How to STOP Attracting The Wrong Guys

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Why do so many guys turn out to be jerks?? Maybe you’re unlucky. Or maybe men just suck as a gender. But then you realise those are just dumb beliefs.

Then you consider ANOTHER terrifying possibility: what if YOU are the problem?? What if you’re doing something to attract the bad guys without even knowing why? In this week’s blog video, I want to put this issue to rest once and for all. So many women ask me how to avoid crappy men, and so many times I always want to give the same answer. So here it is…hope you’re ready for me to lay down some serious TRUTH today!

Remember, the sooner you get rid of the wrong ones, the more you’ll have room for the right one.

Are you ready to smash through your barriers and find your Mr. Right? Go here to learn how...


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Repeat: He/She is not a project and I am not their saviour.


The woman you are describing comes from a different environment, than a high value woman. She probably grew up with parents, who were ignoring her or emotionally and physically abusing her. Perhaps without a dad or much grew up in a "war zone".
Wrong men come from the same environment and mainly there are two types of characters, that come out of it -ABUSERS and VICTIMS.

When a woman of that background meets a "wrong men" she is super attracted to him, because THAT IS ALL HER BRAIN KNOWS and makes her feel super strong chemistry!!! She feels as if she has met her soulmate, not realizing, that she just met someone with whom, she will recreate her childhood emotional experiences.

Only by studying her past and becoming aware of "why do I attract this type of men ?" -
she has a chance of entering a "survivor state of mind" and becoming a high value woman capable of saying NO.

The difference between high value woman and low value woman is how love/affection or stress/abuse were they exposed to as kids.
If you are attracting "wrong men"- STUDY YOURSELF!!!

Just a little deeper explanation, in case someone does not understand your answer Matthew.


When I'm feeling lonely, I feel like I'm attracted to everybody, and I feel like I become blind to what's good or bad in a guy. Then I find out 2 months down the line that he's a total dud.


I think bad guys come across more confident and in control which is sexy. My sister used to always date bad guys and turn down softies until we talked her into dating a good guy. At first she kept complaining there was no spark until something clicked after a few months and now they are happily married. It's about giving the right guys a chance.


This can be applied to men as well. Don’t ignore red flags and don’t settle for a situation that isn’t good for you.


I was confident enough to break up with my ex because of this vdo...


"Are you giving the wrong guy more of a chance?" BOOM! Right there. "Have a level of confidence where you value yourself so highly that you won't lower yourself to a guy who doesn't deserve you...Take your confidence to another level where you've changed your relationship with Yourself. Because other people cannot buy into you until You do." Another BOOM! Thank you, Matthew. You're one of my favorite relationship/life coaches, and this video is why.


I have to keep reminding myself that it's better to be alone than in a bad relationship. I tell this to myself whenever my brain panics and thinks about getting back with my ex because "he's not that bad". I deserve better than someone I deem "not that bad", and he deserves someone who thinks more highly of him.


Yes! I found my worth during the end of a long term toxic relationship. And instead of blaming him for being who he is I reflected on myself and acknowledged that I was lonely and allowed him into my life because of it. I am now happily single and focusing on myself and I am not going to settle for anything less than I deserve.


I really like his repeated theme about how people ignore warning signs in the beginning. High value women get good at cutting wrong people off early. I dont need to settle for this. I dont need to convince myself that this person is better than they really are. You would rather go alone until you find the person that can treat you right. What an attractive quality we could have if we keep to good standards.


I real regret my time that I wasted dating wrong guys, damn!


Get good in moving on quickly.
I don't need to convince myself that this person is better than they actually are.

Place your relationship with yourself on a pedestal.
You will back out of any arrangement that puts you down.


In summary: on early stages, trust your gut. However the work needed is actually BEFORE early stages, get yourself a good self-steem, a nice and neat group of real friends, a life project that gives you purpose beside your lovelife and the desire to have a partner, forgive yourself about your past mistakes and flaws and most importantly give yourself enough time to really, really enjoy loneliness. Then, when you start dating again it is easier to notice that maybe this guy is extremely jealous or possessive, that he talks trash about his previous ex, that he is rude to the waitress, etc.


yes! giving more of a chance to the wrong guys. i feel like us as women like to take on the wrongs as projects to improve. we think we can change them, no more projects, cut them loose! 😄


Listening to such a classy gentleman talk about these issues in such depth, helps raise the standard of men I want to be investing my time and energy in. You would make some girl really happy someday :)


"I'm such a beautiful and wonderful person. I deserve someone incredible" 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Wow this helped me realize that the reason I have never had a long relationship is not because I have the inability to commit but rather that I value myself. I keep true to my standards and am confident enough to realize when a guy is wasting my time. I decided to let loose and give this guy a chance. Later I felt wrong for going on one date with a misogynist d-bag. Now I realize I was open minded, and that I should be proud for quickly turning away.


"Going on a date with a bad guy and dating a bad guy are two different things" wow! That resonated so powerfully with me! Great video.


Thank you for this video, I agree. A lot of us have had a traumatic childhood. These traumas build up, and they really affect our thoughts and beliefs. Our self, esteem and self-image is affected. Staying single and working for improving our self is key!
We can do this!


Its quite simple these bad guys love to be with a kind loving person who they take advantage of and use. We are taught to be nice and give people second chances and forgive are a ton of guys who are Narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths and they hide it so well it may take years to uncover all the lies. They are chameleons and will say and do anything just to charm you and others around you.
