Is Tongues Evidence of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit?

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Many believe that based on a few verses in the Bible that ALL believers will speak in tongues as evidence of being baptized with the Holy Spirit. Does the bible teach this?

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#IsTonguesEvidenceOfTheHolySpirit #BaptismOfTheHolySpirit #SpeakingInTongues #DoAllBelieversSpeakInTongues #WhatIsTheBaptismOfTheHolySpirit
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No, the best evidence of being 'indwelt and baptized ' by the Holy Spirit is a transformed life centered on Jesus Christ ....


I used to speak in tongues, but couldn't find any justification for that gibberish in the Word.
Signs and Wonders are the greatest deception since the Belfort declaration.
I rather not use a false soulish gift.
I am thankful that God lead me out of the charismatic deception.


I've been wrestling with this question the past week. Thank you for the upload, God bless you brother and your ministry in Jesus Name! 🙌🏻🇿🇦✝️


I'm 74 years old now and I've been a Christian for 51 years. I accepted the Lord as my savior on April 28, 1970 at around 7:30 in the morning, then I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit about a half hour later. I got saved at a little Pentecostal church in San Clemente California during the big outpouring of the Holy Spirit that was happening on the west coast of the US and Canada at that time, what became known as "The Jesus Movement Outpouring of the Holy Spirit." So I've been speaking in tongues for 51 years.


Good teaching, people are so confused on this subject !


Thank you i grew up in that kind of delusion thinking that being spiritually mature is speaking in tongues but i thank God that I came to the knowlegde of true Gospel and left those kinds of false teachings.


I gave my life to Christ at the age of 11 and was baptized. My church told me I was not saved yet because I had not spoken in tongues and I believed them for five years, thinking I would go to Hell. Thank God I learned later that I was saved from the time I accepted Jesus as my Savior.


I cannot speak in tongues but my life has changed 🙏 Amen and thank your videos. Excited to watch after work!


Tremendous exegesis brother! And you did a GREAT job presenting and explaining counterpoints! One of your best vids yet in my humble opinion.


Amen! Good job man!
Speaking in tongues sure is an evidence of Holy Spirit but we'd need to look at the entire picture of a person, not just one gift of the Spirit.
I never really understood why on earth folks do focus on gifts of the Spirit so much. We already have the greatest gift of God, that is His only begotten Son who gave us eternal life and forgave all of our sins. Now that's a gift you don't wanna miss. Praise God for that!
May God's grace be with you all:)


I would say Yes its a sign someone has received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. However I don't know that everyone Baptisted in the Holy Ghost has spoken in said tongues and had the exact same experience. So I wouldn't tell somone who doesnt speak in tongues that they arent saved because that definitely may not be the case. Ppl should able to tell a major difference in their lives before and after being saved. For me... I almost immediately hated things i used to love and loved things I never had before and still do. My entire outlook on the world and what I should be doing changed 180°. Also the "fruit" of the re born life you are living should eventually be very obvious to others in your life.


Speaking of prayer, is it possible for you to pray for my grandma? She feels pain in her leg at times, so please help me out and pray for her. God bless you


Understanding right division of the word of truth in this dispensation of Grace is EVERYTHING!!!


☺ Thank you for the explanation Sean, God bless. 🍀


Having the spirit is not being filled in the spirit it's two different things contixed is important.


Follow JESUS u can't go wrong.... Blessings.


It is for a lot of people a trap, a false justification. Well, I speak in tongues, therefore I know Jesus, and my path is justified for that fact.

What a great trick, then, that would be for the enemy to use. To create in people the sense that they have met the doctor and know the doctor, when they potentially do not.


Great video, brother! I remember hearing a great teaching on this years ago which showed that they spoke in tongues (known human languages) distinctly in certain places to show fulfillment of the promise early in Acts that “you will be my witnesses(P) in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, (Q) and to the ends of the earth.” So tongues were spoken in Jerusalem (at Pentecost), Judaea (Cornelius’ house), Samaria and then Antioch (to represent the ends of the earth). More like a sign to Jewish believers who were present at Pentecost that God was giving them the same Spirit. After that, it did not occur furthermore in scripture.


The baptism by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ occurs at the point of salvation. There is no such thing as a saved Christian who doesn't have the Holy Spirit in this Gospel age of Grace. Yes, there are fillings and power encounters and enduements available to the believer subsequent to salvation and on some occasions to some believers, this may be accompanied by the exercise of the gift of tongues. Tongues is not for every Christian and the sign to Israel aspect that the Holy Spirit has been received has been pretty much redundant for a long time. It could well recur in the time of Jacob's Trouble when God restores His ancient covenant people. The 'initial evidence' teaching has caused so much havoc and confusion and that's because it's not based on right division of the Word of Truth.
You're absolutely right on this vid. Brother.


Speaking in tongues is real! It's literally in the Bible. If speaking in tongues is what you think it is then a really few people one this earth have that gift. Like really really really few.
Okay let me try to explain this as clear as I possibly can.

All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem GOD-FEARING Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one HEARD their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us HEARS them in our native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we HEAR them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”
Acts 2:4‭-‬12

Here the Bible uses the word HEARD/HEARS/HEAR for a reason because that is the miracle that took place. These GOD-FEARING Jews got to HEAR in their own language. Think about it, the people in Acts 2 were all told to HEAR their own language. If the Christians really all started speaking in so many different languages ​​at the same time, it would be very difficult to understand what was being said because they are all talking at the same time. But that's not what happened. These people were individually given to HEAR their own language.
"Then how is it that each of us HEARS them in our native language?"
Acts 2:8

I have experienced this a few times already and heard so many testimonies of other that experienced the same.
Such as this girl:

The other interesting thing is that the Bible is talking about these GOD-FEARING Jews for a reason because they were the ones to get to HEAR what was said in their own language.

The secret of the LORD is with them that FEAR him; And he will shew them his COVENANT.
Psalm 25:14

God blesses those who fear Him by revealing things to them. And it is also interesting that Psalm 25:14 says "And he will shew them his COVENANT." These GOD-FEARING Jews were given a revelation of the NEW COVENANT.

And then the Bible speaks about OTHERS (these were not GOD-FEARING)

OTHERS mocking said, These men are full of new wine.
Acts 2:13

These people just heard the Christians speak in unknown tongues without hearing what was being said in their own language and hence it sounded very strange to them and said they are just drunk.

For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.
1 Corinthians 14:2
