MHW: Iceborne Full Progressional Set Guide 2024 [NO FATALIS/SAFI/KULVE/ALATREON NEEDED]

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#MHWIceborne #ReturnToWorld #LordViettner

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0:00 – Preface
1:15 – Low and High Rank
2:24 – MR Pre Story Boss
4:06 – MR Post Story Boss
4:23 – Story Boss to MR69
6:26 – Raging Brachy and Beyond
8:47 - Final Notes
9:20 - Outro

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Be sure to like this comment if you want a video covering the best skills for each weapon :D Also thank you all so much for 13k subs! Much love <3


Pretty solid suggestions overall. Here's some other things that should be noted.

1) If you're playing when a festival is active, do try and get some of the armor that the event tickets allow you to make. The Oolong set is fantastic early on due to the headpiece and guaranteed Expert+ jewel you'll get as you can achieve 25% affinity on one piece of gear early on, and the pants are nice for Health Boost 2 and the slots. The Astral chest/gloves/pants setup gives you WEX/Crit Boost/Divine Blessing lvl 2 which is great for bargain builds if you don't have the decorations for the skills early on and it'll be a great boost to your damage and survivability. The Demonlord belt is a nice piece later on since it gives maxed out Free Elem/Ammo Up on a single piece which is great since that's a rare skill to get decos for.

2) The event quest "Flora Frostbite" is a great way to farm up on decos since the mission only takes a couple minutes at most if you have the camps available and it gives out about 2-4 decos on average, plus its great for farming research points and it can speed up your harvest box supplies.

3) If you're wanting to use elemental damage, check out the USJ event quests, as the materials from those give you access to an armor set that offers True Critical Element. These quests are available ar MR18ish whereas you normally have to fight Silver Rathalos at MR70+ for the set bonus so its incredibly potent as a bargain set till then (plus you can mix and match those pieces with Silver Los later and still get the bonus).

4) After beating Iceborne's final story boss and unlocking the Guiding Lands, check out the event quest "The Last White Night" as the gear from this quest is great for monsters like Rajang and Raging Brachydios as well as Alatreon if you can't get ez access to Kulve/Safi weapons. Plus, there's quite a few good armor pieces.

5) Rajang's quest unlocks the Volcanic region so lvl 4 isn't needed to start that questline.

6) Artillery secret isn't really the highest priority for Impact phial Charge Blades but its nice if you can squeeze it in. That said, rather than 2 pieces of Raging Brachy + 3 pieces of Zorah Magdaros armor, just go for 4 pieces of Raging Brachy instead. You still get Artillery secret, there's better armor + slot synergy, and you get one extra piece of armor to run something else instead (5 pieces of Raging Brachy is valid too tho since all the armor skills can help Charge Blade).

7) After getting to the guiding lands you should be able to make new decos at the melder soon after returning. Valuable decos like Guard Up, Protective Polish, Mighty Bow, and esp. Clutch Claw Boost can be crafted at the melder if you have plenty of spare decos. You can also set the Steamworks to x10 output so if you have lots of fuel (easy to get lots of fuel from the event quest "Farewell to Zinogre") you can go for x10 overdrive bonuses and get lots of Steel Melding Tickets to fill your deco library + fuel for crafting new decos. You can also use the abundant Steam tickets from x10 overdrive to craft tons of useful items like Dash Juice, Mega Demon/Armordrugs, traps, etc.

It's a lot of extra info but these are all really things to know and take advantage of as I've helped many others be better prepared for later game content with these tips.


As a new player (started a month ish ago) I’m glad I didn’t you the defender armor. Saw the stats where way higher than anything you can get normally. Id recommend new player also ignore the defender gear as I did as I fear it would make the game too easy. Plus farming gear and creating builds is a huge gun part of the game which the defender gear ruins early on. I hate this “rush to endgame” culture gamers have. If your new play the base game at your own pace, you don’t need easy mode.


You don’t have to leave to your guiding lands to get to raging bracy. You can go directly to the quest line after unlocking the guiding lands.


the important skills guide for each weapon type would be very useful! i was about to suggest it.


