Increase Nitric Oxide: Fix Blood Pressure & Inflammation Naturally (Dr Nathan Bryan)

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Dr Bryan has spent over 20 years researching the molecule of Nitric Oxide and it's impact on cardiovacular health as well as the prevent of chronic health conditions, namely heart attacks, strokes, dementia and Alzheimer's.

In this episode Dr Bryan discusses the two ways our body produces Nitric Oxide via the Nitric Oxide Synthase pathway and the enterosalivary nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide (NO) pathway. Dr Bryan explains how both Nitric Oxide pathways promote vasodilation (the widerning of the arteries) and help with blood pressure regulation.

We discuss how you lose Nitric Oxide production as we age through western medicine, diet, and lifestyle factors. Dr Bryan discusses the dangers of using antiseptic mouthwash on the oral microbiome, the use of antacids and the connection to dementia, heart attacks and stroke and dietary protocols to increase Nitric Oxide production.

This episode is important for anyone who seeks to understand the cause of chronic disease, and for those who seek to optimise their heart and cardiovascular function. You will learn the science of the four hallmarks of chronic inflammation which is leading to heart attacks, stroke and dementia, the science of how Nitric Oxide prevents all chronic disease, and how to naturally increase Nitric Oxide production.

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00:00 Intro
03:12 What is Nitric Oxide?
04:58 Why Nitric Oxide is not in the medical mainstream
06:53 Dr Nathan Bryan's focus on Nitric Oxide
09:35 Every chronic disease is linked to a loss of Nitric Oxide
11:08 What causes the loss of Nitric Oxide as we age
14:28 How the body naturally produces Nitric Oxide: NOS Pathway
19:26 Endothelial cells vs epithelial cells
24:15 Enterosalivary pathway of Nitric Oxide
28:02 Mouthwash and the oral microbiome
31:40 Antacids and cardiovascular risk/ dementia
37:05 Nitric Oxide prevents dementia and Alzheimer's disease
38:05 Tool: Strategies to naturally increase nitric oxide
42:17 Tool: Nasal breathing
45:43 Sodium nitrite (bacon) + cancer
50:52 Tool: Dietary protocols to naturally increase Nitric Oxide
53:52 Nitric Oxide release (dumping) workout
55:28 Tool: Red light therapy
56:55 Nitric Oxide + heart attack risk
59:15 Nitric Oxide + immune system
01:03:57 Nitric Oxide to fix erectile dysfunction
01:09:29 Tool: Exogenous Nitric Oxide
01:14:55 Find Dr. Nathan Bryan

#nitricoxide #braindisease
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Next week, I have a special guest, Dr. Jason Fung, who will discuss 3 daily tips to lose weight and prevent disease. Dr. Fung is the leading pioneer in treating obesity and metabolic disease with dietary and lifestyle protocols. Comment your questions below, and make sure you subscribe and turn on all notifications to check out the next episode.


When I was studying to become a massage therapist, they told us that the pharmaceutical companies that subsidize the medical colleges would remove the $$$ if the colleges taught too many natural methods of healing other than medications.


I started keto for a 30 day desperate effort to lose weight. Ingesting that much bacon was amazing but also terrifying and then to learn I have to make sure I am getting 5000 mg of sodium every day… even scarier.
It’s 8 years later. I’ve not only lost the weight - brain fog, inflammation and insomnia gone. So is the depression and anxiety. My labs are amazing at 55 (doc is dead wrong about my cholesterol but I’m teaching her. My CAS showed a zero).
I’ve also stopped using fluoride toothpaste (I do oil pulling 3-4 times a week and it cleans my mouth and gets rid of toothaches).
I also mouth tape at night - teaching my body to nose breathe again.
I only need to exercise now to burn off EXCESS energy - not to burn calories.

For anyone who thinks - like I did/ that giving up carbs is hard - it’s not. After the first 10 days you will not crave anything.

Leptin is a life changing hormone that far too few of us get to experience. Imagine enjoying food more than ever and never thinking about it. Also imagine eating just what you need and no more. Every day. Most meals.
That’s Leptin.


Gotta be honest, any time I hear "every single chronic disease results from X", and X just happens to be that extremely specific thing that the speaker specializes in studying, I involuntarily roll my eyes a bit. So far this week I've heard different specialists say X is visceral fat, vascular inflammation, insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia, sarcopenia, oxalates, free radical metabolites, uric acid, and now nitric oxide. All of these are important I'm sure, but I think becoming an expert in a narrow field also narrows our perspective and inflates our perception of the importance of that one system. Better to listen to lots of different experts and try and put what they're saying in the proper perspective.


I’ll be 58 years old this coming Thursday. Back in my early 30’s, I was suffering from acid reflux. I would wake up many nights regurgitating undigested foods. My doctor immediately put me on Pepcid. The acid reflux then went away.

