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Title: Rediscovering The Role of the Church, God’s Government on Earth.

Title: 7 Fundamental Principles of Citizens of God’s Kingdom Government

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Thank you and Be blessed in Jesus Name , Amen.
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God bless you


Well said ... I say ... "We accept the promise "at" immersion.


Not only that brother but also we are surrounded by water in the womb and break it to enter our life. So too our new life in Christ we must be submerged in water to enter the new life, but not by the womb but by the tomb (death with Christ) and as you said resurrection with him.


Very well done! Very clear very biblical! Praise the Lord!


I got a bigger question.
In John 20:17 Jesus tells his female disciple on the day he was resurrected from death, NOT to touch him because he had not....yes... *HAD NOT yet* ascended to his
SO why do people keep using the thief on a cross as a support against the necessity of Water Baptism?
So where did Jesus go the day he died?
especially if after 3 days of being dead, he HAD NOT ascended to the Father.


This is why true believers in Jesus Christ are dead to the flesh & dead to the OT Law. We are alive in the Spirit of Christ.


Amen! Many say the death is at repentance, burial at baptism and resurrection at receiving the Holy Spirit, however this is not how the bible presents it. It is indeed in baptism that we die, are buried and rise in Christ.


I was Baptised *by the Holy Spirit the moment I read and BELIEVED the gospel of my salvation* like God showed me in His word.

Ephesians 1:13; 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

NOT because I decided to get my hair wet.

I read in my kjBible that on the cross, God was in Christ Jesus, not charging our sins against us, but placed all our sins on Jesus.

Jesus was made THE PERFECT substitutionary sacrifice for sins to appease the soon wrath of God upon an unbelieving world.

Jesus died for our sins according to scripture, was buried *with* our sins, and three days later arose *without* my sins.

Getting my hair wet, walking the isle, kneeling at the alter, or rubbing the rosery had NOTHING to do with getting my sins forgiven.

No amount of crying tears, holding on, getting my life right, or letting go forgave my own sins either.

The moment I simply agreed with God that ALL my sins were forgiven on the cross, he was buried WITH my sins, and rose again three days later WITHOUT my sins, I was sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption.

"And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." - Ephesians 4:30 KJV

TODAY is the day of *salvation.*
All your sins were already forgiven at the cross.

2 Corinthians 5:18, 19
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Romans 16:25

Want to be saved and go to heaven?

Its NOT about what you do in your flesh, its because of WHAT and WHO you BELIEVE.

On the cross, God was in Christ no longer charging our sins against us. He reconciled himself to us.

Now believe, and be ye reconciled back to God and be SAVED!

Believe today, and heaven is your home.

Ephesians 2:8, 9 Says salvation is NOT of yourselves. Not of any fleshly works, but by simply believing that what Jesus has already accomplish for us, was enough.

Hope this helps.

Truth Time Radio channel on yt can help you understand how to study your kjBible.

Grace and peace


Great!! Would you also mind doing a video on the issue on original sin, connected to baptism?


So is water baptism literal or just a metaphor . Do I actually need to go get water baptized I have already repented and believed Jesus is who he says he is
