How to let go the need to try and control EVERYTHING around you

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When you attach yourself mentally and emotionally to the expectations you have created in your own mind, it causes you to try and control everything around you. Learn to let go of trying to force reality to match your expectations.

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About Tertia
I am a certified feminine embodiment coach and embodiment teacher.

In my private coaching and online programs, I teach you to drop from your head into your body so you can take your nervous system out of survive into thrive, clearing the way for you to live a life that fills you with joy and be guided by your inner knowing instead of outside influence.

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Brilliant ! 👏🏼 Very helpful. helping me accept the present moment more.


It's difficult when you are always in control and others compliment you for it, they pressure you more and always rely on you, but nobody is there for you and nobody likes you for who you are, but only for how much you can give them. How much you can give = how much you are worthy. I don't see others in this way, but for sure I see myself and I'm just exhausted and tired.


"Focus on what you can influence." I love that! YES! Thank you!


Controlling individuals are in FEAR

Practice living in the moment, not on the past.

Its that abandoned inner child that rears it head in many aspects of our life.

Mindfulness, reminding yourself that you are no longer in the past, repeat your present age,
I am no longer a 3 year old who is afraid of my mother abandoning me
In this present moment I am a 50 year old women/man who no longer needs my mother to keep me safe, I am a free and safe 50 year old adult, I release the past, I forgive and let go of all the past that has not served me, I forgive myself and give myself permission to be an adult safe in my own mind. I am safe. It is safe to release and let go. I live myself.


I know all of this theoretically, as many people do. Its on the energetic level that is very hard to do. It includes to able to "Feel" everything, and people that control are often suppressing their feelings. They have chosen control to not having to feel. But learning how to feel is not so easy or not a quick thing to learn. I mean, what you say is all true, but thats something a lot of people already know, but find hard to execute on an energetic level....


I’ve always been like a parasite. I’d start into a new organizations and try to enforce my ideas, tell others how they should work, critique if they don’t do things that I do. Thanks I’m just now learning how I’ve always tried to be in control of everything.


Yes totally agree, its coming from a place of fear.


Control is great in areas of life where things actually depend on you, like your performance, reaching career goals or organizing your time. However, I think many of us have that same desire for control for things that are out of or control: like other people, finding a partner, other’s reactions. I know many sucessful people who are control freaks, but are lonesome for this reason. It is quite a journey to learn to let go of what you can’t control, and it may take many months or more, but it is worth it.


Seven years later and your video resonated with me❤Thank you!


after watching a few of your videos and finding them very helpful Ive started at the beginning. Even though I wish I could have heard these words 30 or 20 or even 10 years ago, I may not have been ready. Thanks for putting these here!


Thank you for this. I am a pretty realistic person but I definitely have some things I lean towards bring more idealistic. Those things I tend to obsess over and nit let go of and it's the things I have no control over.


thanks for sharing your knowledge Tertia, i am addicted to reacting to a certain situation negatively. i am gaining some control by feeling the fearful emotions and choosing to respond to them instead of react but sometimes i still hit my head on the wall.


i Have begun to realize that I am a control freak, and have found it difficult to Let Go. So your article was helpful. Thank You


Hownyou think things SHOULD be. Finally someone here addresses it corre tly. Thanks.


Your video was very helpful for me. Thank you so much!


This is great advice for work and home life.You can only advise people. You cannot control what people do.


Thanka for this. Ive had issues in my marriage with control and it pushwd my spouse away. It is rooted in fear for me.


Thanks for sharing, this was a new way of seeing this issue for me, and I can relate to it.. keep uploading😊


Damn you are good. I needed to hear this.


Thank you so much mam.. I needed to hear this so much
