Roger Penrose:'String Theory Wrong' And Parallel Universe Exist

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String theory is a fashion, quantum physics is faith, and cosmic inflation is fantasy. Do you know who is the one who says this? This is none other than the legendary physicist and Nobel laureate Roger Penrose.String theory is considered one of the fundamental theories in physics, but Sir Roger Penrose completely rejects this theory and believes that it is totally wrong.
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String theory is NOT considered one of the “fundamental“ theories in physics. It's just an attempt, presently unconfirmed, and lately on the decline.


Yes, Roger Penrose is right, string theory is a wild goose chase.


String theory is a wild stab in the dark that just doesn't have merit. It's mathematical gymnastics.


I'm sorry, the volume levels in this video desperately need to be normalized. There's parts where I have to turn the volume WAY up to hear anything at all, followed by sections so much louder that I have to push the volume WAY down to keep it from being uncomfortably loud. Please take the time to moderate this some, it's a good video otherwise.


I had lunch with Sir Roger Penrose before the Sir at a conference way back in the 80’s. the question I asked was regarding relativity. I asked when I observe something speeding towards me does the object really shrink or just appears to shrink? And when it is speeding away from me does it shrink or just appear to shrink? Finally what actually shrinks? Does the atoms shrink including the space between them? Example if a hydrogen atom is speeding towards me it shrinks. If 2 hydrogen atoms are speeding towards me in tandem they both shrink. But if it’s 2 bonded hydrogen atoms than what shrinks? Do we observe the hydrogen atoms individually shrink or both atoms shrink as a molecule? Does the space shrink between the atoms when they are bonded? He responded that we don’t like to ask those questions. I worked with molecular beams instead of thinking about what happens. I concluded back then that quantum physics was like Ptolemy before Copernicus. Ptolemy required elaborate geometric models within geometric models and some fancy arithmetic to get an inaccurate answer. Copernicus came around and all those elaborate models with the convoluted arithmetic were tossed out for a really really simple equation which was made even simpler with Kepler. I’m waiting for the new “ quantum Copernicus “ to make sense of these imaginatively put together mathematical physics. Needless to say I left the PhD program and became a pilot instead. Here’s one for all those that don’t ever work in a lab. Why does a grandfather clock on earth speed up instead of slowing down when on Jupiter?


I just have a hard time believing in vibrating "things" ... strings, particles, whatever. Why can't we just have energy, pure and simple?


Bill Nye?? Bill Nye??? 😂😂😂 Stop! Stop!! my stomach, my stomach! Bill Nye?? The “Science Guy”. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh please!! i’m crying!!🤣🤣🤣


What is the big deal with this holy grail called the "unified theory"? Why does one equation have to explain the entirety of the vast universe as well as the tiniest fragments of matter?


Funny enough "string theory" isn't a scientific theory in the first place...
(It lacks the capacity to make a provable prediction)
But hay those pesky 'facts' getting in the way of a good "story" again...


I second Brian Greene's exasperated look. It's like Steven Weinberg Noted Nobel Laureate regarding the Standard Model of Quantum Mechanics who had no reason to be kind regarding String Theory and Ed Whittens work. "I simply can't imagine that anything so beautiful could just be Wrong!"


I am not a phisicist, dropped out in my first year university, but in that year I heard about string theory, but it did not appeal to me because I was and am not attracted to things which are not linked to measurements. Particle accelerators are great, and I am amazed by the fact that gravitational waves are observed! But with string theory I do not see any link to reality.


Thank you very much! An excellent topic for a global brainstorm.

