The Real Evidence of the Holy Spirit (Not Tongues)

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Is speaking in tongues the evidence of the Holy Spirit? What does the Bible say?

We want to challenge you to dig deeper into God's Word, and help you to remove your lens of interpretation, so you can let the Bible interpret itself. We are a Christian ministry that believes and teaches the whole Bible. We want to be like the noble Bereans who studied the Scriptures daily to know the truth.

Our Vision is that people will learn to let the Bible interpret itself.
Our Mission is to cause people to dig deeper into the truth of God’s Word.
We Value the Truth of God as it is revealed through the Holy Scriptures.

UNLEARN the lies with Lex Meyer
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If you want to know if a seed has been planted then look for the fruit. The fruit of the Holy Spirit not the gifts. Beside Paul even tells us not everyone will receive every gift.


walking in the spirit. that's where I want to be.


I was sceptical about tongues myself and even thought it was crazy until one day I had a fever so bad I knew I needed to go to the hospital but it was so bad I couldn't get out of bed... I was falling asleep but also felt like I was about to die and then I called on Jesus Please help me and something phenomenal happened. I felt something feel up my lungs like a fresh air and then something powerfull took over me and I began speaking a language loud and fiercely, it sounded middle eastern possibly Aramaic and every second that went by I felt my fever breaking, I knew this was the Holy Spirit Of God, from that on I've had the gift ever since and it breaks depression and sickness I far as I know, this is only the one spiritual gift God gave me praise His name Yesheah


I heard an evangelist share his experience as a young boy in a Pentecostal church. He talked about him and his sister sitting next to their mother as she prayed in church. A man there used to like walking around the church praying and once in a while they heard him speaking in tongues and it sounded like hick-a-ma ba-ba. So as children they would reference the man as brother hick-a-ma ba-ba. Many years later when this same boy grew up and went into ministry, and travelled all over the world. During one of his overseas trips to Indonesia (? I think) at a town where he was preaching the gospel of Jesus death, burial, and resurrection he heard a man praying and he kept saying periodically hick-a-ma ba-ba and wondered if he was speaking in tongues or was it his language. Using an interpreter he approached the man and asked him if he was speaking in tongues and the man replied that sometimes he was and sometimes if he praying in his own language. So through the interpreter he asked him about "hick-a-ma ba-ba". The man replied that it was his own language from the area he was from. He asked him what it meant. He said well ba-ba means father and hick-a-ma means literally I am holding on to your feet, but together it means Father I am holding on to you or Father I am trusting in you. Just because we do not understand or have not experienced the speaking in tongues like what happened to the disciples in the upper room or like what happened to Cornelious and his household in Acts 10 does not make it demonic and we should be careful of what we say because we may be in danger of blaspheming the Spirit of God. It is wisdom to say nothing but give it to ?God in prayer or better still ask
God to fill you full of the Holy Spirit like the early church. But there is an "initial" evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit that happens right away because when Simon the sorcerer converted to Christianity through Philip's preaching. When Peter and John came there to Samaria because people were converting and getting baptized. Simon the "sorcerer" SAW with his own eyes that people received the Holy Spirit when Peter and John prayed for them (Acts 8:14-18), he then offered money to them to give him the same power so that he could do the same and Peter rebuked him. WHAT did he see happen when they laid hands and prayed? What was so powerful that he wanted to pay money for the power? May Heavenly Father forgive those of you that may condemn your own soul with blasphemy.


I agree. How can all speak in tongues when Paul already said not everyone will speak in tongues? 1 Corinthians 12:10 ESV "..., to another various kinds of tongues, ...". And how would we know it is a sign if we don't understand what they are saying? 1 Corinthians 14:28 ESV: "28 But if there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God.".


You know when you have received the Holy Spirit when your old self die. Your sufferings, addictions gone. Your heart filled with peace, love for people and God's creations, and have burning desire to preach the gospel. For me, that's how you know that you are really saved. Cos it happened to me. And i was never the same since.