Nice video lord, however if the purpose is to reach fatalis ASAP, there is no much need for Guiding Lands unless health augment and ele augment (for ele weapon).

My tip is to go straight to Raging Brachy for raw weapon players (GS, LS, SnS Perfect Rush, H, HH niche, Lance, GL for wide players, SwAxe, CB for impact phial players, IG), and for alatreon u can use frostfang barioth weapon as that is already a very good ice weapon (comparable to some META choice) without much grinding or alternatively max out velkhana. Alatreon first fight always start on Fire Mode (weakest to Ice) and break that horn when alatreon goes to dragon mode so he doesnt swap to Ice mode after Nova (where he is immune to ice)

The raging weapons (or safi blast if u want to grind safi) is a good pre Fatalis weapon as most pre Fatalis patched player use that armor to fight him pre unlocking.

Armor for post final boss u can directly go farm Raging Brachy and Teostra for MAster Touch and Agitator Blesssing (meta raw build pre safi)
Armor Build
Kaiser ß
Brachydium ß
Kaiser ß
Kaiser ß
Brachydium ß
Agitator V Charm

For farming raging brachy u can also use frostfang weapon as rsging is also weak to ice


For newcomers like me I would say rushing to Iceborne is not recommended as the difficulty spikes up so it's better to stay a while in base game and get your skill and experience up. Also to craft Iceborn weapons you need previous tier of it, like Karma for LBG (and a bit of previous tier mats for armors).


As soon as you hunt Barioth you will reach MR7 and you can farm the event quest 50 Shades of White (I think it's called) is a quest where you fight a Barioth in the arena and unlock the best weapons to continue the story and start the end game ( you can upgrade this weapons after defeating Namielle). I highly recommend these weapons except if you are playing blowguns


After beating the story of Iceborne I think that getting the Frostfang Barioth set is a high priority if not the highest priority. The armor is very strong for most builds with powerful skills like Critical Eye, Attack Boost, Slugger Secret, and Punishing Draw. Also the weapons have purple sharpness, solid raw and a ton of ice. The ice is especially good against the endgame monsters like Rajang, Raging Brachydios, Furious Rajang and Alatreon.

As a bonus it is one of the coolest looking sets in the whole game 💙


Pro tip ofcourse don't farm too much for low and high rank but don't forget to farm Decos

Decos are a must
Most New players I met that sped run the game, they lack decos by the time they're fighting raging brachy and alatreon


As a player who is not skilled who enough to optimise teostra set, I opted for 3pc naga with ful anja helm and odo coil for a more comfy build while still having crit eye, wex, crit boost and easier time maintaining sharpness.


Bro yess! I started mhw all over again but my save data was old and not updated so I’m starting fresh since I got my new ps5. This is EXACTLY the video I needed, btw mind giving me any and if all settings for mhw that you use. Thanks 🙏


I just finished the Iceborne story and unlocked the Grinding Lands and I'm abit...stuck for lack of a better word. Every time I Google sets or prog guides it's all either outdated or multiple patches ahead of where I am.
I just want to experience the O.G progression how it was released so if anyone here could reply to this message telling me the endgame prog order (do I level GL, do I do the Special Assignments, do I grind gear first???) I'd very much appreciate it :)


They changed the way you unlock brachy and rajang you just unlock guiding lands and your good to go


Excellent content. Thanks a lot for this. I just entered Icebourne and need to start figuring out on how to gear up there. Just got some basic rank 9 gear for starting, but still have the old Defender weapons and those are starting to get pretty weak at this point also. I can still do most missions on first try, but they take quite a bit of time.


This vid is gas! Just got the game for my PC and will 100% be using this and your other vids as I play through


Do you have a Great Sword progression build would appreciate it


As someone who played since beta..
1) if you are new please do not rush defender gear because most monsters are also in MR if you learn in LR and HR you will have easier time to learn move set so what you carted a few times at a monster consider learning its moveset so that you can either dodge or counter

2) Also dont be afraid to try a different weapon maybe you like that weapon more and can or do better.