"We are no longer satisfied with insights only into particles, fields of force, into geometry, or even into time and space. Today we demand of physics some understanding of existence itself."
J.A. Wheeler
The crisis of the metaphysical/ontological basis of fundamental science (mathematics, physics, cosmology) is getting deeper and deeper. The crisis manifests itself primarily as a "crisis of understanding" (J. Horgan "The End of Science", Kopeikin K.V. "Souls" of atoms and "atoms" of the soul : Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and "three great problems of physics"), "crisis of interpretation and representation" (Romanovskaya T.B. "Modern physics and contemporary art - parallels of style"), "loss of certainty" (M.Kline M. "Mathematics: Loss of Certainty")."trouble with physics" (Lee Smolin "The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next"). Fundamental science "rested" in the understanding of space and matter (ontological structure), the nature of fundamental constants, the nature of the phenomena of time, information, consciousness.
We must recognize, first of all the philosophers of science, and then the theoretical physicists themselves, that Quantum theory, General relativity, String theory are phenomenological (parametric, operationalist) theories without ontological justification (ontological basification). An intellectual breakthrough today is a solution to the problem of the ontological justification /substantiation of Knowledge in general, and above all mathematics, physics, and cosmology. That is, the construction of the New Ideality - the ontological basis of knowledge and cognition: the ontological framework, carcass, foundation. It means to build a model of a "Self-Aware Universe". For this, it is necessary to rethink the understanding of matter, taking into account all the problems in the foundations of modern phenomenological physics, developing Plato's ideas about matter and the whole path of philosophy and dialectics from Heraclitus to Whitehead: MATTER is that from which all meanings, forms and structures are born. There are three and only three absolute forms of existence of matter (absolute states): absolute rest (linear state, absolute Continuum) + absolute motion (vortex, circular, absolute Discretuum) + absolute becoming (absolute wave, absolute Dis-Continuum). What is especially important: each absolute form of the existence of matter has its own ONTOLOGICAL PATH (bivector of the absolute state). Accordingly, SPACE (absolute, ontological, existential) has three ontological dimensions and 9 gnoseological dimensions. But you still need to “dig” deeper into ontology in order to “grasp” the MetaNoumenon — ONTOLOGICAL (structural, cosmic) MEMORY, “soul of matter”, its measure. Ontological (structural, cosmic) memory is that "nothing" that holds, preserves, develops and directs matter (enteleschia, nous, Aristotelian mind, prime mover). Therefore, we must write not "space-time", but "SPACE-MATTER/MEMORY-TIME".
Fundamental science requires a Big Ontological revolution in the metaphysical / ontological basis of knowledge. Physics must move from the stage "Phenomenological physics" to the stage "Ontological physics".

John A. Wheeler: "Philosophy is too important to be left to philosophers."...
"To my mind there must be, at the bottom of it all, not an equation, but an utterly simple idea. And to me that idea, when we discover it, will be so compelling, so inevitable, that we will say to one another, 'Oh, how beautiful. How could it have been otherwise?'"
A.N. Whitehead: "A precise language must await a completed metaphysical knowledge."


The multi-verse is a redundant oxymoron. The multi-verse is based on human imagination, science fiction. What are you a Star Trek fan? Sheesh!


I like how at the beginning they say " string theory can address what happened at the beginning of time and edge of space ".
What if neither of those exist ??


Vibrations, resonant frequencies, yes. Vibrations on a string? String as a manifestation of purely abstract relative magnitude, yes.
It must be that way given the impossibillity of the absolute state and the necessity of change.
The concepts of infinity and zero are at the heart of it.
It is counter-intuitive that ultimately there are merely dynamic relationships, in the most abstract sense, but logic determines no other explanation is possible.
This is only a very broad viewpoint. I think progress will be made by attempting to generalise what is known.


If matter occupies space, remaining
It is vacuum, so it is vacuum time curvature. Physics taught related space time matters which is incomplete.


The theory of time does not need to be explain through analogy or allegory. Time is existence. Time gives humans the ability to think of analogies, allegory or even hypothesis or theories. No time no energy. Time equals energy and energy equals mass times the speed of light square. we know this! We are scientists. We are our star. Stick to the facts!


Also, I gotta ask....what will we get if we dissect a string into small pieces??


The commentary seems to confuse the observer effect and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.


What do I think? I think Loop Quantum Gravity is way better than String Theory!
