Oversharing: Psychology Behind Revealing Personal Details

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Over-sharing is when people share too much personal information with the public or a stranger and it can happen both online and offline
so what are the factors that lead to oversharing
does it have to do something with our upbringing?

let's see what the psychotherapist says about it...

Do you find yourself oversharing on social media or in your relationships? Do you wonder why oversharing is bad and how to stop oversharing? In this video, I will share with you some tips and insights on how to avoid oversharing, how to be more mindful of what you post, and how to become more private and mysterious. Oversharing can be a trauma response, a sign of insecurity, or a habit that can damage your reputation and your digital footprint. You don’t have to tell people everything about yourself or your life. You can learn how to stop oversharing in conversation, how to overcome oversharing, and how to prevent oversharing with the help of this video

learn how to stop oversharing with the overbys, strangers, or anyone else. Remember, think before you post and protect your privacy.


Music: Unknown - SergePavkinMusic

Serge Pavkin is affiliated with the "United Kingdom PRS" P.R.O.
Publisher: Suntown Publishing (IPI: 1081179659)
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It's anxiety for me. Wanting to connect with someone but I go home and it pains me for days. I've come to the conclusion that though I need people in my life I'm better off without them.


I've found myself doing this with coworkers, and much later in the day it will sink in that I shared more information about my childhood and/or family than was appropriate or comfortable. When he said the part about being silenced and having your concerns downplayed, I felt like crying.. That has been my growing up (and even part of my adulthood) in a nutshell.


Many people needs to see this.. I beat myself up for talking about my problems to almost everyone in my life..ofc i don't post in social media and all i just share too much to people 😑


I used to overshare a lot with people who I thought were safe to open up to and I learned my lesson the hard way to never do that again. From now on I only open up to people who I've been extremely close friends with for many years, and a few family members.

I don't mind when people overshare with me, though. It shows that I give a trustworthy vibe and I'm pretty open minded.


#4 for me is wanting to be understood so that they will empathize and treat me with kindness, which never happens!


I do this with men I’m attracted to… it’s not a good strategy


i wish i could just be blocked off from everything. i wish i could wipe everything i ever told anyone. i just want to be intimidating but also easy to talk to and friendly, but no. i have a terrible household and i overshare everything to my friends, and now i feel so vulnerable and they baby me sometimes. i just want to press restart. fuck.


I was raised pretty badly, always expected to answer. So much emotional from both parents and physical from mom. Since i was a kiddo. I have but a few good memories when im not around my parents.

I keep oversharing when someone allows me to vent, i am afraid i am once again doing this. I lost so many god damn friends to this. No matter how hard ive tried i cant fix this.

Its not my fault but it is my responsibility to fix myself


Childhood traumas for me I’m still learning how to not explain myself


I’ll add numbers 5 and 6; repression and isolation. Find a safe person and space to share with. The more a person holds in, the more they have to let out eventually. Slow and steady release is always safer. Bless everybody hereZ


Once upon a Time I couldn't speak up. Or felt like I couldn't, in my childhood. Since then, I have the bad habit of oversharing!
It feels like letting it all out. But I just realised that about myself. Thanksfully there is video about it. Youtube has everything


I start to overshare the moment I feel comfortable with a person otherwise I'm not shut in but I definitely don't tell them EVERYTHING


Thank you for this video. I was raised in the Netherlands where a lot of people are oversharing a lot too (not everyone of course). It is like they want to show that they are "normal". If you are "normal" you do not need to hide yourself. Leave the curtains open so people can see that you have nothing to hide and how harmonious your way of living is. In general, people see (over)sharing as sharing a bit of their personality and so their friendship and love. And it is also a way to defend yourself and to silence the silences.


Weak boundaries and a need to connect for poor reasons. I agree with their assessments of why.


When your personal boundaries have persistently been breached as a child by abusive adults; this pattern of oversharing unwillingly without consent / answering impertinent questions from invasive people who’ve no right to ask can often continue into other social settings. Takes years to “unlearn”


It's the lack of close ppl who can listen us,
Also it's not narcissistic it's just feels therapeutic


I need this and learning that i am not the only one makes me feel less embarrassed


People feel so entitled to personal info. It's truly wild. People that just meeting you asking you your birthday and what year and your last name. "What's your mom's name?" I am getting better at not answering. I'm not obligated to answer. It's so intrusive. Also it's trigggering bc i have PTSD. People don't understand when I tell them I don't use social media. They think I'm lying.


This channel is so underrated! The algorithm needs to catch up!
