How to BREAK a Weight Loss PLATEAU *WITHOUT* Cutting Calories

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How to break through a weight loss plateau without decreasing calories!

But plateaus are not fun.

They can be demoralizing and frustrating. They often make you wonder what you’re doing wrong and you blame yourself for the stall. Even though you know that you are not going to lose weight every single day, it can still be incredibly disheartening to see that the scale hasn’t moved. And it’s easy to let your emotions change your actions. To see that the scale hasn’t budged in a few days and let your thoughts spiral into, “This isn’t working. Something is wrong. The diet stopped working. I need to stop eating entirely. I’ll add an extra three hours of cardio per week.” etc, etc, etc. But this is where people go wrong and crash diet and end up causing themselves to regain *all* the weight.

This video gives you 10 different ways to break through a fat loss plateau to lose more weight WITHOUT decreasing your calorie intake


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BRAINS & GAINS - workout program

Why cardio isn't optimal for fat loss:

Training with your menstrual cycle:











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missfitandnerdy, weight loss plateau, break a plateau, how to break a plateau, how to break a weight loss plateau, how to lose weight, how to keep losing weight, fat loss, weight loss, fat loss plateau, what to do when your weight loss plateaus, what to do when you hit a plateau, weight loss plateau breaker, break plateau,pleateau,How to Break Through Fat Loss Plateaus

Please do your own research on any supplement/food product mentioned before adding it to your own diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions that may be a contraindication for the food or supplement.

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Gotta love this woman, every time I have some weird issue with my cut, and I mean every time. I look into it online she's the only one that I can find that actually answered my questions without repeating the same dumb shit that all the other YouTubers are saying. Bless this 👑. ❤😊


All I did to lose 80 lbs in a year was follow Marisa's first bit of advice hear. She said it before over a year ago, and I took it to heart. I didn't change my diet at all. I walked stretched, and I practiced one exercise at a time apart from the obligatory walking and stretching most every day. Very low stress on the system, very low impact on my joints, undeniable results. Exelent Marisadum! Used misfitandnerdy and a handful of other wemon as my fitspo even though I'm a guy kinda. 😆 hell, it worked.


When I plateau I have to literally positively self talk my way out of being discouraged lol I try to pay more attention to other metrics of progress like my sleep improving, lower resting heart rate, my heart rate variability, body composition, and how my cycle feels. If all these things are good, I try not to worry about the scale


I have quit several times before after hitting a plateau at 5/6 months, and your video is so helpful. I'm a month in to losing 130 lbs and have lost 10% of that so far, along with inches and a noticeable increase in strength and cardio fitness. I'm trying to do things differently with a different mindset, so that fat loss becomes easy rather than this all-consuming, difficult thing. So far, it's working, and things do feel different this time than they ever have in the past. Basically it just feels like normal life, but the weight is coming off. That seems right.

Knowing that the plateau is coming, this video is super helpful. I am tracking my weight loss, measurements, and fitness level with a spreadsheet rather than an app this time. It's been a game changer, as I can set multiple weight loss goals (average per week, percentage of body weight), as well as see projected averages all the way to my goal weight for each goal, and see other metrics, which all lets me succeed in multiple ways even if the weight loss slows down or I gain weight one week (or month!).

I also have a column with notes for myself for the future when things are hard, and I just put your tips into it so I can try them in a few months, when I know I will need them. My current and future self thanks you!


Those are great tips! Love the top! 💙 Right now for me to break through a plateau I’m going to stop cutting for 3-4 weeks and do an extra 30 minutes of walking with a backpack full of books and eat more fibrous vegetables. 🔥🥦


Those are amazing tips!! Thank you so much for the video currently battling with some imbalance in health😊


Fab! Who would have thought there were this many actions you could take without lowering calories? Thank you!


In my plateau, I only eating 3 M&M's. Thank God I saw this upload. I've been so hungry!

Thank you Marisa!


Buy a smart scale! It has kept my spirits up more than anything. My weight went up? Well my body fat % has gone down. My muscle mass has gone up, no worries! It seriously changed my relationship with the scale.


This is great advice. I’ve tried various diets of varying efficacy, and I’ve found they’ve had all one thing in common – they stop being effective after a few weeks! I’ve learned since that plateaus happen in large part due to higher cortisol levels, lower testosterone levels, and metabolic adaptation over the longer term. One thing that’s kept this at bay I’ve been trying is standardized hot-water Tongkat Ali root extract. It’s helped keep my stress levels and hormone levels in balance even in light of caloric restriction and my metabolism’s never felt faster! I don’t feel as cranky or irritable anymore either, which is a great bonus.


This is actually what i need ryt now ❤❤😊


This shirt matches with your eye color wow💙 you look like a summer palette person 💙


I’ve hit a plateau after losing 9 pounds (I’ve about 25-30 pounds to lose). Going to try a higher cal day once a week for a little while, and add some more squats etc to my routine to switch things up a bit. I’m not a gym bunny, and work part in the office and part at home, so my routine has to be flexible and work around that, and my dislike of exercise😂


This couldnt have come at a better time 😂


I had a weight drop as soon as my second child went back to sleeping through the night which means I had more unbroken sleep. Even though I didn’t have a difference in the amount of sleep, for me the sleep quality was messed up with getting up at least once a night even though I found ways to compensate. I kind of knew it was possibly the main contributor to my plateau, but that didn’t stop l me from constantly feeling like a failure for not dropping the weight despite doing everything “right”. Sleep is so important, recovery is important. I had hydration, diet and strength training down-pack but sleep was the real key for me. I also took the opportunity to do a different workout routine as soon as the plateau finally moved to capitalise and rejuvenate my attitude because it was cycling into my self esteem. It’s a process. Definitely feel “weight loss is not linear” it is a roller coaster journey 😂


Can somebody please help me? so I was in a calorie deficit and I think it became my maintenance calories now . I kinda freaked out for the past like five days. I’ve just been eating everything in sight in hopes to reverse time or something I don’t know lol. Now I’ve gone back to my original weight plus gained more weight. Where do I go from here? Do I have to accept my new maintenance calories? How do I get back to where I used to be?


Marissa! Help please! You say only a toddler should be eating 1200 calories but I feel thats the only way for me to lose weight. Let me explain: im 5’2, 125 pounds 30% body fat and want to get down to 120 ish and under ish 27% body fat in 10 weeks.
According to my research by daily burn without doing anything is about 1150 cal. My NEAT is about 200. And my workouts are about 300 (5-6days a week)
If 3500 cals is one pound of fat that means I need a 1750 weekly deficit. Divide that by 5 days (maintain on weekends) = 350 deficit per day
1150 + 200 + 300 - 350 = 1300

So I feel like on days where I workout I still can only have 1300 cals and thats still only losing .5 a week. 😢 if I miss a workout i can only have 1000 cals to keep myself in a deficit. (Also 120g of protein in 1000 is soo hard)
I work a desk job for 8-10 hrs a day and live in a very small condo so my daily movements even when I clean my whole house are small. I also live in Canada where its is below 0 for 60% of the year 🫠


I've been doing keto and after losing 30 lbs I've been stuck in a plateau for 2 weeks. My fasting glucose is also stuck at 130 when I used to get readings under 100. WTH man.


For someone that's used to doing HIIT(heart rate is elevated majority of the time, mostly explosive movements) 40 min like every other day of the week, what do you suggest in terms of breaking through the plateau?


Hope you are having an great and awesome day ❤
