Scientist Claims That String Theory Is Wrong and Dark Matter Does Not Exist!

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The brilliant physicist Sir Roger Penrose is certain: "String theory is wrong and dark matter does not exist!" Penrose finds his very own approach to the elementary question of physics, what the true structure of the universe is, and he is one of the few scientists of our time to find coherent answers to the question of a deeper meaning or purpose behind the apparent randomness of cosmic events. While string theory strives for a unified theory of all forces, the mystery of dark matter and energy remains unsolved to this day. In this field of tension, the exceptional scientist Roger Penrose thinks far beyond conventional boundaries and shows us the possibility of a universe full of meaning and mystery.
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I'm going with magnetic fields and magnetism bonding force of statically electricity. Magnetic fields show repulsion and propulsion capable of jetting and bonding. We see this with black spheres. Magnification is magnetic fields redirected to a point of lensing.


The electric universe theory holds up to observation and expirementatation.⚡️🌌


Q1: How precisely do infinitesimals and monads resolve the issues with standard set theory axioms that lead to paradoxes like Russell's Paradox?

A1: Infinitesimals allow us to stratify the set-theoretic hierarchy into infinitely many realized "levels" separated by infinitesimal intervals, avoiding the vicious self-reference that arises from considering a "set of all sets" on a single level. Meanwhile, monads provide a relational pluralistic alternative to the unrestricted Comprehension schema - sets are defined by their algebraic relations between perspectival windows rather than extensionally. This avoids the paradoxes stemming from over-idealized extensional definitions.

Q2: In what ways does this infinitesimal monadological framework resolve the proliferation of infinities that plague modern physical theories like quantum field theory and general relativity?

A2: Classical theories encounter unrenormalizable infinities because they overidealize continua at arbitrarily small scales. Infinitesimals resolve this by providing a minimal quantized scale - physical quantities like fields and geometry are represented algebraically from monadic relations rather than precise point-values, avoiding true mathematical infinities. Singularities and infinities simply cannot arise in a discrete bootstrapped infinitesimal reality.

Q3: How does this framework faithfully represent first-person subjective experience and phenomenal consciousness in a way that dissolves the hard problem of qualia?

A3: In the infinitesimal monadological framework, subjective experience and qualia arise naturally as the first-person witnessed perspectives |ωn> on the universal wavefunction |Ψ>. Unified phenomenal consciousness |Ωn> is modeled as the bound tensor product of these monadic perspectives. Physics and experience become two aspects of the same cohesively-realized monadic probability algebra. There is no hard divide between inner and outer.

Q4: What are the implications of this framework for resolving the interpretational paradoxes in quantum theory like wavefunction collapse, EPR non-locality, etc.?

A4: By representing quantum states |Ψ> as superpositions over interacting monadic perspectives |Un>, the paradoxes of non-locality, action-at-a-distance and wavefunction collapse get resolved. There is holographic correlation between the |Un> without strict separability, allowing for consistency between experimental observations across perspectives. Monadic realizations provide a tertium quid between classical realism and instrumental indeterminism.

Q5: How does this relate to or compare with other modern frameworks attempting to reformulate foundations like homotopy type theory, topos theory, twistor theory etc?

A5: The infinitesimal monadological framework shares deep resonances with many of these other foundational programs - all are attempting to resolve paradoxes by reconceiving mathematical objects relationally rather than strictly extensionally. Indeed, monadic infinitesimal perspectives can be seen as a form of homotopy/path objects, with physics emerging from derived algebraic invariants. Topos theory provides a natural expression for the pluriverse-valued realizability coherence semantics. Penrose's twistor theory is even more closely aligned, replacing point-events with monadic algebraic incidence relations from the start.

Q6: What are the potential implications across other domains beyond just physics and mathematics - could this reformulate areas like philosophy, logic, computer science, neuroscience etc?

