MHWorld Iceborne - 2 Advanced Sword & Shield Techniques You Need To Master

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My first sword & shield guide for Iceborne, over 4 years since the release of the DLC. Enjoy!

#mhworld #iceborne #sns #monsterhunter #swordandshield
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Bro respect, for getting straight into thw content at the start of the video. Its so rare to get a video without a bunch of BS it caught me off guard.


I can pull off the backstep 100% of the time in the training room, but end up facing the opposite direction when fighting the monster.


As a new SNS main coming from the Glaive I found this guide very useful without going deep into stuff that felt obvious or useless. Fantastic guide


This video was phenomenal, the great examples shown to help grasp the subject, incredible tight editing and best off, as a mid tier player with 1000s of hrs with sns, i know can grasp that "thing" setting me back from that next ceiling of learning my weapon! thank you!!


You missed one, you can access Perfect Rush from slinger burst. Which is very handy when dealing with attack like Velkna freezing ground.


Super good video man. Thanks for including all the little details that are often overlooked. Particularly your advice with the Type 1 v Type 2 control settings. Those little details make all the difference in gameplay so I appreciate you including them! Thanks and have a good one!


1:13 man I spent hours labbing trying to get this sort of inverted perfect rush consistently because it's so useful for repositioning but I couldn't get the timing down, now knowing when to hit the input the already coolest weapon got even better tysm


The roll guard uppercut to dismount then perfect rush is next on my things to learn list. Thx


Over all the videos about SnS, this is probably the best one, clear and absolutely usefull, without getting teh feeling to deal with an extremly high difficult mechanic that is impossible to pull without tons of training. Thanks !


Bro you have no idea how this little move of guarding to unsheathe changed my playstyle at 5:13


Something I just recently found out about the SnS was how to use the slinger burst. I just wish it wasn't so clunky to setup (at least using KnM) cause being able to slinger burst into perfect rush is very fun and doesn't require the normal backstep.


Missing my favorite trick I learned from watching a speedrun: Guard rolling into slinger burst into perfect rush Starting with weapon sheathed. Was the game changer that made me love sns. Trick is needing to hold a direction while holding slinger aim (delayed a bit to not claw uppercut) and timing the slinger mode change/ It should look instant slinger burst at the end of the roll looking like you were in the slinger burst mode in the first place not seeing the switch as sns seems to swap back to normal slinger every time stowed and drawed again.


Bro what? A free instant backstep? This is a game changer. Ty dude.


this guide was awesome ty!! i ha dbeen wondering for a few days wtf all the cool moves i saw people do in sns speedruns and shit haha


I just got back into mhw and was feeling daunted about facing high rank now but luckily there are so many amazing guides like this one to help me master the game and sns


I play on type-2 for SnS and I have a slight tip on the timing for getting these turn around back back steps.

The easiest way to get it consistently during the roll animation (note this is forward roll, side to side roll I am not sure if you can do this) but is to look for when the characters legs begin to hit the ground. The easiest way to get this down is to go into training mode and have the weapon out, and do a roll to the right, flick the stick over to the left and as you see the legs begin to come into the floor (it's your leading foot, for the SnS this is your left foot) to the ground, hit b and you will do a turn around in the opposite direction. This works for ALL directions you can go in as long as you are doing a normal roll and not the weird animation cancel side roll. You can even do a top left roll to a turn around roll to attack the direction you just came from by simply flicking the stick back in into the bottom right. This makes it incredibly consistent to get these kind of crazy dodges and rolls off to set up for a shield bash dive for a stun or a p.Rush.

Just a little something I noticed today working more with the SnS


Thank you so much coming from a newbie SnS main
That guard techs changed my perspective


Quick back stepping from guard. I found it most comfortable to press guard, slash, then the direction is quick succession. This isn’t the only timing I used that works, just the one that I succeeded the most often.


Great video man, I'm sending this to my buddy who's new to monhun and maining sns


i recently picked up MHWI and i'm absolutely loving the SNS
