The Science Behind Creatine: How Much More Muscle & Strength?

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0:00 Intro
0:26 Part I: What Creatine Does to the Body + Brief History
3:01 Part II: Creatine's Effects on Muscle Growth
8:08 Part III: Non-Responders vs High Responders
10:26 Part IV: Creatine's Effects on Strength
11:47 Part V: Other Useful Creatine Information
11:56 Recovery
12:17 Hair Loss?
14:22 Creatine Monohydrate vs Other Creatine Forms
14:58 Creatine Dosing (Loading, Maintenance, 3 Grams vs 5 Grams)
17:12 Creatine Timing?
19:24 Part VI: Summary

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Great Creatine Content From Stronger by Science:

The 5 Meta's on Creatine and Lean Mass:

Creatine and Strength Data:

Non-Responders Data:

Other References:
Рекомендации по теме

Timestamps + Expansion on False Positive Idea:
0:00 Intro
0:26 Part I: What Creatine Does to the Body + Brief History
3:01 Part II: Creatine's Effects on Muscle Growth
8:08 Part III: Non-Responders vs High Responders
10:26 Part IV: Creatine's Effects on Strength
11:47 Part V: Other Useful Creatine Information
11:56 Recovery
12:17 Hair Loss?
14:22 Creatine Monohydrate vs Other Creatine Forms
14:58 Creatine Dosing (Loading, Maintenance, 3 Grams vs 5 Grams)
17:12 Creatine Timing?
19:24 Part VI: Summary

At 12:45, I mentioned the increase in DHT could be a false positive. Why did I say this?

This paper used a crossover design (the same subjects took creatine and the placebo at different times). Thus, we should expect the baseline DHT levels (at day 0) to be similar between the creatine and placebo conditions.

However, this wasn't the case. Looking at the graph (12:27), the placebo had higher DHT levels at baseline (day 0).

This difference in baseline valus (despite being the same set of subjects) could indicate the measurement of DHT was volatile, perhaps due to natural day-to-day fluctuations in DHT or poor quality measures.

Considering this, it's a possibility creatine did not actually increase DHT, rather it was a result of the measurment volatility (making the finding a false positive).


Amazing that you make these videos all by yourself. You're skilled af.
You look at all these studies and explain them in a way the layman can understand AND it's entertaining.
We appreciate you!


It's scary how each time I think about a hypertrophy issues, you release a video about it :)


I'm a vegetarian, and here's my anecdotal evidence for what it's worth: I just finished my creatine loading phase, and I already see a very noticeable difference. I look much fuller and I have more endurance during workouts. I also just feel slightly better in general. I did not expect this at all - it's been a very pleasant surprise.


I don't think there's necessarily a big mystery here. ATP isn't just used for contraction. It's also used for all of the reactions in the cell requiring energy input, including active transport. In theory at least, that would include waste metabolite removal. This would logically contribute to less damage reported.

I would speculate that a more complete picture of muscle metabolism would reveal that ATP deficiencies encountered during exercise result in as yet undetected hypertrophy inhibition as a protection mechanism. In other words, the additional ATP replenishment during exercise reduces the accumulation of one or more metabolites that muscle cells are programmed to recognize as harmful. I'm wondering if any studies have looked at this angle.


It would be interesting if you could do a video about what are the essential suplements every young men should take, not only for gaining muscle, but also to make sure you are healthy. Like omega-3, magnesium, etc.


These videos are like turning a review paper into a YouTube video. Great job!


Wow. As always, such a great video!
really really liked the hair loss explanation!!


Not sure if @House of Hypertrophy ever did a video on weightlifting belts, but if they havent, I'd love to see it sometime in the future!


Im 45 & have used both powdered and liquid creatine and found personally for me I got the most results in short time with liquid creatine drops. Definitely worth the money IMO. 👍🏼


Maybe video about stretching, flexibility and mobility? I think I heard that it can also lead to hypertrophy.


HAIR LOSS: 12:17 whenever I used creatine the top of may head increased it's shedding of hair loss.
I tried it 4 times over the years (got on creatine observed observed hair loss and got off, gave it a break, got back on, hair loss again, yes I!m genetically inclined to lose hair but it seems to increase with this stuff)
each time the same story.


Been using it for like 12 years now. No need to cycle off it, affordable, no side effects. Look slightly bigger, get more reps, better pump. I notice if I don’t take it. But you do need to lift hard!

I’m not sure if it’s placebo effect but I feel like my recovery is faster too. 1 day vs 2-3 off of it.


Great video as always. The only thing I would add to this is that you should separate the consumption of creatine from the consumption of caffeine, as the latter inhibits the absorption of the former. I thus have my coffee before (morning) training and take my creatine with my evening meal.


Is it me, or does this video has an insane amount of animation, it frickin fried my brain.


Absolutely love your channel. Thank you for all the knowledge you bring.


Was literally thinking about this, cheers!


one method of hypertrophy for creatine you didn't go into. you mentioned that it also increases muscle endurance (e.g. in that vegetarian study, they gained a whopping 40% muscle endurance during workouts). so perhaps the reason it leads to muscle hypertrophy is exactly that: if people can work out longer, do more sets, and more reps, after taking creatine (since it increases muscle endurance), then that would indirectly build muscle, because they are doing more volume.


Started creatine in fall of last year, and have experienced noticeable benefits. Once after the loading phase I remember chuckling and saying "This is too easy" as I went through my regular workout routine. Since then I've increased volume and weight in all my exercises. I may respond to it more than others, but if you haven't tried it yet I can only recommend that you do.


10:05 "It's also worth considering that older adults may largely, not always though, build less muscle" – Thank you for the relativization! 🙂
