Which day is the Sabbath Dr. Munroe? #shorts

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In a radio interview, the late Dr Myles Munroe addressed the question of which day is the Sabbath according to scripture?
This clip has been edited to fit this #shorts clip so the unedited version will be posted in an extended video.

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Wow... that took a lot of guts. A Catholic admitting the 7th day is still the Sabbath. Bravo!


I'm a Sunday keeper, and I 100% agree that Saturday is Sabbath.


Leviticus 23:3. GOD said that we should gather for worship on the Sabbath day and from the scriptures, that is the seventh day (SATURDAY). What I find ironic is that the day of the Sabbath is not debated by most but the observance of the day has been questioned again and again. Who is a pastor to say something different from what God has said? if you claim to be a messenger of God, why will your doctrine be different from the One that sent you? The day of Rest and Worship is the Sabbath day, Saturday. Sunday is a "corporate day" fixed by men and not GOD. God is not an author of confusion, pastor! The word of God is very clear. Do not be deceived, brethren.


Nice sentiments, but Biblically it is not resting on the Sabbath, then worshipping on Sunday, as the preacher states. God commands "six days thous shalt labour." He did not say 5 days work and two days off to worship and rest on a "weekend." Sunday is the first day, so isn't at the week-END anyhow, but at the beginning of the (working) week. The Sabbath is for both worship and rest.


Psalms 92:1; Psalms 113:3
(A Psalm or Song for The Sabbath Day.)
It is a Good Thing to Give Thanks unto YAH, and to Sing Praises unto thy Name, O' Most High:


Oh Dear Lord people are so confused in these comments. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear.


shouldn't we keep sabbath day holy by resting or going to church?


God says "keep the 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) holy" and that's a sign between God and His people.
On the other hand, Pope (the beast in Revelation) says "keep Sunday holy" and that's the mark of his authority. Soon it will be inforced. Please read the Bible and let the Holy Spirit guide you! God bless 🙏 Jesus Christ is coming soon


Dr. Myles is worshiping both God (Saturday) and Constantine (Satan) on Sunday.


God said, "Six days you shall work, and on the 7th day, you shall do no work. If you are in Israel, Sabbath falls from sundown on Friday to Sundown on Saturday because their new work day starts Sunday. Because Westerner new work day is Monday, then Sunday would be a sabbath. God said, "Six days you shall work, but on the 7th day, you shall do no work. God doesn't state what day. He states multiple times. Six days you shall work and the 7th day, you shall not work.


New Moon Guides Us So Sabbath Comes On Different Day's.


Israel did not use the gregorian calendar.
We are on Yah's time- not man's time. Sabbath is based on the new moon. It is inconvenient for many due to the system we live in. Regardless- until Yeshuah makes it all clear when we are face-to-face, it should not divide us.


If you’re catholic you should use the same 10 commandments that is written in the Holy Bible and not leave out the second commandment


The appointed assemblies feasts of the creator are in Leviticus 23 the first day was never commanded and we are to work 6 days


This man is greatly honoured by some Adventist. I believe God sent him to sleep for a good reason.


Whatever you will search in the Bible you will NEVER find any verse about Jesus as REST or as SABBATH and the REST which He GIVE you in Matthew 11:28 is REST of all kind of sins (rest of stealing, rest of adultery, rest of lie, rest of all kind of sins against God’s moral principles of life Exodus 20).
But in Matthew 11:28 calling you to come to Him just as you are laden with sins He told you to take YOUR cross(Matt 10:38 Mark 10:21) which you will need in Galatians 2:20(Rom 12:1) so that after you died in Galatians 2:20 you will be free from sins(Rom 6:7) so that after Gal 2:20 living ONLY Christ in YOU(Rom 7:22 2Cor 4:16) YOU CANNOT SIN ANYMORE(1John 3:9 1John 5:18) being born again of God’s word(1Peter 1:23) remaining God’s word in you(Luke 8:11 1John 3:9 John 1:1).
Salvation IN sin cannot exist in the Bible after throwing the sinners out from heaven(2Peter 2:4 Genesis 3:24) and this is why we have the Old and New Testament Hebrews chapter 3 and chapter 4 making clearly that when you will not have in Hebrews 4:9 your SABBATISMOS as your daily rest of all kind of sins after Matthew 11:28 Galatians 2:20 1John 3:9 1John 5:18 then you will NOT ENTER in Hebrews 4:10 TO REST “AS” HE RESTED in Genesis 2:1-3 without sinning in any day of His daily works.
In Hebrews 4:10 is about ENTERING in HIS REST of His works in Genesis 2:1-3 RESTING “AS” GOD RESTED and knowing that on the seventh day He was not RESTED after sinning any day of the week you are called in Hebrews 4:10 to REST “AS” HE RESTED without sinning in any day of His works.
Hebrews chapter 4 make clearly that the people of Joshua being already ENTERED in the land of REST(Canaan) God’s SWEAR(Hebrews 4:3) make clearly that they was NOT ENTERED IN HIS REST(Genesis 2:1-3 Exodus 20:8-11) and you have His SWEAR REPEATED against you in Hebrews 4:5 because already in the Old Testament God warned that you will NOT ENTER IN HIS 7th DAY OF REST TO WORSHIP HIM AFTER YOU WORSHIPED SATAN ON YOUR 6 WORKING DAYS.
John 9:31  Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a WORSHIPER of God, and doeth his will, him He heareth.
It is easy to be saved and hard to be lost when after Galatians 2:20 you are RESTING daily of all kind of sins having only Christ alive in you so that after demonstrating yourself as being 6 days obedient you can ENTER on the seventh day of HIS REST TO REST “AS” HE RESTED without sinning any day of His works of creation.
God created for you 6 days of practicing always a better REST in obedience so that on the seventh day of HIS REST you will have always better worshiping to demonstrate yourself as being always better worshiper being compatible to replace the fallen angels who has broken their eternally state of REST in obedience(sabbatismos) resisting against God.
And now please don’t tell me that even to REST DAILY instead to RESIST against God you see as impossible for you.
Start a new life RESTING instead of RESISTING giving glory to Satan(Rev 14:7).
REMEMBER to sanctify yourself daily(John 17:17 Acts 11:14) so that you can sanctify the seventh DAY OF LOVE(Exodus 20:8-11) between two sweethearts who are in love RESISTING being totally disconnected from ALL what can disturb their ONLY ONE DAY OF LOVE sanctified and blessed already beginning with Genesis 2:1-3(Exodus 20:11),


Lol it's funny because some comments mention sun moon and stars and I believe Jesus would you call you a wicked generation. Jesus is Lord of the sabbath. If we went by the stars and moons in the sky which God plans to destoy...how you gunna tell the days? I can't just randomly say to my boss...oh the sabbath is on tuesday...or the sabbath today is Friday no...not gunna fly. I would get fired. Stick to Saturdays


Resting is worship choose ye this day who you worship no man can serve two masters sabbath is Saturday Sunday worship is pagan period


God did it change the Sabbath to Sunday. The Catholic Church did it on their own falsely claimed authority on 323 Council of Nicea. The statement Christ made about him defeating Satan was the petra on which he would bund his church, not Peter petros that the Roman Catholic Church claims is their God given authority when gods had already declared that we are Not to add to or take away from his Word.


Resting is cool but you’re still not keeping convocation Leviticus 23:3
