Zipper Merge Fail

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You also failed, sitting there like a muppet stationary in the lane instead of merging.


Whenever i want to lose a few braincells i just scroll through youtube comments.


Big ass line. Screw that. I'd find another way home.


Good luck with that in Chicago on the interstate especially on a Friday evening, people there drive so close to each other and won't let you over either


I wondered why you were waiting so long to keep going. Guessing you saw the space later


I had to watch this video like 15 times to get an understanding of exactly what was going on here. Ok, so this guy is entering a highway that is backed up because no one is using the far left lane because apparently it is closed up ahead, so everybody got into the center and right lane. So now trying to enter, it's impossible to get into the flow of traffic because everything is backed up with a totally empty left lane that nobody is using. So, he uses the entrance lane to try to get as far ahead as he can, bypass people trying to merge into stopped traffic in the center lane from an empty right lane? So he goes up to the actual merge and blends right in and gets up to highway speed, leaving all the idiots behind. And here's why I say idiots. REMARKBLY, that's when you see the warning signs for the left lane traffic to merge right! Those people back there are nowhere near where you have to merge right! That's also where you see the "Exit Only" sign for the right lane. So, everybody in the right lane is merging left into the center lane way ahead of where the right lane actually ends! So, in summing up, this is what happens when you have a bunch of brain dead people behind the wheel of a car. To this guy's credit, he bypassed all these jerks and was able to move on and get on with his life, while all those other knotheads sit in a traffic jam that they themselves are creating because they are not using all lanes to their full capacity. And my thoughts to all the people backed up in traffic downstream because of this. This is absolutely amazing. Lol.


What exactly was the "fail" part again??? I think I missed it!!
