to and from work and really enjoyed them. There are plenty of battles and political intrigue/scheming would be a perfect fit.


That you so much for explaining the blue thing with chani. Had no idea


I hope part 3 really spend time showing the tremendous death toll of Paul's Jihad on the conquered planets, and on the fremen.


It wasn't just the war that killed 60 billion people. A lot of the deaths are due to Paul's control over the Spacing Guild through his control of Spice. The Spacing Guild has a monopoly on interstellar travel because they're the only ones who can safely navigate folded space. And they do it with Navigators who have been mutated by the Spice, and these Navigators need Spice to survive. So by controlling the Spice, Paul can force the Spacing Guild to cut off entire worlds from trade, starving them out. This is a big part in how he's able to fight against the Great Houses, their armies can't do anything without the Spacing Guild to transport them to different planets.

They'll probably have to make a longer time jump. In the book, Alia is around 16. If they plan on having Anya Taylor-Joy play Alia, she's not going to be 16. So I think either Dune Messiah movie will start like 20 - 22 years after Dune part 2 or they'll put a time jump in Dune Messiah where it starts 12 years after part 2 and then have a time jump to 8 or 10 years later.


Just seen it again. Absolute masterpiece. Can’t wait for part 3.

Also it’s crazy how Zendaya has similar roles and is the key to saving Spidey in the end, and now Paul with her Love. She is The One lol


Chani doesn't 'leave' Paul, she goes south and knows that Paul marries Irulan as a political convenience, not a love match, Chani will always have his heart and will have his children, Irulan gets nothing physical/emotional. I'm so pleased that you are pointing out the differences so I don't have to rant on, thank you! The film(s) are really well made, the books are infinitely better. I think Alia of the Knife could have been included, she killed Baron Harkonnen in the book, in the film she's still in utero!!!! It's a pity that the Guild Navigators were completely omitted too!


Thank you for acknowledging the changes. Big fan of the book, so it was notable when they completely changed the ending.
Great point with the blue scarf, never even thought about it.
I think chani will come back to Paul. There is a reference in the end of the book about powerful women.

Alia shouldn’t be a problem in the time jump. Remember because of the water of life, she grows faster than her actual chronicle age. 1984 dune mentioned this quickly, it’s talked about in the books. So even though she was 2-3 chronically, she looked like a 7-8 year old.
Same can be true with Anya playing this character. With the time jump she can be anywhere from 12-14 years old, but look like a fully grown adult.


Some small but crucial details...
1) Zendaya was the worst and weakest part of the second film.
2) This Dune movie has a lot like A LOT of similarities with Matrix: Neo = Paul, CAM = Zendaya, Morpheus = Stilgar, City of Fremen = Zion, City of Machines = Homeworld of Harkonens from choreography down to character growth and interactions. Problem is that the white male in Matrix has no plan of ruling after the machines are gone, therefore Trinity is with him all the way. Here, Paul HAS to rule over Fremen in order to free them and defeat Harkonen and the Emperor. Paul had to make this quantum leap, he was between a hard place and a rock and anything less would mean catastrophe. So Zendaya is just pushing the message of a "bad white supremacist" and was so obvious and obnoxious that she spoiled a very decent film
3) The smaller the deviations the movies make from the books, the better..If a book is "difficult", don't touch it in the first place or know when to quit. Dune, later in the books becomes so messy even his writer didn't know what he was writing at the end
4) Therefore, Denis HAS to stop at part 3, which is going to be inferior to part 2 since Zendaya will unite her people against the "evil" Paul who will only be saved when/if he sees his wrongdoings by..Zendaya🙃
P.S. Still waiting to see a film where Zendaya doesn't degrade with her appearance/acting/performance


Please don’t wait too long. My father (a MASSIVE fan of the franchise) died of cancer between the initial intended release date of part 1 and the actual release date.
Watching it with him was something I was desperate to do. :(
Take the time you need to make a fantastic product. But we are entrusting you with so much more than just a movie. This is a legacy. And so far you haven’t let us down.


Will be interesting to see how the ghola 'Hayt' is depicted as a Zensunni mentat/philosopher and whether he will have metallic eyes as well. In the book, this version of the character was depicted as quite mild mannered in comparison, as he was not trained as a warrior.
