Your Shame is not Your Shame

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Shame comes and goes, but does it have to?

We’ve all experienced shame. Some of us are experiencing it to some degree right now. Shame is a dreadful experience. It will run you deep into the mud, and will keep you pushed down to the ground. It is hard to look up, to lift your head high when shame is weighing on our heart.
We all make mistakes, but sometimes that reasoning doesn’t help us to feel better, and sometimes we really messed up. Then shame strikes, and we are incapacitated. We feel small, weak, and inferior. We are consumed with what we’ve done wrong. We can’t get our mind off of the moment in time when we made a mistake, because our heart is gripping us, reminding us of how we missed the mark. We lose sight of all of the good that exists in our life. We are pinned to the chair, paralyzed, because we made a mistake that goes against what we know we can be. Maybe we have emotional problems. Maybe we are just too hard on our self. Or just maybe there is a spiritual influence that wants you to be in the exact hole that you are in.
Some may say, why would it matter if it is a spirit or if it is an emotional problem, why would it matter if the effects are the same? What difference would it make? The difference is that if it is an emotional issue, then it is a neutral force that can be remedied and relieved with the correct form of cognitive or behavioral reconditioning. As purely an emotional issue, then it could be felt and expressed, and you could feel better for getting it out, for getting those feelings off of your chest.
However, sometimes these methods are slow or fail to yield results? Psychology has been around for many years, and still there are some instances where psychology fails to yield a break through. Why would this be? Some therapies have been proven to work for some people… but there is not one proven method in the realm of psychology that will reach through to the heart of every person that it touches. And sometimes even if a relief to shame was experienced through traditional methods, then why does it keep coming back and why is there a sensitivity to it? Perhaps it is just a part of life. Maybe that is just who you are, and that is your weakness. But maybe, just maybe there is a spirit of shame that has found a place in your life, and it has taken up residence because it has never been seen for what it is, a force of darkness that hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, to bring you to know your knees. If this is the case, do not be alarmed, and do not fear, because this demon is not yours. Shame is not your identity. You were made for greatness, to do big things, and this spirit, without your knowledge, has infiltrated your life. You didn’t just open the door and invite it in to make your life miserable, at least intentionally. Somewhere in your past you let it in, accidentally, by believing something that wasn’t true about yourself. You knew not what you did. Maybe something your parents or peers had said to you had stuck, right on your heart, and that became the doorway to let it in. This is a part of how demonic strongholds develop.
Don’t feel bad about this dilemma; you didn’t do it on purpose. In fact feel good about it, because this spirit is being exposed right now, and it is losing its hold on you. It is losing its power and its control, because the Light is being shined on it. You are becoming aware of the Truth, and the Truth is setting you free. When a feeling of shame comes, know there is a dirty hand behind that feeling trying to push you and pull you like a puppet on a the strings. The connection is now being broken. Shame, you are to leave now, forever, in Jesus’s name! Your hold is broken, you have no power, and you are bound from returning again. By the blood shed on calvary and the victory of the resurrection, shame, you are commanded to go to the position that has been assigned for you by Jesus Christ.
If you did experience a lifting feeling or relief, know that your faith has healed you by name of Jesus. God is near to the broken-hearted, and blessed are those who have a contrite and humble spirit. Our receptivity to God, and his ability to heal us and set us free is where faith resides, to believe in the impossible or the incredible. For anyone who does not yet know Jesus, who felt a shift in their heart occur, know that you just got to experience the real power of the gospel. There is more good to come. At this time, I would like to extend an invitation to accept Jesus into your heart right now, there is no better time to do so. Say it with me, “I accept Jesus into my heart as Lord of my life” and I ask you God to lead me to a deeper relationship with you and to help me to understand your kingdom better”.
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