My Husband Controls Me - And People Hate It | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

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MONICA Huldt featured in one of Truly's most controversial and talked-about videos. She is married to John and told Truly that she "lives to please him" and "he controls every aspect of my life." She believes that the secret to a happy relationship is for the man to make the decisions and the woman should always aim to please by adopting an old-school ‘traditional wife’ role. This includes asking John to pick out her clothes daily and letting him sleep with other women if that makes him happy. Monica reacts to comments to her video, such as "it's crazy because if she's such an amazing wife then why does he feel the need to sleep with someone else?", giving her side of the story.

Producers: Nathalie Bonney, Kim Nguyen
Editor: Alex Lubetkin

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"my husband treats me like a queen" except when he sleeps with other women?


She said, " My husband sleeps with other women, but he loves me. If he wanted to replace me he would of already." Why would he "replace" her when he has found someone who allows him to treat her like a maid and doormat and is happy about it while he is allowed to go sleep with whoever he wants to, and she stays at home doing EVERYTHING for him. This is not a healthy relationship. Majority of open-relationships work both ways and have certain "rules" that BOTH partners agree to follow before they start seeing others.. She says she would be allowed to sleep with other men, I highly doubt her husband would be ok with that especially when she herself said he wouldn't like it. Her husband is a control freak narcissist who has sadly found someone he can treat like garbage, use her, cheat on her, and led her to believe that she was all part of that decision making.


She didn’t answer why she looked so uncomfortable in the first episode after the interviewer asked “Why can John sleep with other women”? She immediately, went into her not wanting to sleep with other men. I don’t think she has to admit it to the world but she’s likely afraid that if she put her foot down then he wouldn’t choose her.


I think she loves him. I mean that’s clear but I don’t think it’s reciprocated, it seems like he’s just using her 🙁


Have some self-respect lady. Do you realize you're just his doormat and you let him walk over you with his dirty boots? I can't even imagine what else you do for him or let him get away with.


''If he wanted to, he would have left me for someone else'' but let's be honest how many women would let their partner sleep with someone else.. And that's the advantage he has with this girl, that's why he doesn't leave her, apart from letting him control her :)


That's so sad. It's ok to be a housewife, but that's exactly what she's not, she's a handmaid with benefits. The most insecure people always say they are doing great, they are content, they have confidence... that's exactly how you recognize insecure people, full mouth of talk yet the reality of their actions are the opposite. Controling men like this one are the worst people out there, no man is worth losing your individuality.


This man's head is 5 times too small for his body. Shake his beauty 🤣


If this is meant to be a sub/dom dynamic- this ain’t it


Girl, you are gorgeous! Don’t be scared to leave this thumb head, find a man that will cook for *you* !
Be careful with your man sleeping with other people you don’t even know, that’s how you get STDs. That’s mainly why people don’t have open relationships like that, it’s just not safe physically or mentally.


I wont judge her, but goddamn that husband is creepy


Pathetic relationship. Awful. But if she's OK it's her life.


But... Why would he leave u when he can sleep around... Not all women would go for that. So he will stay simply for that being very easy and convenient for him. He gets everything he wants from a relationship but also lives the single life without having to even worry or hide it.


I can understand that she doesn’t mind catering to him because that’s who she is and that’s how she feels like she contributes to the relationship, but its very clear the man is very insecure about himself and uses control as a disguise to consider himself a “man”. She’s accepted that her husband will never be faithful to her in which is to each is own. We always take the blame on the women but I think what is quite pathetic is that guy thinking he’s a real man. Inside he’s just an insecure guy who never grew up from fantasy land and thinks because he has a peepee he is an “alpha male”


This video is just as sad as the first one they did.


"and just because he sleeps with other women doesn't mean he loves me less"

girl he doesn't leave you because he loves to use you. he doesn't even respect you. what are you? Sarah & Abraham? lmao.


"My Husband treats me like a Queen", but he sleeps with other woman.


I don’t think most people would have an issue with her being a traditional housewife, if she wasn’t clearly upset by him sleeping with other women. I have no issue with her being a housewife, but there is nothing traditional about letting him sleep with other people. He seems very selfish, and that has nothing to do with her housewife duties.


Hopefully one day she wakes up and learns her worth. 🙏🏾


There is absolutely wrong with non-monogamous or Dom/sub relationships so long as all parties are aware of what’s happening. But the fact that she felt the need to post this vid, at least imo, suggests that she is trying way too hard to prove to others (and herself) that she is happy being in this one. I could be completely wrong here and she might indeed be happy with how things are. But if she is, why would she risk giving people the impression that she cares what they think with this vid? A little sus…
