CONTROVERSIAL: Does No Contact Work After Begging And Pleading?

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Okay so if you've made a few mistakes after your breakup, you might be wondering does No Contact work after begging and pleading?

I get it, we all make mistakes, especially in the initial shock of the breakup.

However, I think most of us have learned pretty quickly that begging and pleading your ex to take you back isn't a very effective strategy.

This causes people to look for something that DOES work.

Unfortunately, many people quickly learn about No Contact.

Don't get me wrong, No Contact can be helpful in some situations... but it is not a cure-all.

In this video I'll be talking about my controversial opinion about No Contact.

And I'll be sharing with you what actually DOES work instead.


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This definitely worked in my case. She ghosted, I chased and she blocked me on social media after a couple weeks. Went no contact. Fast forward 4 months and she reached out apologizing. Not sure how this is gonna play out, but taking it day by day


I think there’s so many variables to consider. The context of instigating circumstance. The history you have with this person. How long the argument and a million others things.
But if your partner is committed to breaking up and being free from the relationship brings them relief then no amount of talking, pleading, begging or apologizing will likely change that course. You have to respect their wishes and let them go. If you meant a lot to them in time they will miss you and they will find their way back to you. If they feel happier without you, then you deserve someone who you bring happiness to.
Of course, I’m saying this as someone who kept pushing my partner who told me they were done. I was trying to argue logic but she’s was dug in, we were in different headspace’s and couldn’t agree.
Of course no one’s situation is simple. This was a woman I was with for 8 years and I imagined being my soulmate and growing old with. We both said very hurtful things to one another while hurt. It saddens me to thinks those will be our last words to each other after almost a decade. I’m in week 2 of no contact. I think I’m a couple weeks I’ll send her a letter to make my final words to her not come from a place of hurt and anger but from reflection. I want to apologize for not respecting her wishes and for any words I said that were hurtful. Even if she moved on when she left I think closing the door on my end from a less emotional place will help me move on. Removed from the situation I can better appreciate I can only control what I do. And after 8 years I want my final words to be thankful for the time we had.


That is when it does work for sure. I tried to make my relationship work, my ex did not. He was shocked when I walked out the door proud and never looked back. Could I have gotten him back? Perhaps. I just did not want it. He got shocked I believe, because he pocket dialed me a few times afterwards. Just do it! It is a very good reset and helps you take a breather, and reflect. And if they come back to see how you are doing, you are prepared. You are taking care of yourself.


Not only did I beg and plead, even though she left me for another guy so I knew she'd already lost all interest in me, but I then TOLD her I wouldn't be talking to her for a while before going no contact, which just removed all the benefits and effects that no contact brings. I literally did everything as badly as possible at every step.


I suspect that No Contact is primarily to move on with a small degree of dignity. It doesn't increase your attractiveness and seldom leads to reuniting.


So a few days ago i've bought the "Connect and commit course" because i'm a bit clueless on what to do next.

Me and my ex broke up 5 months ago and did some no contact to do some reflection.
About 2 weeks ago i've send her a letter of accountability - no response - no idea if she read the letter.
1 week later it was her birthday so i did send her a text wishing her a Happy birthday -- She did respond "Thanks" which was good IMO because she did respond at least.
My follow question got ignored.

According to your course, the "Open Door" Technique will be applicable here i assume? Only thing i'm not sure about it.. Does it matter how long it has been since breakup? Like am i too late to do all if this?


So what do you do if they don’t answer/initiate 😂 sometimes no contact is inevitable


I tried to do this and it jsit did not work. I need no contact for sure. They’re not even responding or allowing to move forward to even have the same team convo.


Clay please reply
Need you right now

My ex girl initiate with me
Whenever i text and sometimes she first initiate too and we text often and i feel like inside " she still love me " but pretending not too

What to do here ?


Clay is it possible for them to be at riding the dragon as friends. I’m receiving hot and cold messages when reestablishing contact after a month of no contact. Currently been broken up for 7 months. But begging and pleading ruined the dynamic around month 3 after the break 2:17 .I’m not sure how to respond to them.


My ex said she loves me but doesn’t think she is in love with me but never directly said yes or no to the question and has ft me every night for the past week and even stayed up late at night for me to finish work to ft


What if they blocked you? Then no contact is mandatory lol


What if your ex is pregnant and thought you didn’t want the baby so she moved 100 miles away and you begged and pleaded. To only push her away. She will not allow you to attend doctors appointments, will not even allow you to attend the birth if you’re son and has started a new relationship and says this new guy will sign the birth certificate as the father and I will never see my son. And just recently because I was so persistent about being in my sons life she said the child was not mine because she cheated on me and then blocked me from communicating with her. Now for 18 months we lived together and she didn’t even have a car . It’s possible she cheated but for 7 months I’ve been the dad and just recently now all of a sudden I’m not as if she thinks I’m just going to walk away? Please help
