Stop Begging Your Ex to Forgive You. THIS is What WORKS!

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Do you want your ex to forgive you? In this video, we'll show you how to get your ex to forgive you and take you back. If you're struggling to get your ex to forgive you, then this video is for you. We'll give you tips on how to mend your relationship and get your ex to want you back. We know how hard it is to get over someone, and we want to help you succeed! Watch this video and learn how to get your ex to forgive you and take you back!

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Рекомендации по теме

I ask for forgiveness several times and all it got me was she said I need space and I have no chance of getting her back so I will not ask for forgiveness or to get back together iam working on myself and being friends with her for now


What if my husband won’t forgive me but want me to stay in the house while he’s dating people


My boyfriend asked for a break with no details. I waited 31 days and then texted and said did you mean a breakup? He never responded. A week later I sent a closure text and asked to exchange belongings. We met up and he was super cold. Think I ruined all chances?
