What is Water Baptism?

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Curious about why water baptism is so important? In this video, we'll explore the significance of baptism as a profession of faith and its symbolic meaning in Christianity.

00:00 // Intro
00:18 // Thought #1. Baptism Is Commanded
01:06 // Thought #2. Baptism Is A Picture Of Death & Resurrection
03:37 // Thought #3. Baptism Should Affect Our Life
05:57 // Thought #4. Baptism Is For Believers
07:02 // Thought #5. Baptism Should Probably Be Full Immersion
08:53 // Thought #6. Baptism Should Be Prioritized
10:23 // Thought #7. Baptism Is Not Needed To Be Saved
12:46 // Outro




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I’m getting baptized tomorrow!! All glory to God🤲🏽✝️


I’m planning my baptism now. It’s going to be such a special event for me but I’m scared of falling to sin afterwards. Above all else I trust in God and Jesus and this video was another sign I’m on the right path. Thank you 🙏🏽


To everybody reading this: last 2 nights my mother has been in CCU for failing lungs and other effects from her chemo and cancer. She’s 47 and I’m 17 with younger sibling as well. We were told she had seconds to hours to live without the ventilator last night and that she couldn’t live without it due to fluids in the lungs. I opened the book of John to a random page and it was the story of Lazarus. She suddenly started emptying her kidneys. She over the night slowly overcame and is now safely off the ventilator, many prayers and hours later but we’re on edge.

We need very specific prayers and I’m sorry to ask you guys but I really need her in my life. So please pray : her lungs continue to work, her liquids and neufrostomy empty correctly, her mind stays with us and her soul stays here to brighten this earth

It sucks to know Christ is pulling on her and I feel ashamed for pulling back, but please pull with me and beg him that her staying with us is in his will. Nothing without God. Amen and bless you all.


My pastor gave a great sermon on baptism; had the waters set up and nobody was signed up to enter, when usually there are a handful. He said baptism is the direct response we should have when we are called by the Gospel, and in his sermon, I was absolutely called, along with 6 others!
He said baptism should be public, that our community should surround us when we declare our belief and ask to be baptized, which I agree was powerful and so full of love!
In my nice Sunday clothes, I entered the waters and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, confirming my belief that He is the son of God, that he died and rose on the 3rd day for our sins.
I turned from my lame habits and earthly addictions and started a new life in Christ, and have never been more full of joy and peace.
King Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life! Amen!


I felt a lot of guilt since the last Sunday. During the week, I realized Jesus truly opened my eyes, and now I see what I was wrong on, so many sins I repent in my life, I feel dirty.

Across the week I began to read the Bible by myself, I ended a quarter of Genesis so far, and I can say The Bible truly gives me joy.

And not only that, God has provided me with various means to learn from him; Bible guides, recommended prayers, and YouTube videos that also spread his word. Especially your channel. Your way to show Bible verses is amazing, it truly feels it means something, because it does.

Tomorrow I'm getting baptized, and I always knew it wasn't what I needed to go to heaven, but a step I, as a Christian and Son of God, must take.

Thanks again, I am sure that your channel is a blessing that God gave me to learn from him, and to be able to follow him. God bless you, and all of us, Amen.


I getting baptised tomorrow and im so excited


My dad was talking to a priest because we do not go to church at the minute, but i still pray every night and love god and im getting baptized soon!!


I'm getting baptized today... thank you Jesus ‼️


I’ll be honest, I have been wrestling with this subject for a long time. I grew up in a church that said we don’t need it, and of course that is true, but it did not encourage it. Due to that early bias I developed, my heart was hardened completely against baptism. But recently I have been seeking god more, and I feel him calling me to it. Please pray for me so I can have the courage to pursue this. Thanks.


"Remember me, when you come into your kingdom"

True faith and love for our LORD.


I’m literally getting baptized today 🙌


Our church has had many baptisms over the past few months. It’s a wonderful experience and some even come back to church. Can some of you pray for these new people to keep coming back and to eventually be saved :)


This is so awesome and just in time! My wife and I are getting baptized tomorrow!!! God is good and faithful!!


Lord I come to you asking for your blessings as a single mom because I’m losing faith. I’m raising my children with courage, despite the challenges I face. Both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Lord give me strength as I struggle to pay my rent every month and as I struggle to buy groceries for my children I’m ashamed Lord help me. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own.❤️


I always say that baptism is the "yes, I want" of a wedding.


In the past year I have completely recommitted my life to Jesus, after getting it wrong for so long. My good friend has too. We’re planning our “Redemption Baptisms” right now, and I cannot wait to be baptized again! 🙏


I love the fact that this man draws jesus like a normal person. Instead of some overly serious guy who seams to never smile or act normally. I love that fact ♥️🙏


Wow! I really needed this message tdy. I’ve always been against baptism because I didn’t see any real meaning in it. The church promotes it as if dipping your body in water gives you some type of super power that makes you more like Jesus. But now I understand that baptism doesn’t save you but symbolizes it and is a public declaration of your faith. Now that I understand what baptism is I’ve decided that I will get baptized as a declaration of my faith to the church and my family and to be an example for them. Thnx so much for this message!


Getting baptized this Sunday, and I'm super excited, but also nervous. I know I'm going to fall to sin again as I actively struggle with addiction (I smoke weed to help deal with chronic pain and severe anxiety that borders on paranoia), but I want a better relationship with Christ in any way I can, so that I lose the desire to sin all together. God did it for me with masterbation already, something I never saw myself stopping, and I trust that if I just keep working on getting closer to God, closer to Jesus in the way He wants me to, that He will make it happen for my addiction, too. Idunno if He'll make my pain or anxiety go away, but I trust He'll figure all that out in time. All I know is, I'm ready to die to my flesh, and be reborn in the name and image of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to live as close to Him as possible.


I just got baptized this year and it was vary powerful!
