Prospecting Tips: Make More Sales Without Looking Salesy (Network Marketing 2020)

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Prospecting Tips: Make More Sales Without Looking Salesy (Network Marketing 2020)


If you're looking for ways to make more sales in your Network Marketing business and get customers online (or reps in your downline) without looking sales or annoying, this video is filled with prospecting tips to help you find network marketing leads and turn them into sales.

Of course you want to make more sales in Network Marketing, but that doesn't mean you have to learn how to become a better salesman or use better mlm recruiting tips.

Most of the time when I was searching for mlm recruiting secrets and ways to become a better "sales closer" I realized it was more about becoming a better listener and hearing what my prospects' were looking for. What problems do they have? What do they need?

This might seem like some simple sales prospecting tips for network marketing recruiting, but most Network Marketers are eager to get sales and skip right past this and end up looking salesy on social media.

if you follow these three prospecting tips to make more sales in your Network Marketing business, you'll have more fun in your business and it won't ever feel like selling. It'll feel more like you're taking care of your prospect and THEY will actually feel taken care of as well.

Network Marketing Prospecting Tips #1: Listen to what they want

To make more sales and recruit in MLM, you need to listen to what your MLM prospect wants. Be a little investigator and dig for answers. By doing this, you can easily match what your Network Marketing leads needs are with one of your products or even your Network Marketing business.

Network Marketing Prospecting Tips #2: Use your tools!

Now that you know what your prospects need, point them to a tool (video, recorded call, webinar) that explains your product or Network Marketing opportunity.

This was one of the biggest MLM recruiting secrets that I found works best. I use to really struggle with how to find customers online and when I did, I would "blabber" all about the details and eventually lose the sale. When pointing prospects to a tool, you'll find that this is exactly how to succeed in network marketing fast and a prospecting strategy that all Top MLM Leaders use to recruit and make more sales in Network Marketing.

Network Marketing Prospecting Tips #3: Follow Up

I'm sure you've heard that one of the biggest network marketing tips for guaranteed success is that the "fortune is in the follow up," right?

Well, it's true.

I'll be sure to make a video on mlm recruiting tips for following up with prospects later on, but the key network marketing recruiting follow ups is simply asking what they liked about what they saw, going over any questions, and then seeing if they want to either move forward or move on.

Most Network Marketing reps feel funny about this in their sales prospecting process, but don't be. You've done all the hard work, now go for the sale and sign up.

I hope these three sales prospecting tips have helped you make more sales and recruit without looking salesy in your Network Marketing business.

If you're looking for more network marketing training 2020 on how to use prospecting on social media, I recommend subscribing!



0:00 Intro
0:58 Story of Bad Salesman
2:17 Prospecting Tips #1
3:07 Prospecting Tips #2
3:53 Prospecting Tips #3
5:21 Outro



“How To Use Facebook For Recruiting In Network Marketing”:

"Effective Social Media Content Ideas To Get Leads In Network Marketing 2019":

"How To Share Your Sh*t In Your Network Marketing Journey":

“How To Use Facebook Groups For Business In Network Marketing”:



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Hi I'm from the Philippines and thank you so much for this infos plus freebies😊god bless you


Your videos are so helpful thank you 😊
I'm new to the channel so not sure if you might have covered this in a different video. When I started with my network marketing business the one thing that came up was to message 100-200 people a day via social media. I totally get that it's a numbers game but I have never been big on social media until I started with the business. So at first I started messaging my Facebook & IG friends, can't say that I have done the 100-200 per day but I did get clients but somehow I lost my momentum of sending so many messages and need a new strategy or way of approaching it so that I can still get sales and recruits and still enjoy what I'm doing. I absolutely love the company but need a new strategy I think. I also struggle a bit with the daily targets so how can I get clients and recruits every day?. If you have covered this in another video please do share, would love to check it out 😊

But thanks again for the content 😊