What people seem to forget is that the miracle was not in speaking tongues but in hearing it and the words unfold to them in their own language. Back then it was imperative as to spread the Gospel very urgently. What the churches are doing today with repetitive words to me personally is not tongues. We will receive the second rain of dreams and prophecies proclaiming the judgment of God. We don't all have to agree on this subject, just love your brother and be kind.


Ang diyos ay mapag mahal subalit may hangganan na pag mamahaling sa mga taong ayaw sumunod sa kanyang kalooban


I have a friend who does that and no matter what I say, she says oh no this is not an evil spirit. It feels so warm and loving. Good grief 🤦🏼‍♀️


I find it quite amazing that the truth manifest thru ordinary people rather than ordained priests, authorities and the likes, I love it.
(The meek shall inherit the earth)
I've been on a 5 year journey, searching for the truth, at the beginning I did not know what the truth was. I just knew I want it.

Research, doubt, joy, doubt, fall, pain, joy, pain, research, love, suffering, disappointment, failure, stumbling, doubt, joy...just like our children learns to walk...In my case, I was puffed up and had learned to walk so why would I need to learn to walk again?
I now humbly walk again, but in the right direction.

That is my journey (in very short), and I believe it is not unique for me in any sense. That is life.
I am just so happy and joyful that the Lord has guided me thru all these years, and it is my sincere hope that I will be worthy in the end, and the same goes for you my beloved!

God bless you all!


Thanks for helping me unlearn the lies, "LEX", GLORY to our "GOD", Through our "lord" "yashua", The word that became flesh and dwelt among us, in whom the "FATHER" is well "PLEASED " "AMEN".


They don't know any better. It's the Pastors that mislead them.


Acts 2:4
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.


You will know a tree by it's fruit. Oh the wisdom of God 😁


And you skipped the entire book of Acts. Which is where Pentecostal believers base doctrine. Throughout the book people are being baptized in the Spirit and then speak in tongues. The idea of false signs and wonders is they are a counterfeit, which means that they are imitating something real. I like that you clear matters of vocabulary, but you need to better in discussing issues and doctrine that you don't agree with or understand.


Did Jesus ever spoke in tounges? A gift from God is a blessing that should benefit and help others. Speaking jibbirisch helps who?


If we continue in His word, rightly diving in spirit and truth then we are His.
Not compromising. Even unto death.

Here is the patience of the saints.
Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Revelation 14:12-13


I knew pentalcostal people in Juneau, AK. They told me that since I did not speak in tongues that I did not have the holy spirit. There was a member there that had a bad headache and I asked could I pray for you. I laid hands on his head and asked the Lord to release the cause of the headache and heal this man. He was healed and the members there asked the Pastor's wife. How did Dave pray that the thing that was causing the headache to be released and it was. She said he only feels better because of the attention he is getting. The headache will come back once he knows he was not healed. The man stood up and said, I do not accept the lie or the curse you want to put on my because of all the deal of you saying he does not have the Holy Spirit because he does not speak in other languages. ( I taught them the truth) The Members wanted me to teach them about the gifts of languages and I simply read what the Bible had in it so that my opinion would not cloud the issues. The Pastor's wife said, I know what God wants and he wants us to speak in tounges I do not care what Dave says because he only uses the Bible to teach. The members said and what do you use? They realized that she was upset with the truth that we needed an interpreture for any message language gift. The Pastor's wife said you do not ned an interpretation. The Bible says we do. She was mad and got up and left.


Those fruits mentioned in Galatians "love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" could also be exhibited by a non-believer. So we're back at square one in trying to determine if someone has the Holy Spirit.


That was heartbreaking to find out about false religions practicing tongues. Great report. I'm going to be praying for discernment on this subject as I do believe that speaking in tongues can be a spiritual gift as laid out in 1Corinthians 12. Hopefully we can make some headway on uniting the body of Christ as we get away from organized religion and back to just the Word of God.
