The SHOCKING History of the Sabbath: How It Was Changed from Saturday to Sunday

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Did you know that Sunday sacredness is not supported by Scripture? The day Jesus and His disciples kept holy was the seventh-day Sabbath, which corresponds to our Saturday. It wasn't until after the New Testament was written that Christians started observing Sunday as the Lord's Day. This was part of the falling away that the apostle Paul warned about in the book of Acts. The early church compromised with paganism, leading to unbiblical teachings and practices like prayers to Mary and the saints, observing holidays including Christmas and Easter, and keeping Sunday holy. In fact, Sunday was originally observed as a day of worship for the Roman sun god, Sol Invictus! Learn about this and more by watching this video!

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Video Chapters:

0:00 - Introduction
03:13 - Earliest Records of Sunday Worship
06:36 - Why Christians Started Keeping Sunday
09:11 - The Falling Away
12:01 - How Christianity Compromised With Paganism
14:26 - Sunday in the Roman Empire
16:53 - Catholic Admissions About Sunday
18:15 - Antichrist Prophecy About the Sabbath
19:00 - Protestant Admissions About Sunday
20:50 - Does It Matter What Day We Keep As the Sabbath?
22:11 - The Sunday Sabbath Is Satanic
23:32 - Will All Sunday Keepers Go to Hell?

#sabbath #god #christianity
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I will honor the God of the Bible by keeping the Sabbath holy. Will you join me?

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People reject Shabbat, not knowing the peace they’re missing out on. Shabbat is one of the greatest blessings for us.


I am an SDA and I am happy to see this video. Sadly lately I noticed on YouTube preachers that speak against Sabbath of the Lord with a energy worthy of a better cause. God said is His Sabbath, it’s the signed between Him and us, and Jesus called Himself Lord of the Sabbath. He was expecting for His followers to keep the Sabbath while running from the destruction of Jerusalem.
Is still a mystery for me how people can go against a so plain comand of God while declaring to love and serve Him.
Thank you for your service on YouTube! Keep doing this great work!


We are instructed to Remember the Sabbath.
God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.
He will not say Forget the Sabbath.


They changed more than just the Sabbath!


Yes!Yes! Yes! But problem is many are scared to learn & admit they've been misled, etc!


Sunday is a Man made worship day. I am living out of my car. It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to find a job in the South that will allow me to honor the Sabbath on Saturday. I believe that God sent me this video for a reason last night while I was at McDonald's trying to get help with food. Praise his precious Holy Name for showing me the truth especially at a time when it is a test of my faith. I love Christ Jesus and I will honor him and not man with their man made traditions and paganism. Hallelujah. Amen. 🙏🙌


Thank you for this, I was born in SDA went away and came back to the truth, understanding, sill learning the Bible, I’m a proud SDA to keep Sabbath as holy, it make sense morally and spiritually God bless 🙏🏽


My God is not the sun. My God is the Son. Praise Jesus!


I'm happy to see you included the Jewish-Christian schism, which is rarely discussed or known. I recently uploaded my testimony from last Sabbath and will be following up in May on this very topic regarding Acts 15.


That is the reason why God say remember it because he already know we well forget it by way the great video greg


Yep, i learned this from three angels network on the radio. So now i rest on Sat. And Sundays when I'm freshest i work for myself, then give the resta the week to man. Still working on making Saturdays holy.


I have been baptized into the Seventh Day Adventist Church because of the truth of the Sabbath and the state of the dead. I was once a Baptist believer but could no longer allow myself to be misled by misguided men! AMEN!! ❤


I follow Jesus, I follow what HE said, I try to eat what HE ate. I go by what Jesus said. I don’t care about people arguing over his color, or his real name or birthday, I don’t care, people waste far too much time figuring out things that are that important.
Be good, pray, be baptized, follow the commandments, try not to purposely commit sin, and through Gods grace, hopefully you’ll enter the kingdom.
Just follow Jesus!


I'm a baptist whose sabbath is saturday and i do no xmas and no easter i just send happy thanksgiving and happy resurrection of Jesus cards


I will HONOUR the FATHER of my saviour Jesus Christ


Wonderful talk and support for the true sabbath. You do great work. I have been attending the 7th Day Adventist Church for over a year and will be water baptized this coming Sunday. The moving of the H.S. and our Lord is very clear in my life. Praise god for you ministry.


My dad asked our Baptist minister to show him, from the Bible, that Sunday should be observed, instead of Saturday. The pastor, and the first elder, both said they couldn't prove it from the Bible. So we joined the SDA Church. Some people told us it doesn't matter, or isn't important, or is being legalistic. But if keeping one commandment is legalistic, then it would be the same for all commandments. Trusting God for guidance isn't legalism. You can make anything legalistic, even baptism. If you think you earn salvation by baptism, that's legalism. But we aren't to refuse baptism just because some people are legalistic about baptism. And I see no place in Scripture that says we can pick and choose which commandments are important. All commandments define what God considers to be sin. It's interesting that some people think it is legalistic to keep the day God has chosen, but think it's grace to keep a day invented by humans. So why should I believe it is legalistic to follow God, but grace to follow man?


Thank you to my parents who introduced me to the Seventh Day Adventist doctrine. I’ll continue to keep the 10 commandments including the 4th.
Blessings to Greg, Doug, Pstr Skeet and the team who continue to spread the truth to build His kingdom.

Thank you Jesus🫡


Friday Sundown Saturday Sun Down is the True Sabbath Day 🙏
