Ending a Relapse or Binge Cycle: A Message to Those in the Midst of an Alcohol or other Relapse

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I am targetting this video for someone who might be struggling in the middle of a relapse, emotional or to substance abuse. Many might not be able to relate to this content, but my hope is that if one person hears this, if this message resonates with just ONE person who is suffering, then it has been a success.
I focus much of my content of balance, healthy living, and coping tools. It is difficult to apply these tools when someone is struggling in a relapse cycle. Shame and guilt supercede self care. I am making this video during the holiday season, and at a time when I am in a work stoppage with my clinic. I am reaching out to those who might be seeking guidance and support in the middle of an alcohol relapse, or a return to drug use, binge eating, codependency, or other unhealthy behaviors. Here is my simple guide to recovery while in the midst of a relapse cycle. 
I'm Ken Francis, M.S., California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of The Intimacy Gram and The Gratitude Snorkel and Other Bedtime Stories. I specialize in Alcohol Addiction treatment, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, trauma recovery, and group therapy. I believe in life balance and building community support. Please check out my other videos as they are a good resource for information on substance abuse, trauma, motivation, and gratitude. 
With Covid-19 social distancing practices, I have had to stop teaching classes at my clinic. This video and others are my attempt to make my educational topics available to my patients. I have placed them on YouTube so others can benefit. Please like and subscribe to get more videos on recovery: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Alanon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Mindfulness, good Mental Health and Self Care.
Please feel free to share this ACoA podcast so that others can benefit!
00:00 Introduction
00:59 Mental Health and Addiction Stigmas
01:11 2 Components of the Relapse Cycle
01:28 Biological aspects of relapse cycle
04:40 Shame and the Relapse Cycle
06:10 Stop and Breathe
07:04 Smart Feet
07:34 Substance Abuse Recovery and Treatment Resources
07:48 Mental Health Parity
08:09 Alcoholics Anonymous and Other 12 Step Fellowship Support
09:22 Suicide Hotline
09:37 Summary
10:04 Conclusion
#The_Intimacy_Gram #adultchildrenofalcoholics #positivity #positivethoughts #recoveryquotes #recoveryhappens
#alcoholicsanonymous #addictionrecovery
Kenneth Francis
I focus much of my content of balance, healthy living, and coping tools. It is difficult to apply these tools when someone is struggling in a relapse cycle. Shame and guilt supercede self care. I am making this video during the holiday season, and at a time when I am in a work stoppage with my clinic. I am reaching out to those who might be seeking guidance and support in the middle of an alcohol relapse, or a return to drug use, binge eating, codependency, or other unhealthy behaviors. Here is my simple guide to recovery while in the midst of a relapse cycle. 
I'm Ken Francis, M.S., California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of The Intimacy Gram and The Gratitude Snorkel and Other Bedtime Stories. I specialize in Alcohol Addiction treatment, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, trauma recovery, and group therapy. I believe in life balance and building community support. Please check out my other videos as they are a good resource for information on substance abuse, trauma, motivation, and gratitude. 
With Covid-19 social distancing practices, I have had to stop teaching classes at my clinic. This video and others are my attempt to make my educational topics available to my patients. I have placed them on YouTube so others can benefit. Please like and subscribe to get more videos on recovery: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Alanon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Mindfulness, good Mental Health and Self Care.
Please feel free to share this ACoA podcast so that others can benefit!
00:00 Introduction
00:59 Mental Health and Addiction Stigmas
01:11 2 Components of the Relapse Cycle
01:28 Biological aspects of relapse cycle
04:40 Shame and the Relapse Cycle
06:10 Stop and Breathe
07:04 Smart Feet
07:34 Substance Abuse Recovery and Treatment Resources
07:48 Mental Health Parity
08:09 Alcoholics Anonymous and Other 12 Step Fellowship Support
09:22 Suicide Hotline
09:37 Summary
10:04 Conclusion
#The_Intimacy_Gram #adultchildrenofalcoholics #positivity #positivethoughts #recoveryquotes #recoveryhappens
#alcoholicsanonymous #addictionrecovery
Kenneth Francis