College degrees you need to avoid...

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These videos are for entertainment purposes only and they are just Shane's opinion based off of his own life experience and the research that he's done. Shane is not an attorney, CPA, insurance, or financial advisor and the information presented shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, safety or financial advice. If stocks or companies are mentioned, Shane might have an ownership interest in them. Affiliate links may be present, the offers and numbers presented may change over time so please make sure to confirm that the offer is still valid. Some offers mentioned may no longer be available or they have been changed. Please don’t make buying or selling decisions based on Shane’s videos. If you need such advice, please contact the qualified legal or financial professionals, don't just trust the opinion of a stranger on the internet and always make sure to do your own research and enjoy this family friendly content.

Sources and further readings for jobs and college degrees:
payscale(provides information on jobs and degrees)
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So you’re telling me getting a degree in gender studies won’t get me a 6 figure job in a gender studies factory?


I can tell you’re getting fed up with the politicization of higher education. We are too.


the idea about creative writing stuff is so RIGHT, it's similar for the film studies. creativity is really developed by yourself through self exploration....


As a Geology major myself, I'm glad I didn't check any of the boxes for usless degrees. It's in demand, pays decent, and isn't super common. It isn't too broad but not overly specfic.


Have a stronger defence - avoid doing negative things
1) Science-related degrees: weakest in STEM for its basic biology - universities are pushing woke propaganda. Curriculums are clashing with objective realities and clouding politics views
a. Good for only those who have a plan of getting a Masters or PhD as this is a great prerequisite
b. Oversaturated; too many biology majors which increases competition amongst other grad students majoring in biology
2) Too general degrees: valuable degrees are the ones where you can specialize
a. Generalists can have access to online courses
b. Communications degree
3) Too specific: don't overdo it where your future job can be obsolete
a. Printer Technology degree - does not carry over into other jobs - rather get an IT or CS degree
b. Entry level IT jobs are more helpful since they get your foot in the door - lots of growth and opportunity
4) Education: low unemployment rate but low paying and lack of opportunity
a. Dead-end job, little progress, dealing with woke propaganda that you're forced to comply with
b. Work hard, don't get paid well
5) No demand: ie sociology degrees
6) No degree required: creative writing
a. Academic writing vs compelling writers
7) No degrees specification: criminal justice degree - where companies do not care what you graduated with, rather they only care that you were able to obtain an education (bachelors)
Degree isn't necessary: information technology (IT) - you do not need a degree to get a certain career - you can work your way up.


shane, i am a clinical pharmacy student, and your channel has made me so happy to see such a successful realist person like you who has gone into difficult life problems and got out of it mentally strong, God bless you, keep it up, helping people is the best thing ever.


Why are people offended by what he's saying? If you don't like the content, do yourself a favor and stop watching. This is America freedom of speech. Period 👏


Thank you for addressing the debacle that is basic biology clashing with propaganda. Regardless of one's political views, we CANNOT deny facts and logic. (Of course, it's not an excuse to be disrespectful or insulting by any means!) But politicizing science has put the education system in quite a dilemma. Respect to you, please keep it up 👍


The thing about not getting a biology degree for med school was interesting, I never thought of things through that perspective!


I’m so lost on college. I’m 32 years old and I’m an Air Force vet that still has his Post 9/11 bill to use for school and I don’t know what to invest in. I thought about doing IT, but I don’t know anything indepth about computers at all and I’m not good in math. Plus I don’t know if a camp would best or college for that. If not IT, then I don’t know 😔


What I find interesting is that being a teacher is not a good idea in the Us only. In Canada at least, high school teachers can expect a mid career pay of 100, 000 with a lots of benefits and breaks throughout the year


I hate to be that person but my roommate is graduating with a degree in communications and has no job lined up and never did any internships.
I’m graduating with a Biz. Info Systems degree and have a job in IT auditing at a big consulting company paying me 95k a year. ✌️and my internship before they hired me full time paid 11k for 7 weeks in summer.

If money is your main motivation and you don’t have rich parents… you should probably listen to this video 😂


I regret having gone to college for a parks and rec degree because it led me to jobs in the parks (even though it was linear) I was looked down on a lot by management and patrons. So my suggestion is DO NOT major in that (some parks that you could apply to may not require a degree). At least my student loan debt is all paid off, thanks mostly to my grandparents and a couple of grants that helped me thru. And now I work a job where I'm a lot more valued and respected, albeit you don't really need a college degree for it. But, TBF when I was interviewed for this job, the hiring manager said he was impressed by my rich education and work experience and told me I was "good to go." Furthermore, when I got one of my first jobs after college, my grandfather foretold me that there will be many twists and turns and that many opportunities will arise in the future. He was certainly a very wise man.

I just tend to feel that I could've almost easily went straight to join the workforce after HS and/or gone to trade school and it would've saved me time and years of my life.


As a CS college student, getting a CS degree is definitely not necessary. But I’m an international student in the US and coming through college was my only way to get work authorization to actually get a job in the US, so I’d say the degree is worth it in my case hahaha


I got a biology degree and went to medical school. If I didn’t get into med school I probably would have ended up getting a Ph.D but not sure what I would have done exactly. I can say I absolutely loved studying biology in school and don’t regret getting that degree one bit. It also helped me breeze through med school a bit easier. That being said I have no idea what jobs are available for a biology B.S.


Was one of your earliest subs, but saying "autistically" like it's just another adverb is wrong. You just lost yourself a sub.


Breaking Bad scared me from getting an education degree long ago👀


college doesn't have to be expensive if you stick to a local community college and transfer to a city uni or state school


My nephew get into Biology and his goals are genetic engineering field. I'm trying to dissuade him of this path, because to work with g. engineering is necessary a doctorate degree. If he tried at least another field with more opportunities like bioengineering or chemical engineering may was less traumatic if he couldn't be admitted in a doctorate, for example.
