How to Stop Attracting Narcissists (6 Simple Tips)

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How to Stop Attracting Narcissists (6 Simple Tips). In this video, we cover 6 tips to stop attracting narcissists in your life. You'll learn easy-to-implement techniques that will help repel the narcissists so you can avoid these toxic empath and narcissist relationships and start attracting healthy relationships with another empath instead.

Do you find yourself repeatedly ending up with a narcissist despite your best efforts? Do you wonder what it is about you that always leads to a relationship with narcissistic individuals? Don’t worry, there are things you can do to stop the vicious circle and reduce the narcissists in your life. Make sure to watch until number 1, because it’s one of the most amazing tips on how to stop attracting narcissists we’ve ever seen!

10 Tactics to Put a Narcissist in Their Place

10 Examples of What Gaslighting Sounds Like

10 Things Narcissists Think You Owe Them



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Disclaimer: These videos are meant for educational purposes only. Do not use information in this or any other video to self-diagnose or diagnose other people. If you feel that you or someone close to you may possess some of the characteristics mentioned in this or any other video on this channel and need help then please, consult a licensed mental health professional.

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It's not who we meet but who we choose to keep in our lives. Good point.


I've found the number one thing that attracts narcissists is simply being nice.


I've recognised that my friendly laughter attracts narcs. But I am as I am .. myself. Therefore I set firm boundaries & shut the narcs out completely.


You are telling the truth. Thanks for sharing.😘😘😘😘


These simple tips are good - all. But what about an additional thought? It has been my lifetime low self-esteem (framed on a background of solid male looks and professional success) that attract these narcissists like fresh blood in the water. Developing a stronger sense of self would be a garland of protection, big time. Thank you Psychology Element!


My ex narc didnt care much about his appearence, still a Narcissist


I asked her "why she doesn't reciprocate?" It was always odd to me, she was stunned and non-reactive whenever I asked her questions that she didn't have an answer for 😭. I ignored so many red flags and I'm only noticing now after I've walked away.


I don't attract them, they follow me every place I fucking work. I try to isolate myself during lunch break, but to them, it looks like I'm too good for them. I don't wear anything that catches their attention. I'm quiet when they do their self glorification. I avoid them as much as I can. Still, these wretched individuals find ways to attack me. It sucks!


Telling them what you want is never good idea, because they do whatever they can to ruin it for you. Also they will future fake and promise you anything you want to hear. But never intent to fulfill it, only to trick you and get what they want from you.

Same trick with closeness. They want to be your closest friend to get all your secrets to use them against you. They want to get your trust only to break it.


My soul mate is not narcs. Finally, I have chosen the right one


I did tell him and to each thing he said, I am your guy.
Then after marriage he back out of each thing he said he wanted, too.


None of these tips will tell you if you are really with a narcissist or not. Someone could have one or more of these traits and still be a deeply kind, empathic person. To find out if you're dealing with a narcissist or not notice how they react when you tell them that something they've said or done hurt your feelings. A normal person who did not mean to hurt you will apologize immediately and explain to you what they actually meant when they said whatever they did that hurt your feelings. And they'll do it in a way that makes you feel like they really do care about you. But a narcissist will respond by saying something that hurts you even worse. It's highly unlikely that anyone in our society wouldn't have a narcissitic trait or two, but traits won't do you a bit of harm if the person is basically kind. That's what you need to determine.


The strong women make you better, man. Take it from the child of loveable but aimless narcissists.


So if I make the first move I'm the Narcissist? ☹️😭
I guess extrovert=narcissism?


I'm on number what about if a fella watches this and I'm the one to approach him, and keep in mind I'm very into my style and fashion because I'm a makeup artist and visual artist etc. He might think I'm a narcissist?! IDK. I feel like damned if I do, damned if I don't.