3) learning to use any of the ranged weapons LBG HBG BOW
Since gunners mostly need like elemental damage or raw damage building them is easy bow is the most stamina hungry weapon in the game you need constitution and stamina surge a wiggly litchi from the ground can help with stamina its like a dash juice item

4) Who likes to support there are skills like wide range look for that on the set and free meal which has a % chance to not consume item so you can heal your party as well as speed eating if you max these all you need is consumable items which you get from the farm botanical research please upgrade the facilities like canteen and botanical as well as getting all mantles early on.
A good tip is to reach iceborne create a weapon and a set you are comfortable with and go back in LR AND HR to finish the rest of the quests.

5) I recommend looking up guides for the items and slingers and mounting as well as stealth mechanics which can be abused heavily using spore puffs / smoke bombs you can make the monster confused which give you plenty of time to wall bang. After hundreds of hours i found smoke bombs to be so OP also can help in heal or sharpen your weapon.

6) Dont treat Lance as a tank class its more of a boxing class the more you poke counter and dodge the better the lance of course you get guard up skill and 5 levels of guard and with val hazak set to auto regenrate you become immortal all you do is guard there were tactics like that to the behemoth
6) HBG can also shield by just aiming and shield up and guard up do work

7) Get the talons and charms in inventory and always have them

8) For people that have zenny problems early on get the bandit mantle equip it and attack each dropped yellow shiny grab it also equip the plunderblade for the palico which also gives yellow shinies grab all and go to provisions and click sell and select to sell all trade in items and there you go easy 20-50k remember to do that i have so many trade in items that i forgot to sell i get almost 2kk zenny if i do it ..
In base world there was an event quest were you fight a pukei pukei and a kulu yaku and gave gourmet vouchers and HR ranks as well as zenny on the special arena you do that and use the bandit mantle there for a lot of zenny and tickets 2 minutes to complete..
Also dont forget to add bounties that give armor spheres keep them for later do not waste armor spheres on HR LR gear!
The people that dont own iceborne the best set in the game is the Drachen armor from behemoth he was considered end game. Maxed out gave around 94 defense on each piece with max attack skill crit and wex as for difference the mr armor the first one already has around 110 defense per piece so i recommend just hang on and dont upgrade until MR .

8) MR24 do safi jiiva dont listen to this guide its not impossible to do and the set and weapons are very worth it until you reach MR100 find groups and session with the filter for safi jiiva and hop in use uragaan or radoban that gives part breaker tenderize and just hit legs or make the support build after so many hours i rarely see support players lmao 😂 1 support helps even the veterans dont think you are useless lol try and learn the mechanics and how to upgrade the weapons.
9) The sieges KT and Safi are on 2 weeks rotations i think safi has like 8 days remaining as of todays post
KT weapons are the best elemental damage weapons in the game kjarr DB / charge blades with the savage axe playstyle / bows / insect glaives / Elemental phial switch axes / SnS
Meanwhile in safi the most meta weapons are
Safi burstcannon HBG for pierce or spread 3 builds these are the best of the best in the entire game
Safi Aquashot LBG for rapid fire any element
And Gunlance Long shelling the Safi dream..gunlance puts monsters to sleep and has the best Long shells in the game you just charge shot with the GL.

10) Top Raw weapons for LS GS Hammer HH Insect raw are the fatalis and raging brachydios if you have raging brachidyos raw weapon you are set until fatalis

Also if you capture every monster you fight it in the arena as optional quest do all HR and LR optional quests make them all red complete and you will unlock a special pigment called rainbow 🌈 which changes the color of your armor periodically.

I have 3 characters a male and female since the sets look different based on gender. And third which i made kt stuck in HR to test some things.


6:45 you do NOT need to level up your guiding lands volcano to lvl 4. In fact you don't even get the volcano section until you do the Rajang quest


Great video man, a skill guide would be great and adding a segment for armor set bonuses plus really good off pieces would be great I think. Overall I’m happy I found your channel keep it up
