My Husband Controls My Life - And I Love It | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

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THIS 'traditional housewife' lets her husband sleep with other women to keep him happy. Monica Huldt, 37, believes that the secret to a happy relationship is for the man to make the decisions and the woman should always aim to please by adopting an old-school ‘traditional wife’ role. They have been together for six years, and she explained to Truly why she knew that she had finally met her perfect match. “I’ve always had a submissive side.” Adding that: “It's not that I’m a hopeless little girl. He’s assertive and I like that in a man.” From an early age, she had the Stepford wife attitudes instilled in her: “My mum told me, ‘be pretty and in good shape because nobody wants a fat and ugly wife'.” Her subservient nature goes beyond the kitchen and into the bedroom, where John is allowed to sleep with other women. This setup works for John’s values too, “I’m the man and I make the rules around the house”, he explained. “Sleeping with other women is a luxury that most guys wish they had. I think that makes me a better husband." Their relationship dynamic works for them, but has caused rifts with loved ones. “I’ve had childhood friends straight out telling me that I’d lost my dignity as a woman," Monica added.

Videographer: Andrew Keil
Producers: Kate Moore & Ruby Coote
Editor: Tani McDowell

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I don't remember the part about traditional marriage meaning that your husband can sleep with whomever he wants.


Him talking about being an alpha male while the camera shows his toys😭💀


When he lost control of his hairline he took control of everything else.


If she's doing all this, the least he can do is be faithful. She doesn't seem to like that her husband can have sex with others. He says they have an traditional marriage, but a "traditional" marriage consists of both partners being faithful, physically and mentally, to one another.


I’m submissive in a lot of ways as well. I want/like my husband to be dominant. I’m also very grateful that l get to be a stay at home wife/mother. - dominant doesn’t mean controlling. My husband doesn’t sleep with other women because he loves me and is committed to me.

There’s no way that this guy doesn’t know how she actually feels about him sleeping with other women. He just doesn’t care.


Sorry, can't get over his small head. It isn't proportional to his body. Sorry


It’s not a traditional marriage if he sleeps with other women! I think it hurts her heart that he does that.


So now that we know he sleeps with other woman, we can piece this entire thing together. She doesn’t like being controlled by him, she wants to tell him she doesn’t like him sleeping with other woman but can’t because she’s worried if she speaks up he will leave her. Which he will. She doesn’t want to be alone and she doesn’t want to struggle financially. She hates her life.


This is not being a submissive wife. This is something else. She doesn’t have her own identity.


This is honestly just an abusive relationship that she seems too scared to leave


After listening to her story on a podcast and it made me cry, I just want to hug her and with everything she’s been through I understand why she allows him to do what he wants. It can be hard to set boundaries with people you love when you’ve been starved of love.

I hope he stops sleeping with other women because it’s very obvious it hurts her, or she finds else someone that can be faithful.

You accept the love you think you deserve.


I watched an interview she made with soft underbelly. She grew up with a narcissistic mum (she said this herself) an alcoholic dad who left at some point and had a difficult childhood and adulthood. Here she describes her mum as a "good mum" but in the interview, it's a totally different story her mum tried to control every move she makes even when she moved to the US. Monica is originally from Poland and at 4 she and her mum moved to Sweden. I wonder why she has this people's pleaser mentality as that all she did growing up trying to please her mum so she does not get berated and beaten. She did say while crying that she is never happy and all she wanted is her mum to love her, she never felt unconditional love and she doesn't even know what that is. This is what she is used to growing up being controlled and trying to please her mum so this is all familiar to her. Very sad really. Monica is actually a qualified teacher.


" Can we cut " !!!!
This is undetermined sad one sided love story .


The sleeping with other women thing is so disrespectful. Like wtaf.
I’m a housewife and SAHM and my husband works. There’s mutual respect between us and we would never sleep with other people outside our marriage. Run girl.


I feel so bad for Monica. Sentenced to a life of hard labor for the benefit of a man who is unfaithful. So sad.


There is nothing traditional about this marriage. He breaks the commandment by sleeping with other women and controls every aspect of this marriage. I feel sorry for this girl.


This marriage is all about HIM. Nowhere does he say that he tries to make her happy or that he wants her to be happy. It's all about HER making HIM happy, and yes, that is extremely lopsided. In the end, if they are both truly happy with it, then that's what counts, but I sure wouldn't want my kids growing up in that kind of atmosphere. And I don't think he'd be able to handle her giving attention to kids because it would mean less fawning all over him.


the way he describes why he sleeps with other women is disgusting. by the way she asks to cut the camera when asked about it she seems uncomfortable. makes me wonder if he’s forcing her into letting him


Sadly she grew up without a chance of EVER developing any self esteem. Just in the sad way she looks away and downwhen she speaks “I love making him happy “ means she doesn’t. She needs to step away and realize she is worth it and doesn’t have to be in a marriage like this.. she’s only focusing on HIS needs. Especially the part of him being allowed to sleep with other woman, the hurt in her eyes breaks me . Walk away girl you deserve soo much better, THIS is not a “traditional “ marriage


Just have to say as a husband that (1) shares household responsibilities, (2) views faithfulness as prerequisite, and (3) would never try to micromanage every aspect of my wife’s life, this is extremely sad.
