Why Study Business? | College Majors | College Degrees | Study Hall

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What can you do with a Business major?

In Business you can expect to study accounting, economics, marketing, statistics and so much more. Basically, Business is the study of goods, services and entrepreneurial industries and how to create and support these. If you tend to lean on data to make decisions, and you have strong mathematical and analytical skills and could see yourself working as a relationship banker or business operations manager then this might be the right major for you!

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0:00 - Introduction
1:56 - What is Business + Why study it
3:45 - Course progression + What you really study
6:54 - Who should study Business
8:14 - Common pitfalls
9:30 - What can you do with Business + Next steps
10:45 - Conclusion

#Business #analytical #manager #CollegeMajor #CollegeDegree #Degree #StudyHall #FastGuide
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As a Senior in Accounting I really appreciate you doing this for new and future college students.

Would appreciate if you do a break down of each of at least the general focused majors especially accounting as it is often not understood and seen in a negative way like boring lol. Now it can be boring or complicated but there is a difference between managerial, Financial, and Tax accounting that are all important and can lead to different paths of enjoyment


The idea that business is just a group of people who solves problems for clients/customers is really new to me. It sounds quite like engineers. I previously believe that business is all about profit, which isn't something I like nor find useful to others. Thanks for the clarification!


Well explained video! I liked how you pointed out how applicable business is to all sorts of fields at 7:42. When I studied business, it opened so many doors that you could work in any sort of career (not only the traditional accounting / tax / finance). You could pair a business degree in marketing with psychology studies and study consumer behaviour (how customers interact by analyzing their buying patterns). Or maybe combine business with computing studies and study database systems. A degree in business does really present endless opportunities - some of my students are even doing summer jobs by posting photos and videos on Instagram for large companies.

Not to mention starting your own business is something very cool as well. Much easier to do so when you understand the basics of business, but most importantly the importance of customer relationships and how to deliver value to consumers.


Im Infatuated with Business Admin & Finance📚 🖋️ 💻 & Also Tech


It offers a solid foundation in a number of business-related areas, including economics, management, marketing, accounting, and finance. People are able to understand how various company operations perform thanks to this wide awareness. Specialized tracks or emphases are frequently available for business degrees, enabling students to concentrate on subjects like marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, etc. When pursuing particular job pathways, this specialization may be useful. Opportunities to network with classmates, instructors, and business experts are frequently offered by business programs. Creating these relationships may lead to future partnerships, employment openings, and internships.


Suggestion: I'm a senior studying genetics. There a lot of different things you can do with it and it can be hard choosing what you want. Most options are clinical human genetics but I'm more interested in wildlife and research in genetics. I don't find it to be a hard major, but physics and chemistry were painful. You have to take a lot of chem, as goes with any biology major. Good college advice in general: choose somewhere you'll be happy, don't be afraid to go to community college first as long as you won't be miserable if it means living with your parents. It's okay to spend that extra money if it means you'll be happier. If you struggle at first, get help. Your struggles will only become worse. Don't wait it out. You can do anything you put your mind to but you have to be willing to accept help. This was very all over the place but there you go haha.


This is so exciting, thank you so much for all collaborating and giving us this resource!! 💚


Hank, you’ve absolutely outdone yourself on this. Amazing work. When are we getting a linguistics fast guide?


I would love to see a fast guide for human resources!


Very accurate video! I just graduated from ASU with a Business Law degree. Literally took all of the classes he said, and yes it was a lot of Math, but not terrible. Calculus and Statistics were the hardest, but then you also have classes like Accounting, finance and Supply Chain which all have equations/ calculations


We need more fast guides! These are great


I find it interesting that there are no Fast Guides to the Arts…not even, like, graphic design. Wonder why that is? 🧐🤨 Something to consider.


I’m starting my Freshman Year as a business major at Arizona State this week! Perfect timing (:


Honestly only Hank Green could have talked me into doing a business degree.


How else would you learn all the buzzwords to increase shareholder value with groundbreaking strategies for market presence and synergistic company values????


Love the series so far.
Applied mathematics? I thought this was what I was looking for to do higher math & get into physics but I'm being led to believe it's more in line with computer science??


5:00 i feel like the business law and ethics descriptions should be switched


Could you do environmental science? More specifically, environmental engineering if you get around to it.


Thank you for the information. I’m majoring in business, I plan to get my AA and then my transfer to a 4 year university. I love math classes. I’m trying to find out what exactly I can do with this degree


Could you guys do one for a BFA?
Im going to do a BFA in studio arts and 100% am not sure if its the right choice. I start in September.

It'd be cool to have more information about BFA's or just an episode of studying art 🤙🏼
