Why Quantum Mechanics Is an Inconsistent Theory | Roger Penrose & Jordan Peterson

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Dr. Peterson recently traveled to the UK for a series of lectures at the highly esteemed Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. This conversation was recorded during that period with Sir Roger Penrose, a British mathematical physicist who was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for “discovering that black hole formation is a robust predictor of Einstein’s general relativity.” Moderated by Dr. Stephen Blackwood.



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I can’t believe he’s in his 90s. He has such vitality and curiosity. Impressive human being.


I didn't realise until now that not only is Sir Roger Penrose still alive but is still active in the field of mathematical physics, truly a legend


As a mathematical physics student, Dr. Penrose is one of my favorite scientists/mathematicians if not my favorite. It is a bit sad to know he likely won’t be around too much longer, yet it is good to know that he has had a long and successful life.


5:25 "because my mind was drifting away from what he was saying... which was probably a good thing" 😂


90 years old! And to be so brilliant still. We should all take notice, and keep pushing ourselves to explore the outer limits of our intelligence, no matter what our numerical age.


My brain doesn't always follow along, but I could listen to Sir Roger all day. Such an intelligent man.


Honest, brilliant, articulate and always on point. He explains highly complex equations and theories in a way that a layman like myself can understand. Genius.


One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone says there was a “study” that “proved” something we were debating about as if that should be the end of discussion. If you’ve ever listened to a panel of experts you know science is full of competing ideas and theories.


This man is 11 years older than Joe Biden


It's incredible that Penrose is this sharp at his age. Shows the importance of continuing to mentally expand throughout life. Love the full conversation from two brilliant men.


"You see, one thing is, I can live with doubt, and uncertainty, and not knowing. I think it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong. I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things. But I'm not absolutely sure of anything, and there are many things I don't know anything about, such as whether it means anything to ask why we're here, and what the question might mean. I might think about it a little bit; if I can't figure it out, then I go onto something else. But I don't have to know an answer. I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in the mysterious universe without having any purpose, which is the way it really is, as far as I can tell -- possibly. It doesn't frighten me." [smiles] -

Richard Feynman


When you're not looking at this comment, it explains all of quantum mechanics


True thinkers never appear to be 100% certain. Doubt is the true sign of being a real and genuine genius. They are never dogmatic and always debate their and other’s opinion with an open mind. They leave many doors and questions open.. because this is what drives us all....curiosity. Thank you Jordan for a delightful conversation.


I love how attentive Jordan is, you can see the appreciation and respect he has for Penrose, Which clearly anybody should do if given the opportunity to meet him regardless whether you agree with his views or not, and especially as it being that he is getting older. Well done, A+ for Jordan and A+ for Roger, both remarkable people.


Roger Penrose is an honest and courageous person, and obviously a great genius also.


I wish more people in society would enjoy and understand these topics!


It’s rare that Jordan feels completely out of his element - it was interesting to watch him attempt to connect philosophical thoughts he has been exploring with Penrose’s mathematical expression of reality. I’m not sure he was able to make an impactful connection tbh but I think pursuing it is noble and this pursuit will end up being the end game for all thinkers: to connect their philosophic ideas with hard science.


I love the fact that Jordan holds discussions on variety of topics on his channels, not just politics. His politics are great, just nice to hear different things.


The trouble with these sorts of discussions is that in order to properly explain them one has to dive into some abstract mathematics or concepts that are subtle and basically outside the realm of ordinary experience, yet Penrose has such a deep and complete understanding that he is able to relate these concepts in simple terms more or less comprehensible to us mere mortals. Leonard Susskind is another scientist with a similar gift.


Theoretical Physics Masters student here. I agree with Penrose, consciousness most certainly should not be required for a system to be observed. My view, is that anything that carries information away from the system is an observation on that system (e.g. consider a photon interacting with an atom and being scattered).

Interestingly, the collapse of the wave function and the Schrödinger equation have something in common, they are postulates of quantum mechanics. Meaning they are both taken without proof, it just so happens that the framework we derived from them agrees with a lot of experimental evidence