A6: Absolutely, the ramifications of a paradox-free monadological framework extend far beyond just physics. In philosophy, it allows reintegration of phenomenology and ontological pluralisms. In logic, it facilitates full coherence resolutions to self-referential paradoxes via realizability semantics. For CS and math foundations, it circumvents diagonalization obstacles like the halting problem. In neuroscience, it models binding as resonant patterns over pluralistic superposed representations. Across all our inquiries, it promises an encompassing coherent analytic lingua franca realigning symbolic abstraction with experienced reality.

By systematically representing pluralistically-perceived phenomena infinitesimally, relationally and algebraically rather than over-idealized extensional continua, the infinitesimal monadological framework has the potential to renovate human knowledge-formations on revolutionary foundations - extinguishing paradox through deep coherence with subjective facts. Of course, realizing this grand vision will require immense interdisciplinary research efforts. But the prospective rewards of a paradox-free mathematics and logic justifying our civilization's greatest ambitions are immense.


The string theory is correct the second one( Dark matter and energy) are a scientists dream pipe; and that’s it. Please don’t mix Dark matter with antimatter. Two different subjects.


I always thought space was just conjectured.


The inflation field never stopped but the Big Bang came after (because the inflation field froze on its edges but the internal expansion didn't stop and this exploded) and expands more slowly within the inflation field. Density pushes into the inflation field and causes spin, mass, form etc....


I have an exciting old theory that is now an observation. There is no need to modify gravity. Less gravity accelerates time and inflates distance both of which accelerate causation making everything move faster including lightspeed while maintaining the speed of light 186, 000 miles per second. The concept is so simple at least for mechanically minded people. If you change the size of a cubit, you will change the size of the house that you build with it. If instead of driving 60 kilometers an hour you drive 60 miles an hour, you will increase your speed because you increased the distance that you traveled in an hour. Then if you change from 60 miles an hour to 60 miles in half an hour, you increased your speed again because you traveled 60 miles in a faster time. General relativity is no longer a theory, it is an observation. Distance expands with less gravity and time speeds up with less gravity effectively making everything faster including light without breaking the speed of light.

The redshift is due to the accumulation of mass the farther away the galaxy is. The vacuum ("dark") energy is the opposite of inflation. It's now being associated with supermassive black holes that are growing as they absorb spacetime. Dark matter is unnecessary when the effects of the drop off of gravity over great distances is taken into account. Time speeds up outside of galaxies and distance is inflated. Both changes in time and distance result in a much faster causation than where we are inside of a galaxy.

Our black hole is unique. It's relatively quiet. It's not exceptionally big. It's center is still farther away from us than the most distant galaxy detected by JWST. It seems quite apparent that it is dragging spacetime around causing things to move at relativistic speeds. It also grows by drawing in spacetime. That is the reason for the vacuum energy of outer space considering all of the other supermassive black holes around the universe. It's not massive enough to blueshift redshifted light from other massive galaxies, at least from where we are in the galaxy. Our black hole is just right. The gravity from our black hole drops off considerably outside of our galaxy allowing time to speed up and for distance to inflate making the causality of everything to exist at a faster rate including lightspeed, while always maintaining the speed of light C. It's only the measures of time and distance that change, which change the speed of light compared to other places that are closer to the black hole.


Say we have lived on 3rd Dimension, it means this events won't happen because it is in 4th Dimension. But what I found interesting was these two objects are similar to each other and have such a special boundaries. Idk 😂


Equations don't happen without distribution and transformation


I always thought string theory was related to gravitational waves ?


Uh oh, Sheldons not going to be happy!


Michio Kakka is a tv personality what the heck are you mentioning such non entities for


All energy is in constant distribution and transformation everything even social energy and how we think
Mabey it is all just our imaginations


Correct.all is imagined . the only true reality is nothing forever.sugest reading Jed mckenna books


As a Hindu according to our mythology we believe everything is generated from a sound wave called " Omm " the Omm sign is - 🕉️


Is distribution and transformation our imaginations


I'm so sick of subjective opinions


It's only a theory. Never has been a fact.


Dark matter is there we just can't see it


The universe was not here by chance god created the universe it's that simple. You don't need all of these Goofy theories.
