Sola Scripture Doesn’t Work

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As a convert to Orthodoxy, and a former Lutheran, I can tell you Holy Tradition and Scripture are the True One Faith.
Everyday I thank the Lord for having me and my family find Orthodoxy.
Christ is in our midst!


It didn't even work in the beginning hence the Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli split.

And its even more laughable when groups that believe there was a "great apostacy" hold to it.


I like how this video explained that tradition informs interpretation of scripture.

That definitely helps my understanding of the Sola Scriptura debate.


Sola Scriptura is the one heresy from which all others originate.


Who was that scripture passed down from... drops the mic... 🙏


Actually, Sola Scriptura is the claim that the Scriptures are the only source of infallible authority, not the only source of authority at all.


I agree, but I have a small complaint. The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura here is a bit of a straw man, but not an unfounded one. The one presented is the oversimplified, absolutist take: Scripture alone for all direction, dogma, and instruction on the Christian life, all tradition to be rejected.
While Sola Scriptura has certainly devolved to mean this in many circles, this was not the original meaning. Sola Scriptura originally meant that Scripture is the sole benchmark by which all theology, tradition, instruction, and dogma were to be held. Scripture is the ultimate authority, not the only authority. All other forms of authority and teaching are given their validity by their foundation in Scripture.
Yes, the doctrine later devolved, but that I would argue is a fault of the theological traditions who have failed to maintain strong traditions, not a fault of the doctrine itself.
I see little to potentially no issue that the Orthodox would have with the original understanding.


It's tough for me, a lot of the stuff Catholicism demands I think is also in Orthodoxy. I need a break. I need just Jesus. So I may try to go more the Protestant route for a bit to try and save myself a bit, get the delusions out of my mind. Orthodoxy is probably the way though... I just can't fast and I can't trust priests with confession.


As a Protestant I agree with everything you say. But tradition isn’t equal to scripture. Tradition takes a back seat. This way I am able to condemn indulgences and still interpret scripture.


I remember when Santa Claus slapped Arius


This video doesn't really do anything to explain why Sola Scriptura is a "delusion", it just kind of explains sort of what it is and an argument one might make against it.


1517-1521: He lived a brief yet rich life.


Great Taken meme. Keep up the good work!


Your original definition of Sola Scriptura is a massive strawman. This video is an example of a massive fail that doesn't interact seriously with the best Reformed scholarship that defines, explains, and defends what we actually mean by Sola Scriptura.


Jesus Christ is Lord and I Love Him and His Holy Family 🙏 Viva Cristo Rey 💪🙏


You started off with a misrepresentation. Sola scriptura does not deny other authorities. But specifically says that only scripture is an infallible rule. Scripture is the sole infallible rule for the church .


Yes IT is, its lie or ever whorse half Truth


Taken from the book 'Thinking Orthodox' by Eugenia Constantinos with significant emphasis on the Orthodox Phronema. I recommended read for those trying to better understand the Orthodox Christian.

The Protestant Phronema: Sola Scriptura As we have seen, St. Paul emphasized a unity of thought and will, oneness of mind within the Church, formed by a common orientation toward the gospel and life in Christ. All Christians read and recognize the New Testament as authoritative. Christians also sincerely wish to be united with Christ and each other. Why is it then that all Christians do not share the same phronema? Saint Paul’s words instructing us to conform to a Christian phronema have not created Christian unity, even for those who attempt to follow his scriptural directives. Unity of faith and mind is not found among different types of Christians, even though we all share the same Scriptures and regard them as authoritative. This is because that which shapes one’s theological perspective is not the Scriptures themselves but the mindset through which one reads and applies those Scriptures. This is especially true in the Protestant tradition. Protestant adherence to Martin Luther’s dictum sola scriptura (“the Scriptures alone”) renders a unified phronema impossible. Luther was less extreme than his followers and maintained many traditional Catholic views. But sola scriptura became the dominant Protestant mantra and the most prominent characteristic of the Protestant phronema. But it is not only the Scriptures alone, but the Scriptures apart—apart from the Church, from any church authority or the authority of traditional interpretation. Sola scriptura is the most fundamental and foundational principle of the Protestant mindset: one can determine for oneself what the Scriptures mean. The claim, therefore, is in effect not just “the Scriptures alone” but “myself alone.” This is not the meaning of sola scriptura, but that is its effect, since Protestants recognize no other authority that might create guidelines for understanding Scripture. The Scriptures themselves are held to be the sole authority, but Scripture is not self-interpretive. It obviously cannot be, since even Protestants do not agree on its meaning. If the Scriptures were self-interpretive, everyone would arrive at the same conclusions and interpretations. Therefore, the unmistakable consequence of sola scriptura is the belief that everyone interprets the Scriptures for himself and presumes his interpretation is valid. The result is an astonishing variety of Protestant denominations and independent congregations. The Protestant Reformation revolved around the rejection of Catholic traditions that were denounced by the Reformers as errors and deviations from early Church belief and practice. The Reformers championed “the Scriptures alone, ” and the Catholic Church responded with “Scripture and Tradition.” Because the Catholics insisted on the authority of Tradition, the concept of Tradition as the basis for anything in the Church came to be rejected in the Protestant world. Now “the very antitraditionalism of the Reformation has itself become a tradition.”2


Damn, Martin Luther did not live very long! 😂😂😂


Im so sick of "modern" interpretation of life.
Yes we shouldn't kill non believers but non married sex is a sin!
