Fixing Your Pelvic Drop & Why It's Important

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0:00 Start
0:37 What is a Pelvic Drop?
2:13 Exercises to Fix Your Hip Drop
2:20 Single Leg Hip Dip
3:05 Captain Morgan
4:01 Standing Leg Fire Hydrant
4:44 Putting it All Together

Trendelenburg Gait, otherwise referred to as a hip drop or trunk lean are all compensatory movement patterns that may lead to back pain over time. There are many reasons this may occur. Some of which include pain limiting mobility, poor hip strength, inhibited hip musculature, developed movement compensations, and much more. It is important to be aware of this movement impairment, as this can lead to problems up and down the kinetic chain.

There are 2 compensatory movement strategies we often see in the clinic, both of which are most commonly caused by weakness and/or poor control of the glute muscles.
1. The first strategy (Trendelenburg) shown here is a manifestation as a pelvic drop, in which the pelvis of the limb that is in swing phase will DROP. This is because the recruitment of the hip abductors of the stance limb is less than optimal to maintain the pelvis level.
2. The second strategy (Compensated Trendelenburg) shown manifests as a trunk lean towards the stance limb. This movement strategy brings my center of mass over my base of support (the stance foot). This is a compensatory strategy to decrease the external moment that gravity will put on my hip abductors!
In a normal gait pattern, the trunk and pelvis are stable meaning there will be less than 5 degrees of movement in the frontal plane (from side to side). If one begins to walk with a Trendelenburg for an extended period of time, it may lead to low back pain.

Here are 3 exercises that can help your pelvic drop:
Single Leg Hip Dip
Captain morgan
Standing Leg Fire Hydrant

The cause of both Trendelenburg and Compensated Trendelenburg is oftentimes due to inadequate gluteal function. There are a plethora of ways to strengthen the hip muscles, and there are always ways to make obtainable progressions. It is important to know what level of exercise you should start with, and to progress appropriately from there!

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Which of these 3 exercises are your favorite?!


I have been suffering from this for 7 years! Since having THR. I can’t believe there are exercises for this…and none of my dozens of physios have ever diagnosed me with this. Thank you for this video!


Due to a chondrosarcoma, I had my left ilium and psoas removed 5 years ago. My glute med and min were re-attached to my abdominal wall. I thought I pretty much knew every glute exercise under the sun, but the Captain Morgan is a new one and shows that I still have more glute work to do. These three exercises are incredibly helpful.


This is awesome! I am a Personal Trainer and just took on a client with TS. I also do the Captain Morgan but with a Stability Ball between bent leg and wall. Works well!


I’m 29years old, and I’ve lived with trendelenberg gait my whole life. I didn’t even know what it was exactly until i watched this video, that is exactly what i have. Looking forward to start the exercises. I really really do hope i find solution for it. Thank you


My favourite is at 2:08, Mike's little dance move. 😄


Love to have found this video. I am athlete and some days my glute and lower back pain are unbearable.
I’ve been going to the chiropractor for years with no real relief. 😢


I love all of these. Fave? Cap'n Morgan. I found it fascinating to notice that the same side (my right) worked harder, regardless of it's position, and when I noticed it was fatiguing faster, I saw that my left side was on vacation. But I'll use all these, just in different workouts. Thanks guys!


Wow! 6 weeks out from bilateral TKR. Have had physio in two rehab facilities and I knew something wasn't right, but I didn't know what! I suspected that after several years of a compensating gait for two bone on bone knees, my muscles had adjusted to that particular position. Neither rehab facility identified this nor offered remedial assistance. Instead I left with much burning pain in my hip.

Thank you so much for your video and concise focus on the problem and solution without a heap of waffle like so many videos do. I just lose patience and leave the video.

I am going to start these exercises in the hydro pool as there will be some extra boyancy and support. I think I need to start gently. I'm also going to look through all your other videos. Thanks guys. Great work. Incredibly helpful and much appreciated.


Its crazy the hip drop excercise immediately relieves. Better do them more. Thanks


my favourite is captain morgan with swiss ball


Thank you so much for sharing this exercises, I like all of them but starting of with the first one because I have a knee injury. I have a major pelvic drop so thanks again for sharing this video!❤


I just found you. You have great information. Really like your channel 👍🏻


I was amazed how my spine clicked and I was suddenly straight again!!! Thank you so much for sharing. 🤗😊🤗


These are one of the best exercises i found


Well this was good timing! Thanks for making this video it's going to be perfect for a patient I'm working this today!! I think the Capt Morgan is my favorite!!!


Thank you for this video. Excellent content and awesome hosts. Going to implement


Nice vid, good explanations. FWIW, lighter color shorts would make it way easier to see the movements. Thx!


I have a high hip and it’s affecting my sciatica bad. Why do both sides? It was just keep the imbalance going right? Which side do I work the most? The high side or the low side. Please don’t say both equally


Had a TKR and within two weeks my femur had a compound fracture (no fall). I am about 7 months Post Op and I know I have come a long way. But this Trendelenburg Gait is frustrating. Looking forward to adding this three exercises into my mix.