But one night I ran out of my meds. Something inside of me told me to eat a grapefruit before going to bed. I did just that for about a month. Fast forward to today, the acid reflux problem I once had never came back…and I haven’t needed to eat grapefruit before going to bed ever since.

Not certain if it’s normally proper to eat foods just before going to bed. But it’s the remedy that worked for me. The doctor wanted me to stay on the Pepcid 🙄, but I told him “no”.

That’s when I began questioning doctors who wants to push meds on patients. I respect them, but no longer blindly follow everything they tell me for better health.


Nitric oxide is made by the artery of the heart when you exercise continuously for more than 35 minutes and this gas then opens every tiny blood vessel in the body. Its important that you need to walk, cycle, swim, run continuously for more than 35 minutes for this gas to be produced by the artery leaving the heart. It is free and is so good for the body. Many people are aware and have started walking and exercising regularly but you must bear in mind that an exercise has to be done without any break continuously for more than 35 minutes to achieve this. This why when I walk or cycle, I must do it continuously for more than 35 minutes and do not stop to talk to anyone or drink water. Choosing the route of the exercise is pertinent.


Thanks for getting an expert who does not dumb down his knowledge nor sell his wares.


Dr McMillan at Vejon Health said that humming increases NO in the airway. So I encourage people to hum their favorite song. Take your blood pressure, hum your favorite song, and repeat your blood pressure. Mine lowers... although I don't have a high blood pressure to begin with, it will drop a few numbers. I should have waited until the video was over because I see that you did bring it up around the 55 min mark. You so smart!


Retired mechanical engineer. Working for a consulting firm in Madison WI. A client had us design a computer operated NO2 gas device. I design or rather package a working prototype into a ambulance and helicopter manual device. Never heard why it was important.


I've watched numerous interviews with Dr Bryan on the topic of nitric oxide and this interview is by far the best yet. Bravo. I hope his message gets out. This could very well be one of the most critical pieces to understand for our health, especially concerning fluoride and mouthwash as well as antacids. Getting your oral microbiome, gut, diet, and exercise in check to restore nitric oxide functionality is crucial for health. Thank you, and thank you Dr Bryan for this wealth of information.


I am 80 years old and in excellent health. I appreciate learning more about nitric oxide from this doctor, but I have to say that as for Listerine, for at least 50 of my 80 years I have gargled and washed out my mouth with a mixture of water and classic clove based Listerine, 4:1. Lately I may not do it every day, but I found it immediately helps with sore throat, and for colds it seems they last a couple of days instead of a couple of weeks.
For stomach acid problems, I use a little Activa yogurt (yes it has sugar) and Benefiber in drinks several times a week.
For heart issues, Instead of statins I would love to hear someone discuss red yeast rice and nattokinase.
I love mild exercise, and SUN!


You are quite an effective interviewer. You keep the explanations coming in a proper linear order that builds a sound understanding and easily makes sense. Well done. Dr. Bryan also has this skill. Thank you.


Great Interview. Interviewer obviously did her homework causing very focused/detailed answers from the Dr.. Well Done.Perfect. Thanks


I left Dr. Nathan a voicemail last year; 10 minutes later my phone got a call from Texas I answered it was Dr. Bryan we talked about one minute he was very positive and respectful. I have talked with his staff a few times . They answered my questions. I have tied the products and loved them.


If you are going to eat greens, you might consider arugula.
From AI: Arugula is a leafy green vegetable that's high in nitrates, which the body converts to nitric oxide. By weight, arugula contains 480 milligrams of nitrates per 100 grams, which is almost double the amount found in a cup of beet juice. Regularly eating nitrate-rich foods like arugula can help maintain adequate levels of nitric oxide in the blood and tissues.


I love this guy! The fact that he didn't mask and didn't take the jab. Just awesome!


As a small child in the 60’s My father insisted that I ingest a fluoride tablet every
day. I now have weak teeth and Hashimoto’s disease .
I grew up in Perth Australia where the level of fluoride in the drinking water is just under the borderline of what is considered unsafe.
My father is on medication for cholesterol and blood thinning. He has been diagnosed with Alzheimers


I enjoyed this conversation very much. I also got a BS in Biochemistry from the University of Texas at Austin. While I wanted to pursue nutritional biochemistry, I saw the industry was designed to keep people sick. (Have you seen the food available at a hospital or school?) I have been a chemist for almost 18 years, but I am ready for a change. I am back in school pursuing a degree in Management Information Systems so I can go into the business/IT fields. Thanks, again, for an enlightening discussion!


Hello Rina, a lot of that I didn’t understand, but what I wanted to say was what an effective interviewer you are! After he had spoken for a stretch, you broke it down and summarised and got him to clarify points Clearly and specifically. Thank you, with this subject it was very helpful and appreciated. 🙏


Now I understand why, if I am super hungry, and sit down and eat a whole pound of sodium nitrate soaked bacon, that I feel absolutely amazing, almost euphoric. I hardly ever do so, because I felt guilty about processed meats. It's true, just do the opposite of what they tell you, 99% of the time.
