4 Tips To FIX Your Puppy Potty Training Problems

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Puppy potty training is a real challenge for a lot of new puppy owners. We get LOTS of questions and comments on our videos asking about The common problem we see is that people aren’t asking the right questions. This video is going to help you make better choices for your puppy.

Still feel like you’re struggling with house training? You need to watch THIS: The BIGGEST Mistake New Puppy Owners Make...

We Now Have A Puppy Essentials Training Program Online!

We Also Have A Podcast!

00:00 If Puppy Potty Training ISN’T Working, Ask Yourself These 4 Questions
00:12 Do You Have A Puppy Potty Training Plan?
02:16 Are You Managing Your Puppy Correctly?
03:48 What Does Your Puppy Training Supervision Look Like?
05:55 Are You Actively Training Your Puppy?

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken
#puppypottytraining #puppytraining
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Still feel like you’re struggling with house training? You need to watch THIS: The BIGGEST Mistake New Puppy Owners Make...
Happy Training!


We adopted what we think is a pitbull puppy a little less than a month ago (she looks like one but may be mixed). We don’t have a set age but have been given a range of 12-16 weeks by 2 vets.

Our puppy is a female. She loves to just go outside and sit/ lay in the sun. She’s very difficult to get back in the house. The issue we are having is, she goes to the back door but I never know if it is just for her to sit in the sun, or if it is for her to go potty. We have a bell on the door but she refuses to touch it. I open the door to let her out but she walks across the driveway to sit in the sun instead of going to the grass to do her business, even if I walk out with her, or carry her to the grass. I don’t want her sitting out back all day long because it seems her behavior changes and her listening gets worse for the day if she is outside for a long time.
How can I teach her to let me know when she wants to go out to potty? When it rains (we had 6 days of straight rain) I carry her to the grass and she goes and comes in just fine. It’s just the sunny days we struggle with. She doesn’t have any body language before she goes in the house, she just walks to a spot on the hardwood and goes, never in the same spot so I have no indication she’s going to pee. If you have any pointers or tips, I would greatly appreciate it!


I have a 13 week puppy that is getting the hang of potty training, but what big problem is she gets excited to see us and tinkles. She isn’t afraid or being submissive. She just gets so hyped up. We have tried ignoring her in her crate at first so she can get used to us being around, speaking calmly, and she still does it. Even when she has just peed outside it is still a problem. I am nervous that this could be her forever problem, based on what I have heard from other dog owners. Could this still be something she grows out of?


Thanks alot to your channel! It helped me alot to train my dog!!! He learned very quickly and all your tricks worked !!


These videos doesn't work I have showed my dog this video several times and he still hasn't learned


Just ask question is my dog got heat stroke yesterday but now he doesn't want to eat he only drink water and seems like weak now please help what i will do thank you 🙏


Hi there. Any tips for training a PREDOMINENTLY DEAF & BLIND PUPPY, please???


How do I get my pup to bark at the door he will sit at the door if u do not see him he go in the house


We have followed your guidelines, I think, pretty well and my puppy just wants to lay in the grass, eat the grass, play outside. Then when we come inside because he’s not doing anything, and I crate him and take my other dog out for her walk, he goes potty in the crate. I made crate smaller, with blocking off room, so it’s not too big, and he still goes in crate. We’re worried he’s getting used to that? Ugh…. Please help! Sick of cleaning the crate numerous times a day!


Any tips or recommendations for those trying to housetrain in a condo building (without a balcony) ? Don't want to use one of the fake grass mats. I've been using belly bands to help prevent accidents in the hallways, but now he goes in them and dosen't have to go when we go outside. Sigh


After only 2 days with him my 9 week old puppy has been great and we've been taking him outside successfully for 95% of the time, going to the same place, out the same door etc to create a routine. Just now I took my eyes off of him, he went to the door, and pooped. I felt awful and didn't know how to respond. What would have been the best response? Thanks


My pup is great in the crate and playpen for the last 2 months, but off leash in the house - he peed on the floor. He goes outside in the same spot straight away problem. Just doesn’t ask to go out. He sniffs everything so it’s not a great indicator.


Hello not related to this segment, my sheltie is about 6.5 months old. He can do stairs (2 stairs in and out of house) but we limited him on our spiral stairs. Do you have a YT video about training on spiral stairs. We have been carrying him up and down. Thanks.


Hi Kayla and Ken
Thank so much for all your Info. I live in Naples Florida. In July we had to put our 14 year old Husky done. It’s been such a big lost. We really had him trained to us. He even thought I had eyes in the back of my head. We could go anywhere and doing anything and would listen.
I am about to get a Husky puppy. In watching your YouTube I have gotten so much help. I now see all the mistakes I’ve done in the past. (And Just got lucky)
My question is I am an avid walker, will it be an ok idea to have my puppy go in a stroller, so I can still walk with him and (have him go with for the first 5 weeks) before I started walking him on a leash?
I just don’t want to leave him home when I go for my walks.


Thank you so much for your videos. They have helped so much with our two (yes two) new Pups.
Our boy dog is 10 weeks old and we are only letting him out of the crate for supervised play and training. He can go several hours in the crate if needed and up once in the middle of the night for now. When he is out of the crate he is peeing every 30 minutes during the day. If we don’t take him out at 30, he pees on floor without warning (no change in behavior, just stops and squats.
Question: Can taking him out every 30 min. encourage frequent peeing? What can we do? Thank you!


Help! How can my puppy (5 month) manage to stay in his crate overnight without an accident but once he's free in the house, he's having accidents every few hours. We take him out regularily and constantly observe him for signs to go outside. He gives us no sign (stand at door, ring bell, come to me etc.) and without warning, he has an accident.


When my puppy was young, I trained her to go potty on command. I would take her outside and say ‘go potty’. Within a minute, usually less, she would go potty. However, now that she’s an adult, she has been ignoring this. How can I get her back on track?


Sorry, not related directly to potty training, but I was wondering if the name “Jessie” could be a problem for a puppy because it sounds too close to “yes.” Please share your thoughts. Thank you!


and what if our dog is now adult, but revert is behavior to his child-self? Weirdly, since few months, he acts like when he was a puppy and urinate a t different places of the house like it's normal again. He even goes under the table, where he slept when he was a child.


Is it better to lead them out to go potty on a line or pick them up and take them out?
